The Current Attack on LGBTQ+

2. Homos are triggered very easily and hates the opposites opinions more than anyone else. They only want to hear what they believe in.
What they believe in? You mean they just want to exist without being called groomers. Or being told they're going to hell. Or being told they're as 'sinful' as murderers.

Don't expect the mainstream society to accept you when you are not sure what exactly you are fighting for. Labeling people 'homophobic' is not going to win you anything.
Bruh all you have to do is look at the film Eternals (Marvel Studios). Banned in multiple Middle Eastern countries for having a gay relationship. When it was announced on twitter the comments were filled with "W, stop forcing sexuality into our faces" wanna know something ironic and funny? The same film had an explicit sex scene between two straight characters. It also had multiple straight relationships.
if we could perceive some subtle nuance and resist the polarization, we could have it all, you know. We could stand up against homophobic attitudes and legislation AND stand up against predators/groomers in the gay and trans communities, and realize these things don't have to contradict each other. Unless you do think they contradict each other, in that case it's hard not to interpret that logic as that it's the predators you're protecting, not homosexuals or trans people.
if we could perceive some subtle nuance and resist the polarization, we could have it all, you know. We could stand up against homophobic attitudes and legislation AND stand up against predators/groomers in the gay and trans communities, and realize these things don't have to contradict each other. Unless you do think they contradict each other, in that case it's hard not to interpret that logic as that it's the predators you're protecting, not homosexuals or trans people.
Literally give me statistics that show the amount of predators/groomers in our community, I'll wait. Meanwhile I can give dozens, if not hundreds, of articles of str8 ppl grooming, raping and killing kids. Y'all love to spit sh*t out without proving anything. Literally, just look at the church
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Education isn't working....I started a LGBTQ+ advocacy page on FB recently - and the one thing I've noticed that never really ocurred ot me before...

Almost all the profiles that shout out 'groomer', 'stay away from our kids', post anti-trans stuff....if you look at their profile (most don't know how to lock the down), they are all into conspiracy theories, chemtrails, WEF, anti-vaxx, QAnon and Trump.

They are beyond education. Even when I provide proper credible evidence that gay men are not the main culprits for child abuse, from multiple sources, the won't read it or think it's all a plot against them.

They are beyond redemption.
Education isn't working....I started a LGBTQ+ advocacy page on FB recently - and the one thing I've noticed that never really ocurred ot me before...

Almost all the profiles that shout out 'groomer', 'stay away from our kids', post anti-trans stuff....if you look at their profile (most don't know how to lock the down), they are all into conspiracy theories, chemtrails, WEF, anti-vaxx, QAnon and Trump.

They are beyond education. Even when I provide proper credible evidence that gay men are not the main culprits for child abuse, from multiple sources, the won't read it or think it's all a plot against them.

They are beyond redemption.
There will always be homophobia and transphobia. It doesn't matter how much you try to educate or provide sources of information. People use religion as an excuse to discriminate and if you call them out on it they say "it goes against my religious beliefs" and then you're seen as the hateful person for not respecting their disrespect. The same people who don't want LGBTQ+ history being taught advocate for Christianity to be taught in which they cover gender (Adam and Eve) and also sexuality (homosexuality being a sin).
evil is equal opportunity. you're damn naive if you think every gay person is harmless. No one's saying to ignore the predators among the church or hetero families, or that there's more among gay people. It's probably equal in proportion. But I do think, as gay people ourselves, that it's our responsibility to hold our own accountable. Especially since the originators and biggest voices of Queer Theory are all people who believed in abolishing the age of consent and normalizing incest: Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Gayle Rubin, Pat Califia, John Money (who invented the term "gender identity"), Robert Hagge (who originally designed the trans flag), Valkmar Sigusch (who coined the term "cisgender"). It's upon their philosophies that the gender ideology that is taking over schools are in fact based, you can do some research on what these people believed in to see how problematic they are, to put it lightly. Trust me, it's not because of bigotry that I don't want those voices representing the gay community.
Literally give me statistics that show the amount of predators/groomers in our community, I'll wait. Meanwhile I can give dozens, if not hundreds, of articles of str8 ppl grooming, raping and killing kids. Y'all love to spit sh*t out without proving anything. Literally, just look at the churc
At the risk of being attacked or even having this thread blocked, I have a few opinions that may not be appreciated.

What's happened lately politicially isn't good and respresents some steps back in progress.

Corporations primarily took over Pride Month to sell merchandise, which doesn't bother me, but people should remember its about money more than support.

