The Dwindling

Dream Big

Superior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Washington (Washington, D.C., United States)
90% Gay, 10% Straight
It began with a dull ache all over.

I’d come back from a disappointing Pride and slept late, and when I woke up I felt pretty rough. The rattling around in the spare room startled me and when I sat up, I felt like I’d encountered a bus under less than ideal circumstances.

“What are you moaning about,” my sister said. She’d woken me up — I’d forgotten she was stopping by to grab some of our dads things — and as siblings do, she’d delighted in being extra noisy because she knew I’d been out late.


“Oh hell, you do look bad. Did we stay up too late partying with the gays last night?”

“I’ll have you know I caught an Uber back around midnight. It was too fucking hot, and I was tired of fighting the crowds,” I grumbled. “I didn’t even drink that much, not enough to justify how I feel, at least.”

“You’re such an old man, brother dear,” she said, pityingly.

“If I had earned a hangover that would be one thing, but I honestly didn’t. I’m 37, Darla. I know my limits.”

“Maybe you caught something. Didn’t make out with any patient zero types, did you?”

“Nope. The one guy I was sort of hitting it off with ghosted me and I got annoyed and left,” I said. “Maybe I picked up a flu bug.”

“You need anything?”

“Nah, I’m sure once I pound some orange juice and eat something and take my meds, I’ll be better.”

“Ok, I’m almost done digging up those photos for Donny.”

“Alright, I’m gonna go take a shit,” I said, “and probably go back to bed.”

I stumbled out of bed and staggered to the bathroom, where everything seemed a bit off. I felt dizzy, so I took no chances and sat down to take care of business. It seemed to take forever to empty everything out, and despite the relief it also just felt strange.

It was while I was washing my hands, staring bleary-eyed into the mirror to assess the damage, that I realized what was wrong. And I did what anyone in my situation would do; I shrieked like a little boy and sank slowly to the floor.


I woke to Darla splashing my face with water and shouting my name.

“Dennis! Holy fuck you scared me.”

“Sorry,” I replied weakly.

“Can you sit up?”

I nodded and that went well enough.

“You look terrible,” she said.

“You look like the piss boy,” I muttered.

“Don’t quote Mel Brooks movies at me. Can you stand?”

I considered. I was still feeling weird, but the room was no longer spiraling. Eventually I nodded, and Darla held out a hand to steady me. I stood. A bit unsteadily, it must be said, but I managed to stand up.

“Oh, shit,” she said, and sunk down to her haunches. “What the actual fuck?”

I looked down at my baggy clothing and it all hit me.

“Oh,” I said.


So, about me. I’m Dennis. I’m 37 and I have a very boring job crunching numbers by day. By night, I try to stay in shape, sing in a local gay choir, hang out with friends. I’ve managed to hold onto my looks and my hair — I’m about 6 feet tall, dark brown hair (fairly stylish), short beard, decent shape, good complexion, all that. Haven’t really dated in a few years but still typically get appreciative second glances when I bother to go out. No complaints about my dick — solid 6 inches with nice girth — or my butt, other than the lack of attention they’d gotten from others lately.

All of that had been perfectly true the night before.

Only somehow, I’d managed to misplace about four inches of height.

I no longer towered over my older sister. We were probably the same height, which was weird because she was only 5’7”.


I staggered back into the hallway, past my gape-mouthed sibling, and popped a pod into the coffee thing. It was surreal because everything was just a little off.

Because I was shorter.

“Seriously, Den, what the hell,” Darla said.

“Fuck if I know. Let me get some thinking juice in my skull. Hand me the bottle, please,” I said, pointing at the Costco sized bottle of ibuprofen.

“I don’t think that’s going to fix whatever is wrong with you,” Darla said. “You need to see a doctor!”

“First, I need to get this head and body ache down to a dull roar,” I maintained, “and then I need to eat something. Then we figure out what’s going on.”

“Priorities, dude. You fucking shrunk! People don’t shrink!”

“I am aware. You want some eggs and toast?”

“How the fuck are you worried about eating?”

