The Extender


Just Browsing
Apr 18, 2008
My basic question is has anyone used the extender before and does it work? If it works what kinds of gains do you see and how long did u have to wear it before u saw those gains. Im thinking about getting one but I wanna know if they work first before i get it.
they absolutely work, i recommend the one in my sig., they aren't worth getting if you aren't going to wear it at least 4 hours a day and if its not comfortable. I used 2 prior that weren't comfortable, couldn't wear them for 4+ hours.. so they didn't work.
the one in my sig? whats that? and they do work... how long do you where them and what kind of gains have u seen
they absolutely work, i recommend the one in my sig., they aren't worth getting if you aren't going to wear it at least 4 hours a day and if its not comfortable. I used 2 prior that weren't comfortable, couldn't wear them for 4+ hours.. so they didn't work.

Do you want to get rid of it?
I just got the size matters extender. If you are already decently big, make sure you buy the longer rods to go with it. I dont think I am using it right, if anyone has advice. I get turned on when i put it on, then it acts like a cock ring. Frustrating. Posted pics in my profile.

I fashioned ghetto ones til the long rods come in. Measuring 7.75 there,stretched, up from 7.25 unstretched. Feel like it will actually work!!
I bought a similar one, kilswitch. I have to jack off about three times before putting it on and then adjusting myself every two hours because I start to lose circulation in the head. I need to be sexually exhausted to use the thing because erections in it are painful.
Do you want to get rid of it?

the extender I currently use is excellent, the one that's sitting in my closet isn't too good, you should get a good one and use it for the long haul rather than buying this crappy one thats sitting in my closet :)

basically stretching or extending your dick for periods of time breaks down the tissue. when you rest, the tissue rebuilds and becomes stronger (and in our case, longer). That is close to the muscle tissue building theory, hypertrophy. In addition, however, penile tissue (cells) seems to have the ability to duplicate (known as hyperplasia)

more specifically, this is exactly how stretching (and extenders) work-
All About Your Dick: The Basics of Penis Stretching - Good Looking Loser
Guys. I'm me your email address if you want to. I've been experimenting on different ways to put the extender on and keep it on for up to 2.5 hours or longer. I can send you pics.
which one is the best one to get?? Im about 7 erect now. I wanna get to about 8/8.5 how long would i have to wear it
I've always wanted to know more about these too? How long fella's? I would like to get longer and thicker, I want to use the extender to get longer and the bathmate to get thicker!! Are these gains permanent?
I decided to post this pic of me with my extender on. I will try to answer any questions you guys might have.


I've been using it for years but on and off because of the discomfort. I've been wearing like that since October 2011. Just by looking at my penis, I've notice some gains length. I don't measure but it does look longer erect.
How easy are these to hide if being worn in public? They look like if you wore pants or anything, the rings would dig into you uncomfortably, or you'd see a bunch of metal bulges coming through pants.
been wearing mine for three weeks now. no one has noticed and its not noticble at all unless u wear tight jeans and y would u wear tight jeans with this on any ways. in the three weeks ive already gained .2in in erect length
the new(er) ones have soft plastic/rubberish straps... way way better than the traditional straw-like nooses that PINCH your dick!

I hate the rubber strap ones. They suck because the straps always always tear way too fast. The noose ones hold better has a great upgraded strap and comfort wrap. But if that is uncomfortable then try their vaccuum extender. As far as comfort goes it is way better that those bs straps. Good thing is if you have a extender already you can just buy the vaccuum portion. I highly recommend.