The effects of queerbaiting.

sorry for the confusion! after i re-read the thread and saw your earlier post of how you define the term "queerbaiting," i deleted the definitioni copied from the web. but to answer your question, i would simply call it being "conned" or "scammed." as @Finaldestiny986 mentioned, women can use their sex appeal to take advantage of a shy introverted guy who's lonely and looking for love. being scammed has nothing to do with a gay or straight, imo.

but i suppose if someone used an important thing or aspect of my life to get close to me, get me like or trust them and then scammed me, it would be more upsetting as opposed to a random stranger. so if your gay identity is an important aspect of your life and someone used that deceive you, then i can understand how that would be upsetting. i can see how/why you call that queerbaiting.

you say this has happened to you several times. have you asked yourself what if anything you can do to prevent this from occurring again? you say it impacts your mental health. but then, why are you still friends with people who have done this to you?
By my definition, most times, money is not always involved (only in certain cases).
I was talking more about queerbaiting, just in real life (they pretend they're LGBT, and then get mad when the LGBT person calls them out for being deceived).
Or, Option 2 (which I never considered) - The "straight" person could have a lot of internalized homophobia and could be doing this as deflection from the LGBT person they truly are.
Billie Eilish came out the closet after being accused of queerbaiting, herself.
Its not like straight women do the exacly same thing to straight men (false accusing, playing with emotions for check etc.) and vice versa : unamused:

Also how do you find out that "queerbaiting" man is actually straight is not f.e straight leaning bisexual or even worse..fully gay.

"Straight" guy trying to get money from gay guy is no different than some gay twink trying to get money from his sugar daddy or some young straight/bi woman trying to scam old rich guy.
I just made a reply to all 3 things you just said (before I even read this).
By my definition, most times, money is not always involved (only in certain cases).
I was talking more about queerbaiting, just in real life (they pretend they're LGBT, and then get mad when the LGBT person calls them out for being deceived).
Or, Option 2 (which I never considered) - The "straight" person could have a lot of internalized homophobia and could be doing this as deflection from the LGBT person they truly are.
Billie Eilish came out the closet after being accused of queerbaiting, herself.
oh okay i see! so in a situation like, if i met someone who pretended to be gay and then later found out they weren't (and they didn't take advantage of me or try to manipulate me) ... hmmm, i don't know if that would negatively impact my mental health. i would think that like you mentioned maybe the person isn't comfortable with who they are or maybe they have some type of mental issue of their own. at the very least, i definitely would be very weary of trusting them or believing any thing they say.