“Because I am hungry. That, I can fix, while the other stuff is a vast unknown, which starts with me sitting, hungry, in a waiting room while they decide which sort of specialist to bring in for a guy who thinks he shrunk four inches overnight. Scrambled?”

“Sure. I guess you have a point. But what about —“

“Darla, I love you, but I have a screaming head and a body that seems to be making up for size by offering pain. I need food or I will be sick. I need to focus on this, right now, or I will probably have a panic attack. Capiche?”


There’s nothing like a really good breakfast to quell the roar of poor decisions you made the night before. There is some kind of golden ratio of grease to restorative power involved. Ideally you want mounds of bacon, sausage, eggs, toast, hash browns, all that stuff. In a pinch, however, even overcooked scrambled eggs and toast will suffice. Once I managed a very stressful morning with cheerios with a banana and some chocolate syrup, but that’s pushing it.

So as we sat there eating, I was focused on the lucky accident of having leftover sourdough to make my toast, and wishing I’d bought bacon. I was decidedly not thinking about the absurd circumstances.

Darla gobbled hers quickly, and then just stared at me until I’d finished eating.

“Okay,” I finally said. “Let’s figure this out.”


I kid my sister, but she is a pragmatic person and pretty good under pressure. I tend to simmer and then blow up. She claims that having kids makes all the difference, a theory I remain stubbornly unwilling to test myself.

We retraced the events of the night before, but nothing stood out. It had been a pretty disappointing night. Didn’t drink or eat anything too weird,didn’t make out with random strangers.

Then we broke out the measuring tape and assessed the damage. Weirdly, my weight was close to what it had been: right around 205..

I was definitely shorter by nearly four inches, and my overall proportions seemed to have scaled appropriately. Which meant all of my clothing was going to look ridiculous on me, like a kid playing dress up.

“You know,” Darla said, “you’d probably fit okay in dad’s clothes. He wasn’t as tall as you and he kept in decent shape.”

I was about to quibble, because what gay man wants to dress up like their recently deceased (and decidedly not fashion-forward) father, but it wasn’t like I had loads of good options.

“Fine. Pick something out while I shower, will you?”

I knew my sister; she’d find the most dad-at-his-most-clueless outfit and get a photo of me in it, to be shared with our mutual friends and the family. Let her have her fun, I was still holding back the panic that had been swelling all morning. One thing at a time.

I grabbed fresh undies (I had some stretchy briefs that I’d bought for pride, hoping to make my average junk look bigger) and headed to the bathroom again.

Where I got my second surprise, as I stood in front of the mirror naked. My body looked about the same, at first glance, but on closer examination, the muscle that I’d held onto looked a bit denser. It looked like I had a decent pump. But the other thing was my dick looked a fair bit bigger than I was used to. Both ways. As in, it seemed both longer and thicker, and that was flaccid.

So confusing, the feelings washing through me! It was exciting to think about being fitter and even more so to imagine having a bigger dick. But I needed to shower, so that’s what I did.

I did, however, take a few extra moments to rub one out, and once I was hard, the head of my cock lined up with my belly button. That was definitely new, as was the surprising heft it had in my hands. I blasted my load — a particularly good one — at that bit of confirmation, but my dick didn’t go down, not even after I opted to rinse the soap off with cold water.


I’m sure, growing up, my sister had seen me with a boner. She was just two years older and it wasn’t a big house — and we shared a bathroom. But all the same, that was twenty years ago and I wasn’t keen to show off the state of affairs. The damned thing just wouldn’t go down.

I didn’t often use a bathrobe, but I was glad of it now.

“Left some clothes on your bed, Den,” she hollered up the stairs.

“Thanks,” I shouted back. There on the bed were some jeans and a button down shirt, plus a pair of sneakers. All of them were dad’s, and to my shock, they matched. I wasn’t aware that was a likely outcome based on how dad usually dressed.

I pulled on the briefs and grabbed a tee shirt from the drawer, accepting that it was going to be baggy on me — but it really did look a bit pathetic. Sighing, I tugged on the trousers and pulled the belt tight; they were a little too big in the waist. Similarly, the shirt was tighter in the shoulders and looser in the waist, but it worked well enough for now.

