So im a little partial… I f’d w/ him in LA pre-pandemic. Not really dating but just sort of fuck buds for maybe 3 months. He has a strange sense of humor so I’m sure he finds this whole thing funny. In reality he does have an unnaturally Big Dick (soft) and ngl, he is a great fck. More of the romantic vanilla type than some wild porn star but sex was always solid. He is super thick soft so he looks enormous in normal clothes but it’s probably a like 9.5 to 10 but not 10.5 and no way 12. It’s soo fat / wide when it’s soft you can’t help but notice in gym shorts so I think he just went with it since there were already full online forums created about it from non-sexual, legitimate, instructional workout videos he did. He just took control of the narrative and made a profit. Nice guy, funny guy, Great Dick, not a wild pornstar entertainer type but vanilla f*cks like a champ. Sorry your King Kong fantasies are ruined. Check his early real fitness stuff for the real meat, it is impressive.