My background is public health and I actually think it's not a bad thing to have a person under 18 wait to receive the medical aspect of gender affirming care. Reason being there is still too many unanswered questions about the longer term implications.

It's a weird time to be in America.
Corporate America is in a race to see who can be the most woke because of BlackRock and this whole ESG score thing. They have to prove that they are environmentally and socially conscious so BlackRock won't ban their shares from theier exchange traded funds for being "ESG violaters". So yeah it is all about the money. I am pretty sure this is the exact reason for AB Inbev's recent trans stuidity.

I work for a publicly traded global company that sells used heavy machinery, trucks and farm equipment and they have gone all out on celebrating pride month. They had a bunch of rainbow flag baseball caps made with the company logo on them and you could request a free hat and then you were supposed to take a selfie of you wearing your pride hat and email it to them so they could post the photos up on the company website. The whole thing is just utterly ridiculous. Who knows maybe they emailed the photos of their emloyees wearing their pride hats to Larry Fink (the CEO of BlackRock) to prove that they were worthy of his mutual funds.

A while back they sent out an email asking for volunteers to be on their "LGBTQ+ steering committee. I was tempted to sign up so I could tell them that: "as one of your LGBT employees I think you should quit trying so hard to prove that you are woke and end this insanity and stick to selling used machinery and trucks." I suspect that if I did that I'd be shown the door pretty quickly.
evil is equal opportunity. you're damn naive if you think every gay person is harmless. No one's saying to ignore the predators among the church or hetero families, or that there's more among gay people. It's probably equal in proportion. But I do think, as gay people ourselves, that it's our responsibility to hold our own accountable. Especially since the originators and biggest voices of Queer Theory are all people who believed in abolishing the age of consent and normalizing incest: Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Gayle Rubin, Pat Califia, John Money (who invented the term "gender identity"), Robert Hagge (who originally designed the trans flag), Valkmar Sigusch (who coined the term "cisgender"). It's upon their philosophies that the gender ideology that is taking over schools are in fact based, you can do some research on what these people believed in to see how problematic they are, to put it lightly. Trust me, it's not because of bigotry that I don't want those voices representing the gay community.

There are enough people in positions of power that hate/dislike/disapproves of Gay and Trans communities enough that they will jump at any opportunity to punish them for doing anything illegal, real or imagined.

Also, when you say "it's probably equal in proportion" can you give us the exact numbers that would justify that assessment? Because there are plenty of articles and studies that suggest the biggest perpetrators are overwhelming heterosexual men. Even in the case of Men who abuse children, there are studies that suggest those men see themselves in the boys they abuse which is why they can feel comfortable doing that despite not being attractive to men.

If we're talking anecdotal experience, i've been a criminal defense investigator for approximately 6 years now. Of all the sexual abuse cases I've worked on, the alleged accused were predominately straight men.

There is a twitter profile that posts DAILY updates of arrested groomers and predators

As admirable as it sounds to say you want to hold your own community accountable, when you don't give that same energy to the churches and the hetero families, you are letting them off the hook by omission. If this is about protecting the kids, shouldn't we be looking at the full data? And be advocating for the best legislation to address that?
There will always be homophobia and transphobia. It doesn't matter how much you try to educate or provide sources of information. People use religion as an excuse to discriminate and if you call them out on it they say "it goes against my religious beliefs" and then you're seen as the hateful person for not respecting their disrespect. The same people who don't want LGBTQ+ history being taught advocate for Christianity to be taught in which they cover gender (Adam and Eve) and also sexuality (homosexuality being a sin).

It's gaslighting 101.

Republicans in Utah made great efforts to ban any books in school that were deemed inappropriate based on violence, sexual content, etc, and were upset when that resulted in the Bible being banned by those same rules. They then criticized the school district that upheld the very laws they legislated for and passed.

Republican lawmakers attack Utah school district that banned the Bible for ‘embarrassing’ the state

Just like homophobia and transphobia will always exist, we also have to accept there are people in our community who will side with the bigots in hopes of gaining their approval/acceptance
There are enough people in positions of power that hate/dislike/disapproves of Gay and Trans communities enough that they will jump at any opportunity to punish them for doing anything illegal, real or imagined.

Also, when you say "it's probably equal in proportion" can you give us the exact numbers that would justify that assessment? Because there are plenty of articles and studies that suggest the biggest perpetrators are overwhelming heterosexual men. Even in the case of Men who abuse children, there are studies that suggest those men see themselves in the boys they abuse which is why they can feel comfortable doing that despite not being attractive to men.

