
Loved Member
May 17, 2022
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Trigger warning: the following story contains elements of medical manipulation, fictional nonconsensual elements, and a man in distress. Do not read if this is not to your taste please.

(This is a story I posted on gaydemon, I have a series going. Feel free to let me know if you like it, or share guys you think would be good in the place of Calvin. Hope you enjoy here on LPSG!)


Today I decided to check out what my team in the Pleasure department were up to. They always used the men with which they were provided very well. I was proud of all my teams, but they had some special experimental work. There were ongoing projects: the cum cow creameries, the sex slave conditioning, pupping, various miscellaneous experiments, and whole team just working on anal sex reactions in unwilling straight subjects. I loved reading through their reports, and looking at the images attached.

Recently one subject caught my eye and I wanted to see how he was being used. Calvin Jones, an African American straight college student from California. He was 21, 6'5, an athlete formerly on the football team until he was snatched, low body fat, gorgeous features that had landed him a side gig modeling sportswear for ads in middle America's consumers. He was dark skinned and smooth all over except for a large bush he didn't seem to care to keep trim. From his other stats there had been no need to pad the boy's athleisure wear, his circumcised penis was 10 inches hard and thick even flaccid. I imagined that he didn't trim his dark curlies because they did nothing to finish asset. He had been a naughty boy, sexually active with three women at his college at the time he was acquired. Unfortunately for him his method was using dating and hook up apps, and we had locations all over the world with trained women to snare men for our work. He had done his thinking with his cock and that got him processed, packaged, and shipped to us here at the Institute. With his amorous and horny urges, young fit body, and his recorded history of sexual prowess he was easily placed with the talented men here in the Pleasure department.

The researcher working on him was a thin little geeky man, rather pasty, and a little twitchy. I could tell chatting with him he really...enjoyed his work. He was also clearly a fan of Calvin, or at least Calvin's body. He went on about the "interesting reactions" before the treatment and how he had enjoyed working on the poor college stud to get baseline information on his vitals, sexual performance, and stamina. The different departments attracted different types. You hear "Pleasure department" and might think the gifted at sex and romantic conquest might be the type there. With that assumption you would be wrong. Most of them were sick depraved warped and pervy without much in the way of looks. You got sexually deprived man children, fat horny old men, and the occasional pederast. Calvin's researcher was the type that likely had we not found and taken him in would have worked days in a chem lab and lived in his mother's basement. Those types however, the ones deprived of natural healthy relationships, came up with the most devious and sexually interesting things to work with on our straight subjects. They'd had years of fantasy that I paid them lots of money to bring to life. This twitchy fellow was earning his salary.

He led me to Calvin, he was receiving his last "treatment" as the twitchy fellow told me. Apparently his work was to pump a chemical mix into the food, air, and veins of the subject. The concoction he devised would "enhance his sensitivity to stimuli and increase the receptivity and area of effect of his erogenous zones." Translation: our already sexually driven young straight man was so sensitive air moving rapidly anywhere that turned him on before, would make him insanely tortuously horny now. I was filled in as we entered a lab room where the magnificent young man lay on a table padded with white cushioning in the form of an x to provide easy access to every inch of the former student.

He was secured with thin yet extremely strong metal loops over his ankles, thighs, belly, elbows, wrists, neck, and forehead. I recalled the bill, which I was happy to pay, we had so much funding donations from the wealthy gay men we networked with had gone from necessary to surplus. The magnificent specimen 's arms were at his sides. He was quivering, a sheen of sweat gave his already beautiful body a lumanicent quality in the bright fixed lights of the lab. It was just him in the center and notes and tables of equipment on the sides of the small room. He had a medical gas mask on, an IV in his forearm, and his brown eyes darted to us. He was completely naked, and had been for a week since he was acquired. His cock was large and erect, my guide approached his eyes fixed on the boy's penis with little regard for the captive boy's gaze. It angled up towards his belly, which gleamed. He was breathing heavily and deeply, inhaling whatever gas formulated for the experiment. He was just a body, a toy at best, to this twitchy researcher just staring at his cock. Which was perfect.

"Notice how even untouched he remains erect, his treatment is likely done." As he spoke the member twitched and quivered in the air. He removed the IV needle and flipped a switch. A whooshing sound ceased, and the formula he was inhaling stopped. The mask was removed and I could see his whole desperate face. "Please...just lemme go man." My researcher didn't even look at him, he got something from a desk and came to stand over Calvin. "Open." The straight slut just stares up, his face had a pathetic look, this was not the first time he had been handled by the guy. "Dude, please..." The researched looked at him coldly. "Open." He said again in the same indifferent voice, almost bored. The black man just obeyed this time, his pretty lips parting. I noted how pretty and pink his tongue was, very healthy. The lips, full and gorgeous, were dark with the slight pink of his mouth near the inside edges. The teeth...also perfect, I remembered he modeled. The researcher revealed a metal ball with a short thin metal handle by which he held it. He placed the ball into the lad's mouth and pulled back on the handle, as he did so the ball expanded to completely fill the pretty mouth. The stud just muffled a groan. The man then pulled the handle a little further, forcing the powerful jaws open wide. When his lips quivered I saw his white teeth clamped over the shiny metal surface of the gag, without the rod to make it small for removal, it would never come out.

"We can't even use straps on a gag, if we did it might overstimulate if it touched the ears of the tender place beneath them, an erogenous area. Observe." He took the boy's earlobes in between his fingers, I noted they'd left a diamond stud in the left ear. He gripped and rubbed. The boy moaned and his cock, already erect, bounced and the cock head swelled almost instantly. He removed his fingers, but the boy kept moaning and shifted and his breath increased in depth. A little precum oozed from the dark cock head and the pelvis shifted as much as it could.