When I tromped down the stairs a few minutes later, Darla was still scrolling her iPad like crazy.

“Word of advice, brother dear,” she said, “don’t search for your condition with safe search switched off. Way too much Rule 34 out there.”

“My condition?”

“What should I call it? For crying out loud, man, you shrunk!”

“Okay, okay,” I said. “Take it you didn’t find anything promising.”

“Not in the half hour you were screwing around in the shower,” she retorted.

I pulled out the laptop — mine, not work’s! — and switched to incognito mode. And then I began searching using every trick I’d picked up over the years. Darla peered over my shoulder.

“Shit, you weren’t kidding,” I said, having stumbled across some particular freaky shit already.

“You’re at least getting some better results than I have….no, wait, what’s that?”

This particular link was for what you might have assumed was a role play section on one of the more popular naughty sites — except, it wasn’t. It was under an anonymous questions area. And there were a few.

Hey guys I am a little worried, I woke up and I was shorter, does that happen? I’m 22 and i figured I still had a little growth left in me, but I must be two inches shorter. What can cause that for real?


AITA? Impranked my roommate last month by shrinking his clothes. This month, mine seem to be getting bigger. I got real mad at him but now he says he didn’t do anything. The more I think about it I can’t figure out how he could have done it as a prank, and I feel bad for yelling. But I’m also freaked out.

Half a dozen other entries followed similar patterns, and all of them since last fall.

“That’s kinda weird,” Darla said, “isn’t it?”

“Yeah. I think maybe I should see my doctor, he’ll have records showing the difference. Maybe there’s some kind of, I dunno, wasting thing?”

“I hope so. I mean, I hope he knows what’s up. Any other symptoms?”

I hesitated. “Yeah, actually, but I would rather. It say.”

“Brother dear, it cant be any weirder than this.”

“How about if I’m pretty sure my junk is bigger?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Gross. It’s probably just that you’re smaller.”

I nodded, but I was pretty sure that was not the case. But I had no real measure and wasn’t going to whip it out for her to take a reading.


After a bit of unnecessary worried nagging, she bowed out — the kids had some kind of afternoon thing for scouts and her hubby was away so she was playing chauffeur . Obviously that’s after extracting a promise that I’d go to the doctor first thing, and let her know if anything changed.

The afternoon drained away as i scoured the internet, but almost all the leads turned out to be duds — mostly fantasy, plus a rare post from someone equally worried (or convincing enough to fake it).

However, one other problem became obvious pretty quickly: I was pretty horny. And I’d been prowling various kinky forums looking for help, which meant I ended up skimming way too many sexy posts. Now that I’d exhausted my search capabilities, I figured I’d clear my head with a wank. And I’m not gonna lie, the heft of my larger dick was calling my hand in a way it hadn’t before.

Whatever else was going on with my body, a bigger dick and the slight muscle growth were definitely trades I would happily accept.


Somehow, documentation makes things feel real, so I wrestled with the notion of tracking my measurements. But something told me my changes weren’t over. Whatever was messing with my body didn’t feel, well, finished.

I opened up a google spreadsheet and down what I thought I had been.

Height: 6 ft, 0.5 inches
Weight: 215
Chest: 44
Waist: 36
Dick: 6 inches

And now?

Height: 5 ft, 7.25 inches
Weight: 209
Chest: 44
Waist: 32
Dick: 7 inches

Those latter numbers were undoubtedly more accurate than my guesses for a starting point, but they’d do for now. I wasn’t too fussed about precision.

It was interesting that my chest was the same size and my waist had shrunk a bit, because when I flexed a bit, I had a hint of muscle instead of the “haven’t really got fat yet but definitely not in great shape” body I’d been sporting. Maybe a few months of gym time might have produced a similar result. Well, aside from the lost height and extended cock size. Now, you could tell I was flexing, and a little prodding suggested it wasn’t an illusion.

But damn, my dick was actually bigger. Longer, certainly, and girthy in a way it hadn’t been. As I swelled up, I added another measurement.

Penis girth: 5.4 inches.

Now what?