If we're talking anecdotal experience, i've been a criminal defense investigator for approximately 6 years now. Of all the sexual abuse cases I've worked on, the alleged accused were predominately straight men.

There is a twitter profile that posts DAILY updates of arrested groomers and predators

As admirable as it sounds to say you want to hold your own community accountable, when you don't give that same energy to the churches and the hetero families, you are letting them off the hook by omission. If this is about protecting the kids, shouldn't we be looking at the full data? And be advocating for the best legislation to address that?
when i say proportion, i mean proportion, not an equal number. There's less gay and trans people so there's less gay and trans criminals. the proportion of criminal to non criminal in gay communities is likely equal to the proportion of criminal to non criminal in the far larger data pool of heterosexual people. (you do understand the difference between proportion and quantity, right?) and I don't know these statistics for sure, of course, but I do think it is safe to assume, since I don't believe that sexual orientation is at all an indicator of whether or not you have a criminal personality. Do you believe it's an indicator?

generally though i feel your post is a reiteration of the one that mine was a reply to. I specifically said that I'm not ingoring or omitting the reality of predators in churches and hetero families. Why are people so intent on claiming that I am? Sometimes it just feels like strawman argument shit.

and you also didn't address the long list I gave of academic influencers in the field of gender ideology and queer theory that are factually groomers in that they have explicitly written text encouraging the abolition of age of consent and the normalizing of incest. You seemed to brush right over that in your response and I even wonder if you read my post that you quoted.
Corporate America is in a race to see who can be the most woke because of BlackRock and this whole ESG score thing. They have to prove that they are environmentally and socially conscious so BlackRock won't ban their shares from theier exchange traded funds for being "ESG violaters". So yeah it is all about the money. I am pretty sure this is the exact reason for AB Inbev's recent trans stuidity.

I work for a publicly traded global company that sells used heavy machinery, trucks and farm equipment and they have gone all out on celebrating pride month. They had a bunch of rainbow flag baseball caps made with the company logo on them and you could request a free hat and then you were supposed to take a selfie of you wearing your pride hat and email it to them so they could post the photos up on the company website. The whole thing is just utterly ridiculous. Who knows maybe they emailed the photos of their emloyees wearing their pride hats to Larry Fink (the CEO of BlackRock) to prove that they were worthy of his mutual funds.

A while back they sent out an email asking for volunteers to be on their "LGBTQ+ steering committee. I was tempted to sign up so I could tell them that: "as one of your LGBT employees I think you should quit trying so hard to prove that you are woke and end this insanity and stick to selling used machinery and trucks." I suspect that if I did that I'd be shown the door pretty quickly.
What is Woke?
when i say proportion, i mean proportion, not an equal number. There's less gay and trans people so there's less gay and trans criminals. the proportion of criminal to non criminal in gay communities is likely equal to the proportion of criminal to non criminal in the far larger data pool of heterosexual people. (you do understand the difference between proportion and quantity, right?) and I don't know these statistics for sure, of course, but I do think it is safe to assume, since I don't believe that sexual orientation is at all an indicator of whether or not you have a criminal personality. Do you believe it's an indicator?

generally though i feel your post is a reiteration of the one that mine was a reply to. I specifically said that I'm not ingoring or omitting the reality of predators in churches and hetero families. Why are people so intent on claiming that I am? Sometimes it just feels like strawman argument shit.

and you also didn't address the long list I gave of academic influencers in the field of gender ideology and queer theory that are factually groomers in that they have explicitly written text encouraging the abolition of age of consent and the normalizing of incest. You seemed to brush right over that in your response and I even wonder if you read my post that you quoted.
Those in power who have the ability to arrest, prosecute, pass legislation and dictate the narrative are the people who have the influence to tell us who is more likely for criminal behavior, regardless of the data or pushback. And when there are people in power who have biases(malicious or not) they rely on people like you to muddy an already complex issue if it benefits them, even if it's at your expense.

You listed 7 people. 4 of them are likely dead at this point, and if you feel the remaining 3 should be arrested then please go after them. If they are factually groomers like you said, then i'm sure there are people who will be more than happy to investigate, arrest and prosecute them. Send your evidence to any republican official and they'll make that their campaign ticket lol

But regardless of what happens to them, you pointing the finger at them will not stop bigots in power from pointing the finger at You. As far as they're concerned, you're a groomer as well and there's nothing you can say or do that will stop them from going after you eventually. They would rather believe that Gay/Bi/Trans people are the biggest predators who should be prioritized over everyone else. And when you double down by mentioning proportions because you'd rather be right in your argument, you make it easier for them to look the other way, like they've been doing, and will continue to do.

