The Dwindling

Tommy looked much better, despite being hooked up to a dozen machines and having two staffers checking stuff constantly. He was out like a light, so we didn’t disturb him, just waited for Dr Park to come back.

“Ah, you’ve made it,” Park said, as he finally joined us. “He’s comfortably resting right now but once he wakes up we’ll let you know.”

“How is he?”

“Not too bad, but we are already seeing some evidence that it’s affecting him beyond flu symptoms. And if we are lucky, we might be able to see the delivery mechanism. Poor guy is probably the second most aggressively monitored patient in the whole place, if not the whole state!”

I wasn’t letting Dr Park’s cheerful manner derail me. “What evidence?”

“Mostly some hormonal levels that are surprising. Surging testosterone among other things. I think we will learn a lot from his urine and fecal output, too.”

“Eww,” I said.

He chuckled. “Well, it’ll be a bit before we get good info, anyway. Hungry?”


I ended up in the cafe with Lynn; she seemed to be searching for someone else, but when it was obvious he or she wasn’t there, she shrugged and made her selection.

Lynn was right about the food. They weren’t fully spun up yet, so nothing fancy was on offer, but I certainly didn’t walk away hungry. Baked chicken in some kind of wine sauce, loads of veggies and some brown rice? Right up my alley.

“No restricted diets needed for you boys,” Lynn said. “Whatever is going on with you seems to need fuel, and just turns it all into muscle from what I can see.”

I followed her gaze and realized that my sleeve had just torn when I reached for the salt and pepper.

“Now, while we eat, there’s something I wanted to discuss with you. It’s a bit delicate, but I think our rapport is good enough to survive a little bit of frank discussion.”

I nodded.

“First, we will have some clothes sent up as soon as we can, but for now, there are some hospital scrubs waiting for you upstairs. And some sports underwear that might help out with the more awkward aspects of your condition.

“That’s not that delicate,” I said. “It’s a relief, really.”

“The delicate matter is that of your libido and your need to engage in self gratification.”

I almost choked out my greens.

“You could have waited for me to finish chewing and swallowing,” I groused.

“You have barely taken a breath between bites.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

“Anyway, there are some….items in the bottom drawer of that dresser in your room. Among them is a sample jar that I’d like to ask you to fill up when you next get the chance. With your ejaculate,” she added, blushing ever-so-slightly. “And then leave it in that little bin outside your door and ping us to collect it. If possible we will want that every morning and every evening. We will measure you and draw blood daily as well, but figured you’d like to provide semen samples under less public circumstances.”

I agreed, and then I finished off the food in front of me.

“Done? Good. One last thing for your very busy first day. While we were eating, I got an answer from Sam. He is willing to meet you tonight.”

“He’s the other patient who got here early?”

“Yes. Like you, he is an outlier. I think it would be good for you two to meet.”

“How small is he?” I asked, hoping to brace myself for potential embarrassment.

“He is down to 49 inches. But he didn’t have your luck in other areas. Aside from tightening and toning a bit, he hasn’t gained the muscle you did, nor did he gain much in the other masculine traits. That’s in an hour, just meet at the first floor lounge by the elevator. See you there!”

Christ, he must look like a tall hobbit, I thought. But at the rate I was going….


I was so excited about the idea of meeting someone else who was dealing with the same condition, I nearly forgot about Tommy. I did get the app installed in my phone and tablet, and it was pretty impressive. Then it pinged “reminder: drinks at Lynn’s office”, followed by “Message from Dr Park: Fowler awake.” I glanced over at the scrubs neatly folded on the bed, and ripped my damaged tee shirt off, and shucked my shorts. The existing undies would have to do for now, but the scrubs were comfortable and very adjustable.

I have a good head for directions, usually, but an luck on the message led to a gps style map, so I allowed it to guide me. It wasn’t that far a walk, and the staff buzzed me through on sight.

Dr Park was waiting for me. “He’s asking for you,” he said.

Tommy looked much better, but he was still hooked up to a dozen machines. He was eating some kind of pasta, and he seemed happy to see me.

“Hey,” I said.

“Dude, I feel so much better….other than all this cyber crap. Now that they’ve taken half my blood, I got hungry and that made them happy.”

“Any….any changes?”

“I can’t tell. I did have an epic bowel movement, though.”

“Thanks for sharing.”

“I’m not kidding, it was scary. It felt like food poisoning!”

“Yeah, same with me that first day,” I said. “Man, I’m sorry about all this.”

“I’m not mad at you, Den. This isn’t your fault — I’m the one who jumped you, remember? Besides, we were overdue for our every-few-years sexy times.”

“You seem remarkably calm about this.”

“Probably the pain drip they put me on,” he giggled. “Wheee!”

“Well, hopefully you don’t get hit too hard with this bullshit. One shrimp in the friend group is enough.”

“I make no promises,” he said. “But I wanted to see you before I zonk out again. I was too sick before to say it, but I don’t regret what we did. No matter how it turns out for either of us. But I hope I don’t get quite so buff as you, or as hung. All that dick would distract me from my true vocation.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“I know. It’s my primary charm.”

Dr Park was waiting outside, and as I shut the door, he he indicated he wanted to talk privately.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Your friend listed you as his next of kin and emergency contact,” Dr Park said.

“Yeah, he doesn’t get along with his family at all,” I explained.

“Makes sense. So in that capacity, I need you to know something. We are seeing some concerning developments in his profile.”

“Like what?” I asked, worried.

“It may be nothing, but he’s showing some signs of cognitive decline or dementia. He’s been giggling a lot at things the staff say or ask, and he couldn’t name the current president.”

“That wasn’t the pain meds?”

“He has a saline drip and a mild sedative, but that’s it, nothing strong. Something seems off to me, but I don’t know him well enough to pick up on all the cues. Can you keep your eyes peeled for anything that seems off?”

“Wait, is dementia or decline a side effect?”

“We don’t know. Personally I hope not. No, distraction is pretty widespread amongst the affected, but I think that’s mostly due to libido. This feels a bit different.”

I agreed to let him know if anything seemed off, but I didn’t mention my concerns for my own wellbeing on that front.
I made it to Lynn’s office right on the dot, and she walked me down a side hallway to a small lounge with a full bar. Self service, of course, but it seemed well stocked.

“What can I get you,” she asked. Soon I had a Kentucky Mule and was sitting on the couch when the door opened again, and in walked Sam. And I had to fight myself to not stare.

Sam was Asian, as it happened. And he was smaller than I expected. Barely four feet tall, and …my guess was he’d been skinny and toned before. Now he looked lean and tight, or so I imagined. He was wearing similar scrubs, but his pants were rolled up.

“Sam, Dennis, and vice versa.”

We shook hands and it seemed surreal. He was so damned tiny, and built kind of like a 7-year-old. Lynn handed him a cosmopolitan and sat down on one of the chairs.

“Sam here was one of the first people we managed to talk to a few months ago. Care to share more?”

Sam looked shy and awkward for a moment before replying. His voice was surprisingly deep.

“I had a one night stand at a conference, and when I got back, this started,” he said. “It took a month or so to slow down the decline. By the time Dr Park reached out, I went from 5’5 to what you see here.”

When Lynn had me describe my own journey, Sam began to warm a bit. Finally someone understood his experience firsthand!

Sam would be a terrible poker player with his face showing everything, though. Still, he couldn’t help feel a little protective of the guy.

“Other than the obvious,” I asked gently, “How are you?”

“That is what she asks me every time we talk.”

“And what is your typical answer?”

“Feeling a little down,” he said. “Short tempered.”

Oh no, he didn’t just hit me with two terrible dad jokes right out the gate.

“Uh,” I started, and the two of them busted out laughing. I’d been had.

“Your face!” Lynn said.

“Welcome to the club, man,” Sam said, genially. “Lynn suggested I turn my terrible jokes into an icebreaker.”

“Consider it broken,” I said, chuckling.

Over a nice slug or two of whiskey, the three of us talked a little more, with Sam volunteering to show me the ropes in the morning, and Lynn promising daily sessions to make sure I didn’t go mad.

“Glad you two are on the same page,” she said. “I think it’s good to see people who have the same problems as you do.”

“I don’t know if they’re quite the same. I’m sorry, I gotta ask,” he said, his gaze fixed on my leg. “Is that all you? Are you hung like a mule or something?”

I blushed. My dick twitched. Sam blushed. No clue whether Lynn did.

“I, uh, seem to have been whammied in more than just my height,” I said.

“Shit, man!” His eyes widened as the blood decided to go where his eyes were focused.

“Um,” I said. “It’s a bit embarrassing.”

“As your therapist and dorm mom, I would rather you discuss any oversized junk somewhere other than my office,” Lynn said drily. “Given the libidinous nature of this affliction, it’s inevitable that the subject would come up, but maybe you boys can take it up to your rooms?”