Practical matters first. Clothing was needed, but until I got a handle on this, I was not going to want the stress of work stuff. So I emailed my supervisor and my usual backup, apologized, said I was sick and I’d be out until I was cleared by a doctor.

I’d call the doctor in the morning.

I salvaged another few options from dad’s closet and tried them on; they’d do in a pinch. Underwear was trickier because dad preferred boxers and I could already tell that was a poor option. Even flaccid I was a solid five inches now, and that required a little management. Plus, I didn’t like the idea of using dad’s undies.

And then I spent another hour or so trying to find anything that might explain my condition….only to get distracted by my libidinous urges again. I blew two more loads that day, and wondered how one effectively measures balls, because mine felt a little heftier, too.

I scrounged a fairly large supper and watched a movie, and fell asleep halfway through it. Popped a few Tylenol and went to bed early.


When I woke in the morning, I still had the full body ache, and once again my toilet time was unpleasantly vicious. I chalked it down to pigging out last night, but despite that, my weight seemed fairly stable, around 212. I knew better than to worry much about a few pounds here and there, but considered I may want to have a better sense of my fluctuations.

But then I looked in the mirror as I brushed my teeth, I realized I looked a bit more…compact.

I called and lucked out, my usual doctor had an opening that very afternoon. I told the receptionist about my body aches and hinted I had other more private concerns to discuss.

Now I just had to kill a few hours. I’d save the measuring for the doctor’s office. Well, most of it. I grabbed some food and turned on the idiot box.

Before an hour passed, the aches intensified and I popped a few pain pills, but a few minutes after I did so, I had another problem. Namely, my cock was demanding some attention. I figured it would take my mind off things if I banged one out in the shower, and the hot water would probably help with the aches.

By the time I was finished, nearly three hours had passed and I had to scramble to make my appointment.


I arrived at the doctors office about five minutes before my appointment, and checked in with the receptionist, who handed me a tablet with a bunch of electronic forms. And in fairly short order, the nurse collected me and took my vitals. She seemed surprised that I asked her to measure my height as well, but not as surprised as I was.

“Five feet, six inches on the nose, and 218 for the weight,” she said. “Let’s do your temperature and pressure.”

“Those numbers feel a bit off,” I said. Had I lost another inch and gained five pounds? Since breakfast?

“You can have the doc double check, but I wouldn’t worry about the weight, you have a fair bit of muscle for your size. Temp normal range, and the BP seems good, too,” she said.

I sat there on the examination table, just trying to process her off handed comment. When she left I looked at the arm she’d used for the blood pressure cuff. Curious, I made a fist — and was surprised to find a dense firmness as my arm tensed up. There was muscle there in my forearm and (a quick flex) yeah, an actual bicep! I experimentally prodded my chest and found it unaccountably firm.

“Howdy, Mr Dennis,” Dr Bentley said. “So, what seems to be the issue?”

“This is gonna sound weird, but I am pretty sure I’m shrinking. Like, the nurse measured my height at 5’6”, and I was a little over 6’ last time I checked.

“Huh, that’s a new one. But Sarah is pretty short herself, so let’s put your mind at ease,” he said. “We will double check in a moment. Looks like the other vitals are good. You’ve put on a few pounds, though….” He looked over his glasses at me, as if noticing for the first time. “If you’ve been hitting the gym, muscle does weigh more than fat.”

“No such luck.”

“Really? Did you change your diet or something? No changes to meds?”


“Any new medication I don’t know about?” He seemed a little suspicious. “I can’t report you if you are, but I’d caution —“

“No, I’m clean, man. I barely even drink, I haven’t been to the gym in a year, haven’t changed my routine.”

“Huh.” He had me step on the scale and double checked the height, as he promised. “Five foot six, on the dot.”

“That’s why I’m freaking out a bit. Yesterday I noticed I was the same height as my sister and she is 5’7” exactly. Pretty sure this just happened.”

“That’s a new one on me, then. Can you think of anything that you ight have been exposed to?”

“I haven’t done much but work for the last six months. I did go to a festival this past weekend, so maybe I picked up some kind of bug,” I suggested.

