Monstahmike vs Jesse Zane (Part 1)
In the following exciting fight, the magnificent Hercules-like giant Monstahmike meets the small and agile opponent Jesse Zane.
Montahmike laughs as little Jesse challenges him to a fight. He tells him to go home. He doesn't want to hurt him. But Jesse is persistent and pushes the big bodybuilder. Monstahmike is annoyed by little Jesse, who has disturbed his flexing, and finally starts the fight.
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At first, the big bodybuilder has full control. He throws little Jesse around like a plaything. The latter has no chance to hit back.
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But Jesse uses his agility to skillfully roll and dodge to absorb Monstahmike's powerful blows. The big bodybuilder wastes a lot of energy without doing much damage to Jesse.
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After a while, Monstahmike's great efforts begin to take their toll. The bodybuilder begins to sweat and his movements become slower and more cumbersome. Exhausted, Monstahmike puts his head back and asks little Jesse if he's had enough, hoping he'll say yes. But Jesse is just getting started and attacks the battered bodybuilder.
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After a few well-executed punches, Monstahmike falls to his knees, gasping. Jesse quickly jumps behind the giant and wraps his arm around the bodybuilder's muscular neck for a perfect sleeper hold. Monstahmike desperately tries to break free from the hold but his strength is rapidly draining and his eyes roll back.
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Finally, Monstahmike, who was so strong at first, falls limp in the arms of little Jesse. He finally drops the unconscious bodybuilder to the ground, places his foot on the strong chest and proudly throws himself into a victory pose.
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But Jesse is far from finished with the cocky bodybuilder. He wakes Monstahmike up again, helps him to his feet and leans him against the wall. Then Jesse begins to break the bodybuilder's abs with targeted blows. Monstahmike tries to fight back, but he is still too weak from the loss of oxygen and is further weakened by the renewed attack. Finally, Jesse ends the beating of the abs with a heart punch that shakes the bodybuilder's body to the core.
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After the heart punch, Monstahmike is so weakened that Jesse has no problem getting another sleeper hold. The bodybuilder's strong arms immediately become heavy and fall down as Jesse tightens his grip to cut off the oxygen supply again. Monstahmike staggers and ...
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... finally falls to his knees. His eyesight becomes cloudy and his eyes roll back from lack of oxygen. The once mighty bodybuilder is unable to counter little Jesse.
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Monstahmike finally loses consciousness. His strong, bulging muscles go limp and his broken six-pack hangs out. He is completely helpless and at the mercy of little Jesse.
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To be continued ...
What do you think will happen next? Can Monstahmike turn the tide and fight back to avoid an agonizing defeat? Or will little Jesse get the upper hand and continue to dominate the bodybuilder, eventually leading him to his most humiliating defeat yet.
Share your thoughts with us here in the thread!