“Sure,” Sam said. “So long as I can take the bottle.”

She waved him on and before I knew it, we were being ushered into the hallway.

“Be good boys. Or don’t. Either way, see you in the morning.”


“Was she trying to encourage us to —“

“Kind of?” Sam smiled. “More like she was indicating she’s cool with whatever. Can’t blame her, really. We are a bunch of horny boys. Or did the libido fairy leave you alone?”

“Pretty sure she dumped the whole bag of pixie dust on me,” I said. But then it occurred to me….i wasn’t a raging horndog.

“Ah, you finally noticed,” Sam said. “They’ve got some low level white noise thing going that helped suppress your libido. It’s in all the public areas, presumably to keep us from humping each other nonstop. I guess it was either that or some really big spray bottles.”

“I think this is the longest I’ve gone without thinking about sex in days,” I said.

“Good. It’s pretty late, but before you go try to sleep in this comfortable little funhouse, you can adjust the libido suppression effect in your room through the app. Personally I suggest rubbing one out first, and then turning the field on so you sleep better.”

“Thanks,” I said. “Really, you’ve been a big help.”

“Dennis, I’ve been dealing with this dwindling shit for a few months. Learned a few tricks to cope with it all. Let me tell you, that white noise thing is a huge help. Best thing that weirdo Merton has come up with, aside from that app.”

“I thought Merton was the numbers guy?”

“He’s apparently a genius, he has got his fingers in everything,” Sam said. “Here’s the lounge. Wanna sit here and chat more? It’s a great view…”

“It is, isn’t it? Sure, I’ll have another slug of that whiskey, if you don’t mind.” Sam obliged, and refilled his own glass.

“Sam, I gotta ask. How the hell are you still standing? You’ve had a lot of this.”

“Body of an 8-year-old, metabolism and liver of a 22-year-old,” he said. “You have probably 200 pounds of muscle to soak up the alcohol. Me, I got something else from the smorgasbord of side effects.” He smiled. “If you had to guess, how old would you think I was?”

“Maybe late twenties? I’m sorry, I can’t always tell with Asian guys.”

“Asians don’t raisin, they say. Not true. We save it up and get really old all at once in our 60s,” he said. “But for real, I just turned 59 last month.”

“No fucking way,” I said. He barely looked mid-twenties!

“Yup. Whatever has been shrinking me has done a number on me, metabolically speaking. Along with losing 14+ inches of height, I am physically a good 30 years younger. I keep wondering if I’ll go through puberty again. I could use a growth spurt. Unfortunately my junk shrunk too.”

Couldn't help but peer over at him.

“We could compare if you like, but if we want to do that, my room is just down this hall.”


To say I was curious is unfair. I was desperate to know. Because Sam was kind of charming, but he really did appear to be built like a twink, and he was so small and scrawny that he reminded me of the gangly build I had at age ten. Yet, his features were masculine and grown up. His skin didn’t show his age, but his eyes did, now that I really looked.

So I followed him into his room, which was pretty much just like mine but with more boxes in the living area — he hadn’t been here long either but apparently had more time to prep and pack.

“So,” he said. “I had a perfectly average 6-incher before this hit. And since we get everything ensured every day, I know that I now have a little over 5 inches. Seems unfair,” he said, “especially given what you must be packing.”

I looked down, and discovered my dick was rapidly inflating; apparently it enjoyed being discussed. “It’s pretty annoying, really. I’m over a foot long hard now.” I adjusted myself as best I could.

“Wow. What did you start with?”

“About six.”

“Other than Grindr, the last time I remember talking about cock size was in middle school.” He said that almost wistfully.

“Yeah. So you mentioned Grindr. I’m guessing you’re gay…”

“Guilty as charged. Maybe I wasn’t before, but I sure seem to be now. I’ve always admired muscular guys, but in my day it wasn’t something you easily admitted. Also, I should warn you, I turned off the suppression field in here.”

“Okay…” that figured.

“Dennis, you're hot as hell,” he said. “If you are okay with it, I’d like very much to see what I can do with all that meat.”

“Maybe later,” I said, after probably too long a pause. “I came here with a friend, and him being here is my fault. Least I can do is make sure he’s okay before I start fucking other people.”

“Ah, shame on me,” Sam said. “I knew there were two folks today, but I didn’t know you were a couple.”

“We’re not, at least not officially. Friends, really good friends, with benefits,” I said. “Maybe more. At very least, our last session seems to have given him whatever we’ve got, so he’s down in the lab getting the full scan.”

“Say no more. I’ll be a gentleman. But the offer still stands,” he said. “Whenever you feel up for it. Rumor has it there will be quite a few more of us here soon, and if they’re as horny as we are, I think there’ll be plenty of opportunities to get together.”

“Thanks, Sam. I mean it.” A handshake seemed a insufficient for the moment, so I went in for a hug.

“Damn, I think I am missing out,” he said. “If you change your mind….”

I smiled and took my leave, then found my way – a little stiff-legged – back to my room.

The place seemed quite empty, despite a king-size bed (which, honestly, seemed a bit over-ambitious for a guy who was hobbit-sized). I checked the app and the suppression field was still active in my room, but it was kind of too late. My engine was already running. Time to see what options were available. I may not feel right smashing Sam right away, but I had no qualms about a little self pleasure.

The toy box they provided had WAY more in it than I would have guessed. A couple kinds of lube, a box of assorted condoms, a couple of dildos of various sizes, three different sized fleshlights, and a few other little surprises. There were also wipes and a stack of towels on the shelf.

I spread a towel on the floor so I didn’t make a mess on the bed. Then I turned on my tablet and found one of my favorite naughty story sites, and set right to it. I was producing enough precum that I didn’t need the lube, and I already knew what my evening looked like.

It looked like a 13-inch mega-dick headed right for my mouth, while two hands vigorously massaged the shaft and balls. It didn’t take more than five minutes before I’d worked myself up to a frenzy and blown a rather impressive load.

And after I did it two more times, I was finally tired enough to pass out.
Wow... After all your stories, I'm still impressed at the way you do all this... worldbuilding! The story is so alive I can almost feel it happen right now in front of me, and that adds to the experience... If you know what I mean...

You're good, thanks for this, and keep it up!
Thanks! I always start off thinking I’ll write simple smut with a simple premise, and then before I know it, it gets away from me. This story, like most of the ones people seem to have liked a lot, has characters I find interesting and that seem determined to surprise me. I am writing to find out what they do and what’s really happening….
When I woke to the alarm in the morning, I was hungry, but my morning wood was epic.

“You’d really think that I’d get tired of this, but….no.” And I went to town on my own dick, hoping to kill two birds with one stone.

A copious load later, I managed to deflate my monster cock enough to go to the bathroom. I studiously avoided thinking about the presence of a step stool and what that may mean about my future, or about how the toilet seemed a little larger than it should.

I showered and shaved and brushed my teeth, grateful for the adjustable controls everywhere, but concerned about whether I’d lost more size. Based on what I’d experienced, my dick was likely bigger, and I was pretty sure I was shorter as well.

While I had my coffee, my phone blooped and there was a message reminding me to come down for measurements before breakfast. I brought my coffee with me.

Sam was in the elevator, yawning, when I got there.

“Oh, I was going to swing by to collect you. We can grab a bite after the scanner.”

Lynn was already by her lobby desk, and raised her mug as hello. I repeated the gesture while Sam ignored her. Sam stopped at a conference room and knocked before a voice said “enter.”

Standing there tinkering with a computer was an actual dwarf in a lab coat. He was maybe 4 feet even, but it was the limbs that gave his condition away. Nearby was a device that looked like one of those 3D airport scanners.

“Just in time, boys,” he said. “Sam, you’re used to it, but for Mr Reilly’s sake, I’ll explain. This device measures everything, and I mean everything. Ideally, you’d be both naked and fully aroused. You’ll get this daily, ideally at the same time each day. And I’ll draw blood, and occasionally ask for other samples too. For now, come here and I’ll get you properly connected. I’m Steve.”

I stepped into the chamber and the thing did its work, sizing me up much faster than our clumsy efforts.

Height: 4 ft, 6.8 inches
Weight: 228
Chest: 57
Waist: 24
Upper arms: 21
Quads: 23
Penis: 13.6 inches, 6 inch girth

Damn, at this rate my arms would catch up to my waist! But of course the fact my dick was rapidly outgrowing the rest of me was on my mind.

“Still dwindling,” Sam said, his eyes wide. “Mine lasted a few weeks, but how long have you been shrinking?”

I did the math. “A week,” I said.

“Seven days? You’ve lost a foot and a half in a week?”


“Damn. I’m sure you mentioned the timing, but for some reason I had it remembered as a month. That’s about how long it took me to shrink to this.”