“That would explain the aches, but you seem to be in better health than your last three visits. You’re just shorter, and,” he sighed, “I have no guesses as to why. Sometimes men in their 30s and 40s compress a little, but not like this. Has anything else changed?”

“My waist dropped at least one size since Saturday. The shorts I wore to Pride are loose now.”

“Anything else?”

“Um,” I said uncomfortably, “my penis seems to be bigger, by about an inch. And my libido has been kind of a lot the last two days.”

“…huh,” he said. “I will make a note. That could be a result of increased fitness.”

“Yeah but even if it was that, how did I get fitter overnight?”

“If I knew that, I’d be too rich to care. But clearly I don’t have the secret to instant muscle tone and a bigger penis, so here I am, sharing this mystery with you.”

That wasn’t the answer I’d come looking for, but to his credit, Bentley read the room pretty quickly.

“Sorry, that kind of slipped out. I think the best thing is to run some tests and keep an eye on things. Meanwhile, get some rest and hydrate.”

I left several vials of blood and a pee sample lighter, but with no real answers.


Dream Big

Superior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Washington (Washington, D.C., United States)
90% Gay, 10% Straight
I’d adjusted my seat but it still felt odd driving my car. I felt smaller but also larger, if that made any sense.

And hungry.

And horny. Again.

I grabbed a chicken sandwich meal at the drive through and then pulled into a space, letting the music and the AC keep me company while I ate. I wasn’t keen to go into the restaurant, both because I was feeling shrimpy and because I had a rapidly emerging hard on. And while I sat and ate, I wrestled with what to do next.

I didn’t want to assume anything, but i couldn’t tell whether whatever was happening was finished with me, and I didn’t know whether there was anyway to reverse it. But I also didn’t want to face questions at work (not like I had answers anyway), and I didn’t particularly want to go buy clothes to fit my new size, whatever that turned out to be, before I stabilized. I didn’t want to be out in public, either, because of embarrassment, but I’d have to deal with some stuff eventually.

So the first thing was to use the doctor's note to take a break from work. At least a week, until I got a handle on this change and knew what was happening.

Second, I needed to find out more about this whole deal. There was just enough of a murmur about similar stuff happening out there to get my hopes up.

Third, I needed to monitor myself.

And fourth,I needed, badly, to deal with this libido.

Wait, five, I needed groceries, because the 1400 calories I’d just consumed barely took the edge off. Briefly I wondered if the extra calories would slow down the process, or speed it up, but the gnawing hunger in my gut meant it didn’t matter too much.


Work was understanding, and thanks to Covid, the grocery places all offered delivery these days. And I figured I’d use at least some of the time to tackle a few house chores I always put off.

The best laid plans, right?

Instead, I got home, placed a big Costco order to fill up the pantry and fridge, and ordered a large pizza with everything. I took care of my raging boner while I waited, and then devoured more than half of the pizza when it arrived.

Darla texted me, and I gave her an update saying I was okay, and would let her know when I got results back. I also looked hard at my finances and tried to figure out how long I could stay off work. Just in case. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea but if I had to, I could last for nearly a year. That layoff rumor to years ago had made me set aside more than usual, thank goodness.

And then, I continued digging into remote corners of the internet. I’d reached out to a buddy with some hacker skills, and soon found my way into the dark web, but found it mostly incomprehensible and useless. I’d either need his help to find my way, or I’d need to learn more myself, and I had enough on my mind. But I’d also found some more places where people had posted oddly real-sounding worried messages claiming they’d shrunk. There was, sadly almost never any followup on those, and rarely more than two on a site. But I began plugging the reports into a spreadsheet because that’s what I do. Maybe a pattern would emerge.

Throughout the rest of that day, I tried to ignore my raging libido and focus on other things, but it was no easy task.

Finally the Costco order came and I put it away, whacked off to take the edge off, and went to bed early, hoping the next day would bring answers.


The next day was no help. The body aches continued, though luckily the Tylenol helped. The awful bathroom visits continued, but at least now I had eaten enough the prior day to justify them.

But to my dismay, I’d shrunk again, or rather, my body continued to shrink and expand in odd ways.