And I genuinely believe (or at least want to believe) that you're making your argument in good faith, but I don't believe that the people who will weaponize your argument to hurt all of us are in good faith. That's what @Lukesilver and I are talking about.

Child marriages are still legal in 40 out of 50 states in the US as of last month. How could that be?

Child marriage is still prevalent across the U.S. Here’s why.
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The tide turned with the Me Too movement and extreme actions from minority groups. Revolution and acceptance take a long time to take effect, it takes but one little thing to turn the tide and so when people are blocked by a minority who have a different point of view - and do it vocally -the anti-feeling goes up. Discussion is healthy, stopping discussion is not.
The tide turned with the Me Too movement and extreme actions from minority groups. Revolution and acceptance take a long time to take effect, it takes but one little thing to turn the tide and so when people are blocked by a minority who have a different point of view - and do it vocally -the anti-feeling goes up. Discussion is healthy, stopping discussion is not.

Food for thought- if someone I cared about(example- minorities) was in an abusive relationship dynamic, I wouldn’t tell them their abuser was about to start treating them better but changed their mind because Minorities went too far with acting out. So now it’s only reasonable that their abuser will become even more abusive towards them because it takes just one little mistake that will turn the abuser off from treating minorities better.
Those in power who have the ability to arrest, prosecute, pass legislation and dictate the narrative are the people who have the influence to tell us who is more likely for criminal behavior, regardless of the data or pushback. And when there are people in power who have biases(malicious or not) they rely on people like you to muddy an already complex issue if it benefits them, even if it's at your expense.

You listed 7 people. 4 of them are likely dead at this point, and if you feel the remaining 3 should be arrested then please go after them. If they are factually groomers like you said, then i'm sure there are people who will be more than happy to investigate, arrest and prosecute them. Send your evidence to any republican official and they'll make that their campaign ticket lol

But regardless of what happens to them, you pointing the finger at them will not stop bigots in power from pointing the finger at You. As far as they're concerned, you're a groomer as well and there's nothing you can say or do that will stop them from going after you eventually. They would rather believe that Gay/Bi/Trans people are the biggest predators who should be prioritized over everyone else. And when you double down by mentioning proportions because you'd rather be right in your argument, you make it easier for them to look the other way, like they've been doing, and will continue to do.

And I genuinely believe (or at least want to believe) that you're making your argument in good faith, but I don't believe that the people who will weaponize your argument to hurt all of us are in good faith. That's what @Lukesilver and I are talking about.

Child marriages are still legal in 40 out of 50 states in the US as of last month. How could that be?

Child marriage is still prevalent across the U.S. Here’s why.
as i said in my first post in this thread, I don't trust conservative legislators to properly defend against gender ideology in schools without enacting authoritarian extremes that will hurt us all, so I can get behind a good deal of these points, the thing is I don't think defaulting to any us vs. them approach about it gets us any closer to a reasonable truth. It feels like a stalemate, especially when if I express what concerns me about queer theory and gender ideology in public school systems gets shut down based on the notion that "bad people will weaponize" what I'm saying. Bad people have the knack for weaponizing any talking point, is the proper response to that not saying anything at all? Maybe if everyone weren't afraid to say things that are nuanced and dynamic it wouldn't be so easy to polarize every talking point.

so the reason I listed the people that I did wasn't to say "these are some gay and trans people with predatory intent, they should be tried as individuals" but because those people are the sociologists whom wrote the texts in which the currect gender ideology movement that first spread into universities then trickled into public schools are based, the movement that is responsible for normalizing puberty blockers and having children announce their sexual orientation long before they're sexually active. I'm pointing out the movement has a seedy source. Should I not point that out because bigoted legislators will use those facts to attack all gay and trans people whether or not we agree with making it okay to compromise the healthy and safe hormonal development of children? or even worse, must we support compromising hormonal development, because if we don't, it means we're empowering bigots? Or, here's something to consider, is there even a possibility that the fact we're defending puberty blockers actually enough fodder for anti-gay weaponization, whether or I not claim to be against it?

anyway, thanks for not immediately antagonizing me in your posts and allowing for some good faith discussion.
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