“Dennis is an outlier.”

“Yeah. Lucky me,” I groused.

“At least your dick is huge,” he said.

“If I’ve got my math right, at your original height, that whale of a cock would be about 18 inches,” Steve said without ever looking up. “It really is fascinating. Imagine if the boner pill companies ever figured out what was causing this!”

“The thought had occurred,” I said. “But it isn’t exactly convenient to have a dick this big.”

“Pssh. The possibilities are endless,” Sam chuckled. “If you’ve got some imagination, at least.”

Dr Park and Lynn were in the canteen when we arrived, so naturally we sat there. It was only us and a trio of orderlies eating breakfast.

“Gentlemen,” Lynn said, “Dennis, how was your first evening. Did Sam let you get any sleep?”

“Yup. We had a nice chat, and then I went to my room and slept alone.”

“Aww, really?” Then she held out her hand to Dr Park, who silently pulled a crisp $5 bill out of his pocket and slid it over to her.

“Cute,” I said, finding it much the opposite. “Any news on Tommy?”

“Yes, in fact he is definitely in the study. You can see him after breakfast.”

“How’s he coming along? Slow burn, or is he like Dennis?”

“Slow. He is down an inch, but I see no immediate signs of bulking up like you. Other than his glutes.”

“He’s always had some nice cakes,” I mused aloud.


Tommy was dressed in the same scrubs I was, and you could tell he wasn’t happy about it.

“It’s an inch, you heathens. I can deal with the rest of this bullshit, just barely, but at least allow myself the dignity of some clothes with style!”

Yeah, no mistaking that voice. I smiled as stepped into the outer room.

“Oh god, no , they got to you!” He gasped in faux horror at my attire. “You look like a hot soap opera doctor. Slash bodybuilder.

“Yes yes, joke away.”

He hugged me but I was unable to notice much difference. Maybe because I’d shrunk and so had he. He had kind of a dopey smile.

“Heh. They gave me the good meds. Because man, that body ache sucked. But now? Wheee….”

“We got a lot of data before that, though. Don’t let him fool you, he touched it out for most of the night before we finally got to the point where it would have been cruel to leave him in pain,” Dr Park said.

“Is he going to be okay?”

“As okay as any of you. The process is underway, that’s for sure. Good news is that between the samples we got from both of you, and the stuff we got as he was undergoing what I think off as stage one, we may find something.”

“Let’s hope so.”

“Meanwhile, maybe you can help him get to his room. Just see Lynn about it.”

“Noooo, I wanna sleep with you,” Tommy whined. “You’re nice. And you’re hot.”

“How long are the meds going to have him like this?”

“Hard to say, but probably a few hours at least. At his current rate of dwindling, I can’t tell whether his size will make it more effective, or whether his system will metabolize it more quickly.”

“Okay, Tommy, let’s get you out of here,” I said.
This room is nice,” Tommy said. He’d flopped onto the huge bed and was staring at the ceiling.

“This room is mine. You can stay for now but there’s plenty of nearby rooms.”

“Okay,” he said. “I demand visitation rights.”

“I’ll consider it.”

“Tommy…” I began.

“Dude, no. I know you, you’re going to be a grump and beat yourself up over this. Don’t. I’m fine.”

Okay, he was right, even if I don’t really like to admit it. That’s where my mind went.

“Fine, you win. But you may change your tune. I mean, look at me, for fucks sake!”

He eyed me up lasciviously. “Hard not to. You’re like a super buff go-go boy, but scaled down. Daddy likes.”

“You are not my daddy.”

“Meh. I’m flexible. Besides, that dick is huge, babes. I don’t care what you wanna call yourself or me, so long as I get a ride!”

“Dammit, Tommy—“

He was already most of the way out of his scrubs.

“Wait!” I said.

“Okay, but why? You need a release before you poke yourself in the chin with that big dick, and I got an itch that won’t scratch itself. Doc said it was fine, whatever the dwindling thing is, you either got it or you don’t. We both got it, and it ain’t getting worse.”

“Other than the fact I keep shrinking while I get buffer and bigger dicked, with no fucking end in sight?”

“I’m sure it won’t get too much worse,” he said. “Certainly not for a fuck between friends.”

The rest of his argument involved less talk and more deep throat action, and I couldn’t muster up much of a counter argument.

“Goddamn, my dick must be in your stomach,” I said.

He simply pointed to his neck, then inhaled the rest of my cock until I was squirming, while he did things with his throat that ought to be registered with the cops. Fuck, he was a pro. And just as I finally found the will to pull out — belatedly remembering a promise to provide a sample for testing — he gulped and I lost it, blasting so hard I half expected it to shoot out his toes.

“Yummy,” he said, wiping his lips and licking the very small amount of leakage. His smirk was suddenly annoying.

No, wait,, it wasn’t a smirk.

It was more of a vacant dopey smile.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” He said.

“You just sucked a gallon of cum out of my foot long dick,” I said.

“It was a lot,but a gallon? Don’t be silly.”

“It was just hyperbole.”

“Uh, I’m pretty sure that was all cum.” And then he glanced down, delighted. “Looks like there’s more where that came from!”

“No, wait, I need to fill a cup with it!”

“Lay back,babes. I got you. Gimme the cup.”

I’d barely had a breather after my first cum, and he spared no effort in getting my motors running again, teasing and edging me back to full hardness. When I was ready to burst, he pulled his mouth off me and aimed me at the cup, with some difficulty. I really was like a steel rod. He giggled and counted the spurts as I filled the cup. Like, completely filled it, and there wasn’t another, so he aimed my cock at his mouth and got the rest more or less into it.

“Such a messy boy,” he said. “But so….productive! I have an idea…” he suddenly said, and ran out leaving the door wide open and me still reeling from two back to back, brain melting orgasms, my cock still somehow half hard.


Just outside each door was a small cooler, so I popped the lid on the still steaming cup of semen, and put it inside. Then I went into the app and quickly found the place to let them know….and I added a comment asking for more cups if they wanted a complete sample.

Honestly, I felt a bit off. Giddy, maybe. I was missing that post nut clarity I’d hoped for. I kept thinking about what felt off, and gradually realized that the sample container was 4 oz. How much cum was I making?

I was still standing in the doorway thinking about It when Tommy came back, carrying a cardboard box.

“In, in, in,” he said, then followed me in and shut the door behind me.

“So, right, I had this idea. You’re some kind of tiny bukakke factory, apparently, so let’s see how much you can actually produce. For science, you know? They seem to like that here,” he added conspiratorially.

From the box he produced a pair of Rubbermaid 1-L pitchers, a roll of paper towels, a box of cookies, and a full bottle of Gatorade.

“What on earth?”

“Okay, hear me out. First, snacky-snacks to keep your energy up. Mine too, I’m hungry. I swiped these from the lounge.”

“We could just get lunch, you know.”

“Oh, right, but I don’t think we will be leaving the room in time.”

“It’s already 1130,” I said.

“Uggggh. Fine. Let’s eat, then,” he whined.

“I’m supposed to meet with Lynne after I get you settled. How about we deal with all that, and then maybe….”

“But I want to fuck! Why won’t you let me have it?”

Okay, that was weird. Not that I wasn’t CLEARLY interested, but I still had my wits about me. Somehow they were still winning against the throbbing fuck stick siphoning my mass.

“Tommy, I think we need to go downstairs and try to think about lunch first, okay?”

“I could probably live off the amount of spunk you have in there.” The way he said it sounded less like a joke and more like working out if it were possible.

“Dude, do you hear yourself? You sound obsessed!”

That seemed to bring him back to himself a bit. “Um…shit, I kind of do, don’t I? Im sorry. I just feel all wired after sex.”

“This seems like a little more than that,” I offered.

He sank into the little chair by the table. “Babe, I feel like I took drugs. Like, maybe extacy, or something.”

“Maybe something they gave you?”

“No, it’s not that. Everything feels heightened and I feel like I have no inhibitions and all I can really focus on is sex.”

Yeah, that squared.

“I think we need to involve a doctor,” I said.

“And you’re still hard,” he said.

“I’m starting to get used to it. But I can’t spend my whole life jacking off.”


We pinged a doc via the app, and went to the canteen. Pork stir fry was okay and I was still adjusting to how much food I needed. I shoveled down three servings before I felt full. Tommy ate a bit, but mostly pouted. It was just us, but not for long.

“You’d be Tommy,” came a gruff voice behind us. It was Lynn and some other new person, a tall bear of a man in a lab coat. “And you must be Dennis. I’m Dr Cornetto, but call me Noel,” he said. “I’ve been going over your records, Dennis, And Tommy’s, hopefully soon.”

“I was kind of expecting Dr Park,” I said. “No offense.”