Height: 5 ft, 4.85 inches
Weight: 219
Chest: 46
Waist: 30
Dick: 7.75 inches
Penis girth: 6.25 inches

I had, I realized, continued to tone up and bulk up as I slept, somehow. I no longer even looked doughy, I looked muscular, like an off season footballer. I was solid, and I was absolutely packing. Just shorter.

And dad’s clothes were now too big. Well, too long, at least, and pretty tight around the fun parts.

And my dick had never been bigger. Seriously, it was a handful and then some, and it was a turn on to touch. Or to think about. Or to be aware of.

It took three back to back jerk sessions to make it go down after breakfast.


By late afternoon, I’d had to fend off Darla and I’d called the doctor’s office hoping for an update, but they said it would be at least another day before they got back most of the lab work. Made short work of those house chores, too, trying to stay busy to avoid jerking off more or worrying myself to death.

And while I was catching up on some TV, i made accounts on some of those naughty sites, thinking i might be able to connect with some of the people who’d posted questions.

And after eating way too much for breakfast and lunch, it occurred to me that I should probably see if the bulk I now possessed was just for show.


I’d used the gym at my community a few times, but not recently, and was pleased to find it empty but decently appointed. I’d gotten some use there during the pandemic but it looked like some new equipment had replaced the rather boring standard offerings. I started with cardio, and that went well, so I proceeded to circuit training on the big machine.

And quickly realized that the bulk I now possessed wasn’t just for show. Not at all.

One nice advantage of those machines is that you don’t spend half your time moving big disks back and forth; instead, you move a pin into a space, and you can get right to it. You can, for example, adjust easily when you find the resistance isn’t quite right.

Today, I adjusted only in one direction. It felt pretty good to test new limits, or to plow through another set of reps. And I barely noticed the time passing, especially since my apparently-now-standard-issue hourly boner seemed to nap while I was working out. It almost felt like the energy was being directed elsewhere, leaving my willie out of the picture for a bit. Just as well since the blissful just-me time ended when a group of chattering ladies showed up just as I finished another set of leg exercises. Best to avoid risk of impropriety and head back to my room before the hornies returned, right?

So I grabbed my towel and water bottle, and turned to leave when the door opened.

Coming through the doorway were two guys, probably college guys by the look of them, laughing and roughhousing a bit in a friendly jock sort of way. They didn’t immediately notice me because they were focused on each other.

Not in a sexual way, but in the way that friends having fun aren’t always aware of the world around them.

The two of them looked to be about 6 feet tall, same lanky yet muscular build. By their gear and general attitude, they weren’t serious jocks, just college boys doing basic maintenance. But both were pretty gifted — nature had done well by them. One was black, or rather sort of a dusky caramel color, with blond highlights in his short dreads. The other looked more Asian and Latino, or probably Filipino, and hard short spiky black hair. They were poking each other and laughing, and there was something both innocent and kind of homoerotic about their playfulness.

“Oh!” The black kid said, suddenly realizing I existed. “Sorry, man, didn’t mean to —“

“Damn, dude,” the other one said, “you get like that working out here?”

I looked down at myself, forgetting for just a second how I looked. “More or less,” I replied.

“You are one solid little dude,” the black kid said. “I ain’t seen you here before. And I’m here most days with my man Justin.”

Justin, in turn, smiled. “Damn, man, how big are your arms? Carlo, how big do you think his arms are?”

I must have blushed as I stammered “I don’t really know, I haven’t checked.”

“That’s a good pump,” Carlo said, reaching out to touch my upper arm. Then he stopped just short of touching, and his bright eyes met mine. “You cool if I touch?”

I nodded, and his long fingers gently felt my arm. I found myself attempting to flex a bit and was surprised by the results.

“Shit, that’s pretty solid.”

I looked over at Justin, who met my eyes and, when I nodded assent, did the same to my shoulder. “Fuck, that’s all muscle.”

“How long you been working out?”

“Not long, just kind of getting back into it,” I said.

“You compete, bro?”

“No,” I said.

“You should. You got a lot packed onto your frame, and they don’t take points off if you’re short. My cousin competes and he’s only about 5’7”,” Carlo said.