“None taken, but he is offsite for a bit. I work very closely with him and am familiar with your files.” He sat down at the table with us. “So as you’re probably aware, the dwindling has only one main commonality, which is a transfer or loss of mass, specifically height. Secondary effects have included genital size change and muscle accretion or loss, and most often an increase in libido. Hyperspermia in a few cases, body hair changes, a few others. ”

“I’ve had a first row ticket to all of that. What about mental stuff?”

“Less frequent and a bit harder to quantify. Do you suspect you’re affected?”

“He was talking about my dumb sassy ass,” Tommy said. “I’ve felt really ADHD all day. Any train of thought that doesn’t involve sex or food has derailed, and it’s starting to worry me.”

“I see. And do you agree, Mr Reilly?”

“I’ve noticed it too,” I said. “He’s always been a little….impulsive. But it’s like he lost his filters or something.”

“I see. What about you?”

“Me?” I debated telling him I had concerns about my own state, but there were other worries. “I’m more worried about the fact normal folks cum a few teaspoons, and I could fill a pitcher lately.”

“Hmmm. Well, a few tests will see whether you have legit concerns or whether we add hallucinations to the list of side effects.”

“Noel, I overfilled a four ounce sample jar in one go today. And this guy here brought a liter pitcher, hoping to fill it from my balls.”

His eyes widened at that.

“Sample jar is in the cooler by my door. And the scary thing is, I bet I could fill a pitcher.” I found myself leaning in closer. “I could cum right now, actually.”

“Ooo! I can help! Just let me play with your big cock for a few,” Tommy giggled. Then he frowned. “Fuck, sorry. That came out before I could stop myself.”
Noel gave us both a long, assessing look.

“Okay, this is a bit more than I expected.”

“A bit? Sweetheart, have you SEEN the cock on this little tasty muscle morsel?”

Said cock, in fact, was roused yet again.

“Just a sec,” Noel said, and tapped at his phone again. “There, just hold out for a few more minutes and let the white noise kick in.”

It was almost like walking into a movie theater on a sweltering hot day. In just a moment, the simmering storm of libido calmed.

“Oh,” I said.

“Fuck, I can actually think again,” Tommy said.

“Glad to hear it,” the doctor said. “Dr Melton will be delighted it worked. Unfortunately, there are only three levels and that was level two. You must let me know if you start feeling this way again. I honestly have no idea what to do when level three is ineffective.”

“I never thought I would say it, but I didn’t really love feeling so out of control. That’s why I never went in for party drugs,” Tommy said. At least he sounded more like himself. Bossy bottom energy, right?

“Now, Dennis, are you serious about the hyperspermia?”

“See for yourself.”

He saw the full sample and shook his head. “Astounding. And that was one episode?”

I nodded.

“I think you are right, we do need to do some science on this. See if you can avoid any more ejaculations tonight, and let’s measure in the big container first thing. Meanwhile, I think perhaps you should spend the night in separate rooms.”


We did spend the night in separate rooms, for science. I got a few excited texts that night from Tommy, and one pleading one daring me to break the rules, and I replied with a reminder to crank up the white noise. I ignored him after that. To Tommy, especially in his current state, my situation was a toy for him to play with.

But at the rate I was going, I was feeling like that might not be an inappropriate take. There was less and less of me, just muscle and cock. What was the point? It was beginning to feel deliberate, like some mad scientist had some fetish for small men. Somehow I fell asleep but my dreams were disturbing — me trying to run down a corridor while my huge wang kept tripping me up, all the while pursued by giant men.

Morning came and I woke to yet another massive hardon. I had to pee in the shower and the cold water did nothing to help. I still had a giant dick in my face. While trying to shit my brains out.

By now, I was getting used to how much fecal matter I was producing but I added “possible scat fetish” the the mad scientist checklist. Then I remembered that it generally meant more height loss and frowned.

Protocol was to go get measured first, so I pulled my scrubs on as best I could, adjusting where I could — even as loose and adjustable as they’d been, contending with a huge chest and shoulders and a massive dick made the front look stupid. I tried dad’s robe but my shoulders and arms were simply too big for it. Exasperated, I decided enough was enough and went down to get measured. The time for embarrassment was past.

I gritted my teeth as I entered the hallway, prepared for the change in libido, but it didn’t happen — I’d later find out that the whole facility was set to level two now by default. There was a notification in the app, and also a map that helped me find the scanning room, because my sense of direction was not up to its usual standards. I hoped that, at least, would let up a bit.

I could tell from the tech’s reaction that I’d dwindled again. He had no poker face. And he actually said “whoa” before he could stop himself.

Height: 4 ft, 4 inches
Weight: 224
Chest: 59
Waist: 23
Upper arms: 23
Quads: 24
Penis: 15.5 inches, 6.25 inch girth

Fuck. Why wasn’t it stopping? And why was the thought turning me on? I mean, I’d had the low level simmering libido all morning, but with the white noise everywhere I’d been able to keep it under control. I was beginning to doubt how long that would work.

I went back to my room, and grabbed the pitcher and a towel and started what I suspected would be a very routine wank of my massive cock. I quickly gave into the pleasure and used the weeping pre to work the shaft, letting my body do what it desperately needed to.

I couldn’t even get the head fully into my mouth, though getting it to my face was not remotely challenging. And when I finally aimed it, I unloaded quite a bit into it. About 13 ounces in the pitcher of shame. But today added a new wrinkle: I felt extremely dizzy after my release, and more than a bit winded. I lay there in my bed panting for a good five minutes. Then I put the lid on the pitcher, set it in the collection box, and put on some scrubs again. Still fucking hard, but too hungry at that point to care.


Sam and Tommy had already met when I got down to the canteen, and when they spotted me, they giggled.

“Okay, what has he told you?”

“Oh, plenty, all of it quite flattering, and some of it pretty funny.”

“Eat, babes, and then join us,” Tommy giggled. “You may not be able to see around that redwood in your pants, but we will be here.”

He wasn’t wrong; said redwood was nearly at my neck and still hard.

I loaded up from the buffet, suddenly starving. They’d done most of a full English, loads of protein and carbs that I suddenly craved, as well as a choice of fruit and coffee. Of course, sitting meant the blasted cock was up to my nose and I basically had to eat around it.

Tommy and Sam smirked at my predicament.

“So, how did you do?” Sam asked. “No offense but I can see you haven’t stopped changing.”

I pulled up the data in my app and handed it to Sam while I struggled to find a more convenient position. Sam shook his head. “I wasn’t sure how much of that cock was new or whether your dwindling made it seem so big. Damn.”

“You know the measurement I want,” Tommy said. “How much hot cum did you shoot from that big ol cannon?”

I finished the mouthful I was chewing. “About a third of a liter,” I said.

Both of them responded with wide eyes and little gasps.

“Holy shit, that’s a lot.”

“Thanks,” I grunted sarcastically between mouthfuls.

“No wonder you drank all that juice already. You have to be dehydrated.”

“And you look like you’re raring to go.”

Suddenly I felt all the pent up rage and annoyance that my libido had been distracting me from. “I fucking AM, okay? I’m fucking starving and horny beyond belief! It’s driving me fucking crazy and I don’t know if it’s going to stop! Like EVER!”

The room got very quiet, and the orderlies and staff just stared at me. The burly guys slowly set down their forks and coffee mugs.

“What!? I’m not allowed to be pissed off? Look at me for christs sake! I’m turning into a fucking oversexed hobbit muscle fantasy! It’s ridiculous And it sucks and I want my life back!”

I slammed my fist into the table and the stupid thing dented inwards,while the glasses bounced and spilled.

Then I got dizzy and passed out again. The last thing I saw over the dick in my face was the blurry suggestion of a big buff orderly.


I woke to the distant sounds of beeps, and eventually I opened my eyes.

“He’s awake,” Dr Park said. His face suddenly loomed large in my field of vision.

“What happened?” I slurred, groggily.

“You threw a temper tantrum and passed out at breakfast,” Tommy said from somewhere nearby.

“Please, boys, I need to talk with him now that he’s awake. Privately.”

I heard the door shut. “What’s going on? I feel weird.”

“Dennis, you had a drastic change and passed out. Right now you’re in an observation room, and we have you secured in place for your safety. The nature of your most recent episode required some….improvisation.”


He sighed, heavily. “First of all, I think he combination of pent up mental and physical stress finally hit you. You’ve been through a lot in a week and we haven’t really had a chance to do the psych work yet, but in hindsight we should have seen this coming. Well, the outburst at least.”

“You are currently strapped down for your safety and ours. You’ve been out for about three hours and a bit, and during that time, we have watched your body change. By our best estimates, you have been losing an inch in height every 70 minutes since then. Your hypergomadism and hyperspermia have matched this change and your body has been under significant stress. Your muscle mass seems to have soaked up whatever was left. We will know more once you’re stable and we can get you into the scanner. But first, we need to make sure you’re still okay upstairs, right?”

“When I said we improvised, I mean your size, genitalia, and muscle mass required a novel approach to securing you. In short we had to force your dick out of the way and keep your arms and legs from hurting anyone. So you are, for now, strapped spread-eagled onto an improvised steel device, while your penis is strapped down to another one. Your changing dimensions made nylon straps the best short term option, but we are working on some more appropriate replacements.”

“The fuck?”

“We have you partly sedated but the truth is your body is likely under so much stress right now it may be burning it out more quickly than we had hoped. Once we are assured you have your wits about you, and we conduct a few more tests, we can get you scanned for better measurements.”

“Why do I feel like I am thirsty?”

“You’ve had several very productive ejaculations since your episode at breakfast. It’s rather impressive, but no worries, we’ve had you on a pretty solid saline drip and you can have a proper drink in a few minutes.”

I was vaguely aware at a tugging sensation at my groin, and feeling was returning to my limbs. I couldn’t move any of it, and barely move my head.

“Since we got you hooked up here, you have actually produced almost a liter of ejaculate,” he said. “That’s on top of what you did before breakfast, and then during your episode in the canteen. Medically fascinating, but I suspect quite taxing for you. Now that you’re conscious, we are hoping to bring that under control, but like I told you before, this is all new ground for the team. No guarantees. All I can say is that we are doing our best to take care of you. And we are learning so much…”

He kept talking, I think, but just then I seized up and this time I could actually *feel* the sensation of compression all over — except my junk, which felt oddly nice.

“Interesting,” Dr Park said. “Did we get that on the monitor? Good.”


Lynn appeared a few minutes later and began what felt like a by the books assessment. I was troubled by some odd gaps in memory, or rather things that seemed to take too long to summon. Couldn’t remember Bill Clinton’s name, or the name of my bank, at all, not until she said the names and they seemed to reimprint themselves. Math proved challenging. The simple stuff was okay but the more advanced stuff was utterly inaccessible to me. And as the sedative wore off, the sensation in my cock returned. I interrupted her mid question and shouted “ahh, coming!” I couldn’t really see how they were collecting it but heard the splashing. She did a brief psych panel, too.

Not sure how on earth Lynn kept her composure. Imagine trying to assess the mental health and cognitive faculties of a man while he is visibly mutating and occasionally orgasming as he tries to answer your questions.

“Well, Dennis, there is definitely a decline but I think you are mentally fit enough to get out of this thing. It has to be uncomfortable.”

The orderlies unstrapped me and put me in a wheelchair, with my dick sticking way up in front of my face. I was, I suddenly realized, heavily muscle bound and it almost felt like I was wearing a wetsuit.

Just a little over five hours since my last visit, i entered the scanning and measurement room, and I knew things were bad. I was still pretty dizzy so they helped me into the tube — which seemed a bit larger than I remembered. My shoulders were so broad now that I had to turn a little sideways to enter, and my cock was surreally huge in front of me. I stood straight up when indicated, and then they helped me back to the wheelchair.

Height: 3’11”
Weight: 216
Chest: 63
Waist: 27
Upper arms: 29
Quads: 30
Penis: 19.125 inches, 9.25 inch girth

No wonder my size felt so off. Those were ridiculous proportions. When sitting, my balls felt like cantaloupes, and my dick was beyond huge, it was half my height! It was above my head now, far too large for anyone to take. I struggled to understand how this could even work, but I knew my brainpower wasn’t great. I figured I probably had trouble keeping blood in my brain and my dick at the same time and that’s why I was dizzy.

Whatever the case, I had the sense that this wasn’t done with me yet. And as I felt yet another no-reason orgasm building, I heard the doctors talking heatedly just outside, right before I passed out again.
“Hey, meatball,” a sassy voice whispered. “Wake up.”

I groggily opened my eyes. Looming over me was a wall of flesh I assumed must be my dick, and behind that was Tommy, and his expression was an odd mix of smug sass and actual worry.

“Whut…” I said.

“I stand corrected, Mr Fowler. Now please stand aside.” Dr Park's face loomed overhead.

“Okay, but once he’s checked out remember your promise.”

“What’s going on?” I felt really weird, and warm, and like my extremities were far away.

“First, don’t try to sit up. You’ll just get dizzy again,” Dr Park said. “Second, you’ve had another episode.”


“You’ve been out for two and a half hours.”

“Let me guess, another inch? Two?”

“…not exactly,” he said. “I need you to brace yourself.”

“For what?” I struggled a bit but couldn’t move easily, and my body felt sluggish and heavy.

“It is pretty extreme.”

“Stop dancing around it. How small am I now?”

“The latest dwindling episode took over 5 inches from your height, I’m afraid,” he said. “You’re about three and a half feet long.”

“Shit!” I said, truly frightened. “I *am* a hobbit!”

“Your musculature has changed, too. It was fascinating to watch. Basically your dimensions shifted on that front, too. And of course your genitalia have grown.”

“Of course,” I said, sarcastically.

“Your muscle tissue density increased significantly, which is likely a good thing. Your mobility was getting limited.”

“How ridiculous is the beast now?” I asked tiredly.

“As you say, it is pretty ridiculous.” He then read off my new dimensions.

Height: 3’5.25”
Weight: 199
Chest: 42
Waist: 25
Upper arms: 25
Quads: 25
Penis: 21.5 inches, 9.75 inch girth

“I’m a complete freak.”

“It could be worse. Whatever just hit you, it caused your muscles to compress and become significantly denser. Probably your bones too. More normal proportions at least, though still massive on your small frame.”

“My dick is more than half as tall as I am. It’s over my head for fucks sake.”

“…yes,” he admitted. “And your testicles are pretty large as well, though not as extreme as your penis. You were unconscious for the scanning, and the sample collection. Because of your extreme hyperspermia, we improvised something….”

“Lotta that happening,” I growled. “Too much.”

“Anyway, you can’t really see it from your position, but the near constant flow required some way to deal with it. With you on your back, your penis stretched beyond your head and we were able to angle it a bit. A plastic bedpan and some tubing, and an equipment rack, and we have at least some means of collection. Rather ingenious, I think, given how quickly we put it together. It’ll do for now.”

I sighed, feeling the wobble in my dick. I supposed I should feel grateful they hadn’t just let the beast drip my cock snot all over my face. Each breath I took, thanks to my huge chest, meant I was lifting my nearly two foot long junk about six inches, and I could hear a splatter when I breathed out and my chest compressed.

“Is there any good news?”

“We are pouring over the data we got from you and Mr Fowler. Melton is running a ton of simulations based on what we’ve gathered so far. So don’t give up hope!”

“But I’m still…dwindling.”

“So it seems,” he said. “And that brings up another issue, but Lynn will discuss that with you when the opportunity presents itself.”

“I can guess. You can’t reverse this. At some point I’ll be as much cock as anything. My life is over,” I moaned.

“We hope not. But for the short term, I’m afraid keeping you here is the only option. Hopefully you’ll stabilize.”

“I don’t feel stable, Doc. I feel groggy and thick, like my own muscles have me prisoner. I am a little buzzed, too. Horny like a teen.”

“The white noise is at its highest setting.”

“Don’t switch it off, for gods sake! I can’t imagine how bad this would be without it.”

“I’ll see if we can’t figure something out. You know, on the bright side, if you do exit this phase, the libido usually drops a bit. It’s at its worst while you are actively changing.”

It was a sliver of hope I was willing to cling to. Still, that pesky “if”….


Eventually I passed out, and the doc must have sedated me because I slept hard. I had a few weird, vaguely sexual dreams that I thankfully don’t remember much of (beyond feeling aroused and confused).

When I finally woke, I wished I hadn’t. I had an overwhelming sense of warmth and I was pretty sure I wasn’t on my back anymore. I risked an eye, and then snapped fully awake pretty quickly.

I’d been flipped over, and appeared to be in some sort of hammock, face down. Ha hole had been rigged somehow, kind of like where you put your head while getting a massage, so that I could breath. I had medical tubes running into my nose, blowing air.

I couldn’t move much, but the source of warmth was obvious enough. The wall of flesh below me.

My cock.


I groaned in response.

“I’m going to need actual words, Dennis,” Lynn’s voice said.

“Awake. Can’t move much,” I slurred. “Why?”

“We will get to that,” she replied. “First, I need to do an assessment of your cognitive function and mental state. Bear with me.”

I stumbled my way through her assessment, but could tell things weren’t going well. Way too many questions about current events, basic math and logic stuff, and all of them seemed to need answers I couldn’t recall, or felt too complicated to focus on. Same with the mental assessment.

“How I do?”