“Thanks, but,” I said, kind of sheepishly, “I’m still kind of adjusting to all this.” Besides, I thought, five seven was a few days ago.

“Damn, dude, you, uh….” Justin was looking with wide eyes. “Uh, you may wanna…”

I looked down, and realized that my dick was half chubbed….and it was visible below the hem of my shorts. And the moment I realized that, it began to quickly rise.

“Oh shit!”

“No no, no homo, man, we surprised you,” Carlo said, backing up a step. “And we’ve all been there.”

“I know Carlo certainly has,” Justin said, with a sly smile that suggested he was quite familiar with Carlo’s occasional mishaps.

“Shut up,” Carlo said.

“Bro, I think he’s bigger than you are!” Justin laughed.

“Come on man,” Carlo replied. He was half blushing and half annoyed.

“Bro, it’s just us here,” Justin said to me. “You’re clearly a big guy, but Carlo’s packing a solid eight. You gotta be close…” He seemed proud of his friend, but Carlo just looked away a bit.

“Um,” I replied, “probably something close to that.”

“Shit,” Carlo muttered.

Justin’s innocent smile turned ever so slightly more teasing as he fixed his deep set brown eyes on his buddy. “What’s the matter, bro, feeling threatened?”

“No way is he bigger.”

My penis seemed eager to prove itself, and despite scrunching my eyes shut and willing it to calm down, I could feel it reaching some new level of hardness. I knew it was lurching up to be fully erect. I must have blushed with my entire body, and yet, it was so erotic I couldn’t move, powerless against them ogling my junk.

“Damn,” Justin said. “He’s got you tied, I think.”

“No fucking way! It just looks bigger on him,” Carlo said, and I heard a thwack as he pulled down his shorts. That got my attention and my eyes opened of their own accord.

Carlo’s narrow waist and visible abs were partly hidden behind a dark pillar of cock. He was definitely gifted. And apparently uncut, but not unshaven.

He took a step back toward me, to better compare.

Justin frowned. “Close call,” he said, mischievously. “May I?”

“Go ahead, you fucking queer,” Carlo said, but I could hear the fondness in his voice and see his smile.

A light brown hand circled Carlo’s big black cock, and the other, hesitantly, reached for mine. I shuddered and nodded assent. His hand was warm and soft.

“Still a close call,” he said, appearing to take things very seriously. “You boys both as hard as you get?”

“Always,” Carlo said.

“Okay, bro,” Justin said, and added his right hand to his left, using his fingers to measure the length of the cock along the top. And then he did the same to me.

I couldn’t help but spurt a little pre when he touched me.

“Nice,” he smiled. “Carlo, man, I’m sorry, he has maybe half a finger on you.”

I looked up at Carlo, only to find him staring wide eyed at my dick. “Fuck me,” he muttered.

“Ah, ah, ah,” Justin said. “You know our rule. Biggest cock goes first.”

Justin then looked down at me. “And that’s you,” he said. “So who do you want first?”

Dream Big

Superior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Washington (Washington, D.C., United States)
90% Gay, 10% Straight
I mentioned that Pride had been disappointing.

That’s mostly because it had been quite a while since I’d gone out — I hadn’t dated in a few years, and then the pandemic, and all that stuff. So when I ended up spotting this very cute guy (he looked like the guy who played Cisco on the Flash tv show, right down to the great hair and the big smile), and realized we were holding eye contact, I got a little excited. Then I ended up next to him at the bar, and then we ended up kissing right there (to the annoyance of the other patrons trying to order). There was a brief moment of giggling, and then we were full on making out.

And then he suddenly pulled away, said “sorry, sorry, I shouldn’t have — I’m sorry.”

And then he left me there. It still stung a bit, if I’m honest.


Anyway, to say I wasn’t really prepared for that kind of attention is fair. And certainly not here, in a public gym by the locker room. I could feel panic surging in my gut, which just barely outpaced the blood inflating my dick.

“Make it a rain check, boys. You know I don’t allow that sort of thing here,” said a deep rumble behind me.

“Sorry Dave,” Carlos said, embarrassed. And then he and Justin awkwardly sidled past.