“Under the circumstances? I expected worse. Now,” she said, putting away her tablet, “I expect you have questions.”


“First, you have been out for about a week. A lot has happened, but I suspect you’ll need an update on your own status before I go into all that.”

“You stabilized at about 34 inches, and you are what I can only describe as bloated with incredibly dense muscle. That’s a lot of why you can’t move, but they also have you kind of swaddled to keep you from shifting in your sleep. They flipped you pretty soon after you passed out, because your penis and testicles continued to grow.”

“How bad?”

“Just over 93 cm, or 37 inches, fully engorged. Which you have been the entire time.”

“Fuck,” I said. More cock than person.

“It’s been a challenge to keep you hydrated with how much that thing puts out. You have also lost a fair amount of weight, but your bones and muscles are extraordinarily dense. Not much fat on you.”

“Tommy is doing well, and he got lucky physically — he only lost a few inches. He and Sam are getting along well, and have made many friends among the newer residents. There are about 30 of you here now.”

“The very good news, however, is that the docs have been pretty busy and not only have they figured out the cause, they’ve been working on a way to reverse the dwindling.”

I admit, I squeaked a bit.

“In short, it was a biological weapon test. Some kind of programmable virus type thing. Pretty sure it was Russia. We think the plan was to simply shrink people, but the virus got confused and the instructions corrupted. But once they were able to monitor everything in real time, because of your extreme response and Tommy’s fresh samples, they cracked it. The boys in Frederick think they have a way to reprogram it to fix you.”

I couldn’t help it, I began crying in relief. She waited in silence for a respectful moment or two.

“The thing is, I needed to assess your ability to grant consent. Because of your extreme case, they can learn a lot by attempting to correct you.”


“Hold on. You need to understand the risks. First, they’re not sure how much they can reverse. Or how well your body will hold on as it attempts to restructure you.”

“Still yes. I don’t want to be a support system for a cock.”

“And second, they think there’s only one shot at this. If they get it wrong, they can’t go again. Whatever happens, it’s a one way trip. It could even be fatal if they’ve messed something up.”
I’d adjusted my seat but it still felt odd driving my car. I felt smaller but also larger, if that made any sense.

And hungry.

And horny. Again.

I grabbed a chicken sandwich meal at the drive through and then pulled into a space, letting the music and the AC keep me company while I ate. I wasn’t keen to go into the restaurant, both because I was feeling shrimpy and because I had a rapidly emerging hard on. And while I sat and ate, I wrestled with what to do next.

I didn’t want to assume anything, but i couldn’t tell whether whatever was happening was finished with me, and I didn’t know whether there was anyway to reverse it. But I also didn’t want to face questions at work (not like I had answers anyway), and I didn’t particularly want to go buy clothes to fit my new size, whatever that turned out to be, before I stabilized. I didn’t want to be out in public, either, because of embarrassment, but I’d have to deal with some stuff eventually.

So the first thing was to use the doctor's note to take a break from work. At least a week, until I got a handle on this change and knew what was happening.

Second, I needed to find out more about this whole deal. There was just enough of a murmur about similar stuff happening out there to get my hopes up.

Third, I needed to monitor myself.

And fourth,I needed, badly, to deal with this libido.

Wait, five, I needed groceries, because the 1400 calories I’d just consumed barely took the edge off. Briefly I wondered if the extra calories would slow down the process, or speed it up, but the gnawing hunger in my gut meant it didn’t matter too much.


Work was understanding, and thanks to Covid, the grocery places all offered delivery these days. And I figured I’d use at least some of the time to tackle a few house chores I always put off.

The best laid plans, right?

Instead, I got home, placed a big Costco order to fill up the pantry and fridge, and ordered a large pizza with everything. I took care of my raging boner while I waited, and then devoured more than half of the pizza when it arrived.

Darla texted me, and I gave her an update saying I was okay, and would let her know when I got results back. I also looked hard at my finances and tried to figure out how long I could stay off work. Just in case. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea but if I had to, I could last for nearly a year. That layoff rumor to years ago had made me set aside more than usual, thank goodness.

And then, I continued digging into remote corners of the internet. I’d reached out to a buddy with some hacker skills, and soon found my way into the dark web, but found it mostly incomprehensible and useless. I’d either need his help to find my way, or I’d need to learn more myself, and I had enough on my mind. But I’d also found some more places where people had posted oddly real-sounding worried messages claiming they’d shrunk. There was, sadly almost never any followup on those, and rarely more than two on a site. But I began plugging the reports into a spreadsheet because that’s what I do. Maybe a pattern would emerge.

Throughout the rest of that day, I tried to ignore my raging libido and focus on other things, but it was no easy task.

Finally the Costco order came and I put it away, whacked off to take the edge off, and went to bed early, hoping the next day would bring answers.


The next day was no help. The body aches continued, though luckily the Tylenol helped. The awful bathroom visits continued, but at least now I had eaten enough the prior day to justify them.

But to my dismay, I’d shrunk again, or rather, my body continued to shrink and expand in odd ways.

Height: 5 ft, 4.85 inches
Weight: 219
Chest: 46
Waist: 30
Dick: 7.75 inches
Penis girth: 6.25 inches

I had, I realized, continued to tone up and bulk up as I slept, somehow. I no longer even looked doughy, I looked muscular, like an off season footballer. I was solid, and I was absolutely packing. Just shorter.

And dad’s clothes were now too big. Well, too long, at least, and pretty tight around the fun parts.

And my dick had never been bigger. Seriously, it was a handful and then some, and it was a turn on to touch. Or to think about. Or to be aware of.

It took three back to back jerk sessions to make it go down after breakfast.


By late afternoon, I’d had to fend off Darla and I’d called the doctor’s office hoping for an update, but they said it would be at least another day before they got back most of the lab work. Made short work of those house chores, too, trying to stay busy to avoid jerking off more or worrying myself to death.

And while I was catching up on some TV, i made accounts on some of those naughty sites, thinking i might be able to connect with some of the people who’d posted questions.

And after eating way too much for breakfast and lunch, it occurred to me that I should probably see if the bulk I now possessed was just for show.


I’d used the gym at my community a few times, but not recently, and was pleased to find it empty but decently appointed. I’d gotten some use there during the pandemic but it looked like some new equipment had replaced the rather boring standard offerings. I started with cardio, and that went well, so I proceeded to circuit training on the big machine.

And quickly realized that the bulk I now possessed wasn’t just for show. Not at all.

One nice advantage of those machines is that you don’t spend half your time moving big disks back and forth; instead, you move a pin into a space, and you can get right to it. You can, for example, adjust easily when you find the resistance isn’t quite right.

Today, I adjusted only in one direction. It felt pretty good to test new limits, or to plow through another set of reps. And I barely noticed the time passing, especially since my apparently-now-standard-issue hourly boner seemed to nap while I was working out. It almost felt like the energy was being directed elsewhere, leaving my willie out of the picture for a bit. Just as well since the blissful just-me time ended when a group of chattering ladies showed up just as I finished another set of leg exercises. Best to avoid risk of impropriety and head back to my room before the hornies returned, right?

So I grabbed my towel and water bottle, and turned to leave when the door opened.

Coming through the doorway were two guys, probably college guys by the look of them, laughing and roughhousing a bit in a friendly jock sort of way. They didn’t immediately notice me because they were focused on each other.

Not in a sexual way, but in the way that friends having fun aren’t always aware of the world around them.

The two of them looked to be about 6 feet tall, same lanky yet muscular build. By their gear and general attitude, they weren’t serious jocks, just college boys doing basic maintenance. But both were pretty gifted — nature had done well by them. One was black, or rather sort of a dusky caramel color, with blond highlights in his short dreads. The other looked more Asian and Latino, or probably Filipino, and hard short spiky black hair. They were poking each other and laughing, and there was something both innocent and kind of homoerotic about their playfulness.

“Oh!” The black kid said, suddenly realizing I existed. “Sorry, man, didn’t mean to —“

“Damn, dude,” the other one said, “you get like that working out here?”

I looked down at myself, forgetting for just a second how I looked. “More or less,” I replied.

“You are one solid little dude,” the black kid said. “I ain’t seen you here before. And I’m here most days with my man Justin.”

Justin, in turn, smiled. “Damn, man, how big are your arms? Carlo, how big do you think his arms are?”

I must have blushed as I stammered “I don’t really know, I haven’t checked.”

“That’s a good pump,” Carlo said, reaching out to touch my upper arm. Then he stopped just short of touching, and his bright eyes met mine. “You cool if I touch?”

I nodded, and his long fingers gently felt my arm. I found myself attempting to flex a bit and was surprised by the results.

“Shit, that’s pretty solid.”

I looked over at Justin, who met my eyes and, when I nodded assent, did the same to my shoulder. “Fuck, that’s all muscle.”

“How long you been working out?”

“Not long, just kind of getting back into it,” I said.

“You compete, bro?”

“No,” I said.

“You should. You got a lot packed onto your frame, and they don’t take points off if you’re short. My cousin competes and he’s only about 5’7”,” Carlo said.

“Thanks, but,” I said, kind of sheepishly, “I’m still kind of adjusting to all this.” Besides, I thought, five seven was a few days ago.

“Damn, dude, you, uh….” Justin was looking with wide eyes. “Uh, you may wanna…”

I looked down, and realized that my dick was half chubbed….and it was visible below the hem of my shorts. And the moment I realized that, it began to quickly rise.

“Oh shit!”

“No no, no homo, man, we surprised you,” Carlo said, backing up a step. “And we’ve all been there.”

“I know Carlo certainly has,” Justin said, with a sly smile that suggested he was quite familiar with Carlo’s occasional mishaps.

“Shut up,” Carlo said.

“Bro, I think he’s bigger than you are!” Justin laughed.

“Come on man,” Carlo replied. He was half blushing and half annoyed.

“Bro, it’s just us here,” Justin said to me. “You’re clearly a big guy, but Carlo’s packing a solid eight. You gotta be close…” He seemed proud of his friend, but Carlo just looked away a bit.

“Um,” I replied, “probably something close to that.”

“Shit,” Carlo muttered.

Justin’s innocent smile turned ever so slightly more teasing as he fixed his deep set brown eyes on his buddy. “What’s the matter, bro, feeling threatened?”

“No way is he bigger.”

My penis seemed eager to prove itself, and despite scrunching my eyes shut and willing it to calm down, I could feel it reaching some new level of hardness. I knew it was lurching up to be fully erect. I must have blushed with my entire body, and yet, it was so erotic I couldn’t move, powerless against them ogling my junk.

“Damn,” Justin said. “He’s got you tied, I think.”

“No fucking way! It just looks bigger on him,” Carlo said, and I heard a thwack as he pulled down his shorts. That got my attention and my eyes opened of their own accord.

Carlo’s narrow waist and visible abs were partly hidden behind a dark pillar of cock. He was definitely gifted. And apparently uncut, but not unshaven.

He took a step back toward me, to better compare.

Justin frowned. “Close call,” he said, mischievously. “May I?”

“Go ahead, you fucking queer,” Carlo said, but I could hear the fondness in his voice and see his smile.

A light brown hand circled Carlo’s big black cock, and the other, hesitantly, reached for mine. I shuddered and nodded assent. His hand was warm and soft.

“Still a close call,” he said, appearing to take things very seriously. “You boys both as hard as you get?”

“Always,” Carlo said.

“Okay, bro,” Justin said, and added his right hand to his left, using his fingers to measure the length of the cock along the top. And then he did the same to me.

I couldn’t help but spurt a little pre when he touched me.

“Nice,” he smiled. “Carlo, man, I’m sorry, he has maybe half a finger on you.”

I looked up at Carlo, only to find him staring wide eyed at my dick. “Fuck me,” he muttered.

“Ah, ah, ah,” Justin said. “You know our rule. Biggest cock goes first.”

Justin then looked down at me. “And that’s you,” he said. “So who do you want first?”
Great story!
Another hour of questions left me mentally exhausted. I wasn’t even sure how well i had answered, because the sheer amount of nerve endings my mammoth cock contained meant that it was taking up a lot of space in my mind. I was constantly aware of it, of the heat and weight of it, of every minor movement of the air around it or the slight brush of the fabric sling that kept it from crushing me. I was pretty sure I could even feel it inexorably adding minuscule amounts of flesh to itself, possibly at the expense of my body.

It was like when your neighbor is playing music so loud that you have to work at it and turn your own up to hear properly. Only without the option to go bang on the door and let them know it was a problem.

Shut, I could probably knock DOWN a door with this cock. It was long past ridiculous, and while it sure felt good while it was actively spewing thick blasts of cum, the constant drip of pre plopping into the bucket behind my head was like fucking water torture.

Hyper awareness. That’s what it was. I was normally good with words, but i had the bizarre feeling that my normally expansive vocabulary was dripping out of that meter of cock, one letter at a time.

I was doomed, if they weren’t able to fix me. They had to. I didn’t want a life like this.

I could feel the spiral starting. The depression waiting to grab my soul and tell me he was worthless.

Naturally, that’s when my friends showed up.

“Hey!!” Tommy bounced in, grinning. “They said you’re awake and somehow still have a brain!”

“Oh god.” I was only momentarily embarrassed; it was Tommy after all. His head popped into my limited field of vision, smiling.

Then he gave me a big smooch.

“Ew, you taste like plastic tubing and bad breath.”

“Sorry,” I said.

“I’ve tasted worse,” he said. “Anyway, the docs said we could come visit now you’re awake!”


“Sam’s here too. He’s just too short for you to see from there.”

“Hey, sexy,” said Sam’s voice from somewhere below.

“Okay, elephant in the room, god DAMN, that cock is bigger than you are!”

“What cock,” I said, feigning ignorance.

“Seriously, they kept us out all week, Den. I hope it’s cool, I’ve been hanging out with Sam a lot, but we missed you.”

“He wouldn’t shut up,” Sam said wryly.

“Congrats, you’ve summed up the Tommy experience.”

“Ha ha,” Tommy smiled indulgently. “Anyway, they said they are going to try to reverse some of this, and I HAD to see you before then. It’s a shame you can’t really move to see me.”

“Hang on, I found the controls,” Sam said. Suddenly there was a shift. The bed titled up a bit, and the shift in location meant the giant dick-in-a-sling above me shifted too. That meant fabric sliding along my enormous shaft, and it responded.

“Ahhhh!” I squeaked. I could hear a large blob of pre splatter somewhere behind my head. Fuck, now I felt even harder.

“Whoa! Sorry, wasn’t expecting such a reaction,” Sam said.

I could see him, once the stars and swirls in my eyes calmed down a bit. He looked chagrined but physically the same: cute Asian hobbit twunk.

And looming next to him at what he guessed was only a few inches shorter than he had been, was Tommy. Damn, he’d been cute before but now he was a certified prototypical twink.

“Drink it in, babe. This actually worked out pretty well for me. Check out my ass!”

Okay, that was … a lot of cake, indeed. A beefy, perfect, bubble but. And then he tensed it up and it was even nicer.

If you go for that sort of thing, which I do. Behind me, I heard another gushing splash as my cock got in on the excitement.

“Oh my GOD,” Tommy said. “Now that’s what I call appreciation. Thanks, babe. Anyway, I wanted to come in and make sure you were okay. Sam, too, he likes you a lot. He may like me better, though. I’ve been growing on him, I think.” Sam just shook his head indulgently.

“Now, I know that you’re in kind of a freaky situation, but I really wish I could ride that thing before they try to fix you. But, they said it wasn’t safe to try, one or both of us could get hurt. And they really want to try that cure on you, buddy.”

“Yeah. This is just too much. I don’t even know if I can walk with this thing. If they can’t…I don’t see much point in going on, y’know?.”

He nodded, momentarily serious and focused. “If they can’t fix you, we will do our best to make you feel happy and loved.” And he meant it, bless him.


Dr Park finished giving me the once over, and seemed satisfied with the results.

“The tricky bit comes next, Dennis. Without going into too much detail, your dwindling is still active, but really slowed down. The idea is to jump start parts of that process, but in other directions.”

“Sounds great.”

“It ought to sound scary. But I guess at this point you haven’t much to lose.”

“Too much of a good thing, doc. The muscle is one thing, but nobody needs a three foot cock.”

“Just so. We’ll, I guess we will brief you as best we can, and then get started.”

I nodded and he activated the bed controls so I was a bit more comfortable.

“Now, the first thing we are going to do is inject you with our modified virus. Then you’re going to be submerged in a tank full of, well, goo. It’s engineered to feed the refactoring needs of the revised virus. You’re going to need to pick up that mass you lost, right? And we will be feeding you as well, with a nutrient drip.”

“How long will it take?”

“Impossible to say. Our best guess is a couple of weeks at worst, but you’re not going to enjoy the process. Sedating you would be ideal but it’d be risky with your hopefully changing mass. But with how quickly your body reacted to the original, you may be lucky and it will go more quickly.”

“Got it,” I said. “Ready when you are.”

About twenty minutes later, I had received the injection, and soon I was being lowered into a large tank, and hooked up with more sensors and electrodes and tubes and wires than I care to think of. I had swim goggles over my eyes and tubes up my nose.

Hours passed, or possibly minutes. The goo was, well, gooey. The breather kicked in and that wasn’t pleasant either. And then the tingling and warmth started. Wave after wave, maybe ten or twelve seconds apart. At least my massive dick was blocking my view; I wasn’t sure I wanted to see anything. I was too lost in the feeling.