“Dick measuring contests are one thing,” Dave said, “but locker rooms get gross enough without getting cum everywhere. I’m Dave, I own this place. You’re new.”

Dave had to be 6’6”, and if he hadn’t competed professionally he’d missed out. The man was built like a tank, or perhaps a linebacker who had just eaten a bodybuilder for lunch. I later found out he really had competed 20 years or so ago, and despite being in his 60s still retained most of his shape. And that shape was huge.

“Um, I’m Dennis,” I stammered.

“Nice to meet ya, little dude. Let me take a look at you.” He stepped back and looked critically at me. “You just switch gyms? Got a little starter mass on you, I see. Not too shabby for someone your size.”

“It just sort of happened,” I said. “Recently.”

“Well, keep at it if you want to hold onto it. Or if you want to get serious size, your frame looks like it could take it. Check with the guy up front if you want to look for a trainer, we have some good ones.”

“Thanks, I don’t really know what I’m aiming for yet,” I said.

“Really.” He smiled and pointed at my erection. “Right now you’re aiming at either me or the locker room doorway. Might want to take a cold shower before you head out.”

“Sorry,” I said, “it’s got a mind of its own. I think I just need to get home to take care of something.”

“Do that, little dude. And maybe pick up some compression shorts or something to keep that thing in check. I run a clean gym,” he said, “not a hookup spot.”

“Yes, sorry,” I stammered.

He grunted and stepped aside, and after a quick reposition of the offending fuckstick, I basically made for the exit and went home.


Home, and a little sore. I found myself wishing I had at least used the hot tub to soak my aching muscles. I shucked my shirt and took stock in the bathroom mirror, where the harsh light pulled no punches and told no lies.

I was pumped, and bulky looking. An experimental flex and an amateurish pose showed a compact, muscular guy with my face — and what appeared to be a zucchini stuffed into his shorts. The scale was right there, so I stood on it and got another surprise: the readout said I weighed 225 pounds. Could that be from all the food and the pump?

I showered and pissed like a racehorse (not in the shower, thank you, eww) and the scale read 223.5 pounds. Nearly five pounds since the morning. God only knew what tomorrow would hold.

I sat on the sofa and turned on some background noise, then opened my laptop to search some more. And just as it had last night, my search led me to some freaky porn and before I knew it, my big cock was in my ever-smaller hand.


The next day, things got weirder.

Height: 5 ft, 3 inches
Weight: 224
Chest: 49
Waist: 29
Dick: 8.5 inches
Penis girth: 6.75 inches

I was shorter than my mom had been. And heavier than my 6’ dad had been.

It took me two sessions to calm that growing beast of a cock down, but the rest of me remained wired. A dull but not entirely unpleasant body ache persisted, which I supposed made sense, given the rate at which my body was reshaping itself. But mostly I felt full of energy, and not just the horny kind.

I managed to hold focus most of the day by frequently breaking to jerk off or eat, or just do some quick calisthenics. That kept the edge off, too.

I went back to the one forum where I’d found a few real-seeming posts that described similar circumstances, and when I logged in, I saw that two of them had replied to my questions.

Hey. Saw your message. You may not believe it but I started losing height last November, and I went from 5’11” to 5’1” over the holidays. Weird thing is, I swear I barely lost any weight, it just all kind of turned into muscle. My doctor couldn’t explain it. My girlfriend loved it though. It took a few months to adjust but things are good, now it seems to be done with me.

Hope you aren’t into some kind of kink bc this was really scary. I lost five inches and my boyfriend dumped me. I wasn’t big before but now I’m only 4’8”. But now I have a huge dick and that’s kind of cool I guess.


And then, finally, another message.

Hi, I noticed your message and wondered if you were being seen by a doctor. A small team of us are looking into the symptoms you mentioned. Specifically the reports of loss of height, and unusual redistribution of mass onto a smaller frame, are unprecedented. They would have been written off as fantasy, but for the handful of documented cases. It is possible that a virus or other vector may be at play. If you are interested and willing to participate, there is a study underway and we would like to interview you to assess whether you’d be a candidate.

This last one had contact information, and a link to a government public health site.

I sent off the email almost right away.