It was almost like my whole body was being massaged. No, stroked — sensually and rhythmically — to the point of orgasm, and then denied. But weirdly, it wasn’t sexual, somehow. My dick was left out of the fun, though in point of fact I already felt like I’d been oversexed for so long I may have just been numb to it.

I drifted in and out for a long while. Still not sure how long it was. Days certainly. When I bothered to open my eyes, I couldn’t see much. Just a sort of thick unset jello. No, more like…runny pudding. Custard? It wasn’t chunky, for which I’m grateful. I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense. It felt like a mud bath.

Eventually, the waves of massage stopped, and after a bit, I could feel the goo schucking off my body. And then a spray, lukewarm water. It felt really nice, like I was washing away something gross, leaving me clean and fresh and new.

A hand reached up and pulled the goggles off. I blinked as a towel was wiped gently across my eyes and the breather pulled off my face. I gasped, and there was a weird echo. No, not an echo. Those were other voices.

The world swam into focus. And there were the open-mouthed faces of the staff, and a look on Dr Park’s face that I can only describe as …confused.

“How…how are you feeling, Dennis?” He asked.

“Weird.” That wasn’t the right word for it. I felt like I’d got a full body massage for a bit too long, and then fell asleep in a hot tub. And then someone had taken me apart and forgotten to put me back together.

“I’ll bet,” someone whispered.

“Okay, let’s get you out of this thing, and we will want to run some more tests after you’ve rested.”

I barely registered the many hands pulling me out of the tank and putting me onto the cart, because my entire body was singing — it didn’t quite hurt but there was definitely sensory overload, which made it really hard to sort out one sensation from the next. I was pretty sure there were towels involved and damp cloths, but I kind of lost myself in it.


“Dens? Denny? Speak to me, babes.” I knew that voice, definitely Tommy. My eyes felt too heavy to check just yet.


“Oh good. He knows me, Doc,” Tommy said.

“Score another point for you, Mr Fowler,” Dr Park said.

I felt something over my eyelid, probably a finger, and bright light flashed into my eyes. I tried to move my arm and heard something snap as I did that.

“Whoa! Slow down, it’s just me, just checking your eyes, Dennis…”

My eyes adjusted quickly. Something large was blocking my vision, or most of it, but the angle was wrong for it to be my oversized cock. Small blessings, right? It snapped into focus: a large and bulging wall of flesh, and when I moved my arm, to shift the thing, it moved too.

Wait, that was my arm. My arm!

I sat up suddenly, and several other snapping noises accompanied the motion. I looked at my arm, with a shredded piece of heavy duty nylon strapping dangling uselessly from it.

“Denny, babes, calm down please, you’re scaring them.”

“What the hell?” I looked down at the expanse below me, and realized that it was me, taking up the entire width of the bed, my feet stretching past the end of it. I wiggled my ankles to make sure.

“Can I ask you not to move too much just yet?” Dr Park said, calmly. “I will explain.”

“Water,” I croaked. Tommy handed me one of those terrible hospital cups and when I grabbed it, it exploded. “Here, babe, just use the straw,” he said, producing another one. I sucked deeply and felt like I’d never had cool water before, I was so thirsty.

“Okay, Dennis. We need to talk now, because a lot has happened, and we need to catch you up.” He scooted closer. “The straps were a precaution, because well, we didn’t know whether you’d be able to control yourself. It appears we overestimated those allegedly industrial straps.”

“I did that?”

“Yeah you did, you big stud,” Tommy said.

“Mr Fowler, please. Editorializing isn’t going to be useful, so let’s bring Dennis up to speed first, okay?”


He sighed. “Dennis, the good news is, we managed to accomplish our primary goal of reversing the worst of what the dwindling had done to you. However,” he said, “it appears our calculations may have been off. Or just something about you tends to over respond to this process. The net result is pretty substantial — and I have to emphasize, this is a one way trip, as we briefed you beforehand.”

“How substantial,” I asked, finding my voice a little weird and rumbly.

“Well, first the good news. You have regained all the height you lost, and then some. And we’ve substantially reduced your phallus, which we feared might be impossible.”

“Still huge,” Tommy said, “which is nice for everyone, don’t you think?”

“Ahem. However, we ran into issues putting the brakes on, so to speak. Consequently, you are now roughly 6’8” tall. And you seem to have retained the hypertrophic muscle development you attained when you initially shrunk.”

“You weigh like 440 pounds, Dens! All of it hot sexy muscle,” Tommy burbled.

“Um...yes, that’s about right. And on the other matter, you still have pretty significantly oversized genitalia,” He said. “But we estimate it’s a little less than half the size you were before we made this attempt. Flaccid, you’re back to around 11 inches.”

“We don’t know yet how big a boy you’ll be when properly stimulated,” Tommy gushed. “But I have dibs.”

“Estimates are in the 14-18 inch range. A damned sight less inconvenient than 38 inches, so we are counting that as success.”

“More useful at that size, right?”

I nodded dumbly. Then I gestured at the shredded straps.

“Ah, yes, we will want to run some more deliberate tests, but it appears those muscles aren’t just for show. I suspect your muscle density is much greater than, well, the average 6’8” muscle monster. If such a thing exists. But you snapped those straps like they weren’t even there, and they could hold a gorilla. So be very careful, please.”


I feel pretty recovered in a few hours, and they sent me down for imaging.

Height: 6’8.25”
Weight: 442
Chest: 68
Waist: 34
Upper arms: 29
Quads: 33
Penis: 16.95 inches, 5.5 inch girth

I was fucking massive.

Dr Park cleared me once the bloodwork came through. This time the virus had self destructed as it should have, so I wasn’t going to pass it on.

And so there I was, taking up most of a king sized bed, while Tommy and Sam treated me like a buffet.

“There’s so much of you now,” Tommy said. “And so much of it is yummy muscly goodness.” He was into muscle worship, I’d discovered. I’d flex whatever muscle he was lavishing attention on and he’d squeal with delight.

Sam had his mouth quite full, but we interpreted his muffled grunts as “not this part.” He was pretty happy down there inhaling most of my dick, which was still utterly inhuman for anyone not already in the building. I’d shot twice already, but he was warming me up for Tommy.

Because Tommy was determined to take me to the hilt.

Tommy had settled at about 5’5, but he’d gained quite a bit of tone and a dump truck of an ass. His already nice butt had become bigger, rounder, firmer, yet supple. There was enough of it there to justify his size queen instincts, now, because you’d need at least 5 inches to get TO his hole, much less in it.

Trust me, it was worth it just for that trip, because once you were in there, he was in control. Size wouldn’t help you. His grip was insane, and wonderful, and it seemed like he could clench for several inches inside.

Sam mostly wanted to be used for oral, but he’d happily fucked himself on Tommy’s cock (he’d gained a happy inch there, putting him at about 7.5”) while I was under. They got along well, with Sam’s maturity balancing Tommy’s lack thereof. Tommy’s intellect was mostly intact, but they estimated he’d dropped maybe 10-15 points in IQ, for whatever that’s worth. He still felt like Tommy, but his already air-headed personality was dialed up and his ability to focus was pretty limited. He’d forget little things, or need reminding. He seemed pretty happy, overall, but it was obvious that he wasn’t going back to his old life anytime soon. Sam had stabilized before we met him, but as I got to know him, I realized he’d probably been a bit more complex and high strung before the dwindling. His youthening had left his maturity pretty much intact, but left him much more blunt than he’s been, or so he claimed. He said only that he saw no purpose in not just saying what he thought, or asking for what he wanted.

I met many of the others, but the three of us settled pretty quickly into a contented state and our needs were met, so we were social (and I like to think, helpful for the newer guys) but pretty self contained. Within three months there were 70 or 80 of us there, and a few folks had been eager to return to society.

Dr Park said the team were still working on the reversal process, and had a few more folks ready to try it. What they’d learned was that the physical stuff could definitely be reversed, but the mental stuff less so. But they could fix most of the more extreme cases, and were hoping to be able to halt the dwindling at earlier stages. The reversal process was still hit or miss. There had even been one case were it went wrong. The poor guy had gone from 5’10 to 4’10, and the supposed cure had backfired, leaving him at just under three feet tall. Poor guy was just skin and bones. Sam wasn’t sure if he’d left, or if he’d died. It was possible, after all. None of the researchers were opening up about it, citing HIPAA and confidentiality. I couldn’t blame them.

We later found out that some folks got hit with a version of the original virus that shrunk or grew their organs unpredictably, and it was lethal. They hadn’t been tracked correctly and thus hadn’t been factored into the possible outcomes.

I’d been in the facility for about eight months when something changed. And it was something big.