"We even had to use the thin extra strong titanium straps rather than the typical thick leather straps, as any contact can arouse him now." I nodded, "Are there health risks?" He gave a pensive frown and looked upward, "Well, it is an early trial. We lost some subjects getting the formula right and it would be a problem for older men, or anyone with a heart condition. Young healthy subjects, especially peak ones like this, almost none. There might be problems with the mind, as the feelings are intense and sustained for longer than normal arousal." The young healthy "subject" did not appear to enjoy the conversation, lips twitching over his metal ball and a thin stream of saliva trailing slightly down his right cheek.

"What if we touched and played with him more aggressively? Has that been done, or could it be dangerous to him?" The man smiled, "Well, we are pretty sure it's still the same. With this young healthy buck, I'm pretty sure though it would give his heart a workout, it wouldn't be fatal." I approached Calvin, strapped down and helpless with his gorgeous sweating body forced in place but quivering. I couldn't tell if it was me or if he was radiating heat literally. I did notice the room was kept warmer than labs usually were, I assumed to stimulate the subject more. I really really wanted to play...then I remembered, I can, I fucking own this place.

"Well I'm going to test that now, so take notes," I flashed him a sinister smile which he matched and fumbled for a notepad. I moved right in and looked over the pretty test subject. I ran a finger down his arm, his lips worked over the odd metal gag and he shifted, letting out a soft moan. He was so smooth, and my finger picked up some sweat as it caressed his bicep and forearm. Not extremely sexual areas, but I could tell even that had an effect. Fuck, I wanted to be able to just touch him all over all at once, the more I looked at the boy the more I just wanted to go wild over him...but I was going to take my time. For science.

I looked him over again, using his predicament to savor the fear mixed with unavoidable horniness that was his new normal. To think a week ago he was swaggering around campus in total control, and now he was just my lab rat with a cock I could make painfully hard with just a touch...I reached over to his nipples, dark and round they were situated closer to the outer side of his well formed pecs. I took my fire finger and, just very lightly, caressed the velvety discs. Immediately they perked up, getting hard as I played with them. Calvin went wild, he went from growling to yelling and grunting violently. His cock waved about as he gyrated his pelvis and the precum oozed forcefully, I thought maybe it was a slow ozzing ejaculation. "Is that him cumming?" The researcher shook his head, "Oh no, the process increases the size of the seminiferous tubules and the seminal vesicles quite a bit. So this is just his precum. You'll know when he ejaculates." He grinned.

I moved between his legs and felt and fondled his balls. His scrotum was very dark, as he was a darker skinned black man. His dark curlies dusted the sack and his pelvis was a bush of thick dark pubes from which his throbbing cock rose like a tree above underbrush. A throbbing, dark, fleshy tree undergoing some intense scientifically modified feelings, that is. I felt around his balls and the jock moaned, groaned, and shifted from side to side as much as he could. The thin metal strips looped over him juuuust hugged his gorgeous dark skin. They had his sweat on them as he was increasingly slick with it, but even as the little movements and jerking of his muscled body increased they held firm. He wasn't going anywhere.

I could feel how the process had changed what his scrotum carried. The entire area was heavy, and I could feel thicker chords and there was a pulsing there. His balls were big and full, but they had been when he came to us. The whole package in his dark soft tender bits gave off a definite heat. I enjoyed molesting his balls and even gave a caress to his cock, which twitched wildly as the man beneath it shuddered and groaned. I decided to go full in and without thinking bent over his impressive cock, massive head wet with precum and just placed my tongue at the bottom of the shaft, and licked slowly up. He jerked and let out a full screaming whine. The massive painfully throbbing cock gave up a rope of cum that flew over and landed on his chest. He whined and whimpered, I was delighted. The researcher just beamed at his work.

Then I couldn't help it, I dripped his hot shaft in my hand and worked it with my left, and engaged in some post ejaculation torture. I swirled my palm over the hot cum covered head, slick with it, allowing for a smooth lubed glide to manipulate the head...which grew thick and fat again and erupted almost instantly. Another ejaculate so fast? I realized his cock was erupting, on fire with pleasure and sensitive stimulus. I realized that the experiment WAS to increase sensitivity, so the pathetic muscled boy was feeling wave after wave. I couldn't imagine what his already sensitive cock head must feel like. Must be like a white hot iron rod of nerves, torturing him with every little change in touch. Since I was going at it and rubbing and playing with it, it must be unbearable. The guy was now drenched and he full in screamed a deep throated desperate scream. His chest and belly heaved as he just had to take all he was getting and feeling, all that I was giving him. I played and even after several ropes of cum shot over his chest, belly, and even one on his face...the cock remained rigid and the head full and thick. It was like he couldn't go soft if he wanted to. Cum stopped shooting, but kept coming from his piss slit like waves of magma from a volcano. The semen oozed in a continuous thick white eruption, over my fingers, his dark shaft, and ending in his dark pubes. When I wiped my hand on a thick muscular thigh, muscles rigid and tense, I got a towel to clean the thick cum from my digits.

Calvin...well, what had been Calvin, was a gorgeous shining mess, dark skin shaking over every inch dotted and decorated with thick white gooey strips of his new supercharged cum. Sweat dripped under him into the x shaped table, leaving dark stains of sweat on the cushioned top on which our sexual experiment lay. His brown eyes were bloodshot and wild looking, I realized I hadn't even looked at his face since I began. His brow was, like the rest of him, drenched. His lips worked over the gag and his jaw clenched in tension on the metal gag so hard I worried he may chip a tooth. Saliva has escaped down both sides of his mouth with all the voracious yelling, grunting, groaning, and bellowing. The one cum shot that hit his face had landed under his left eye on his cheek. I noticed the ear with the earring had just one errant drop of milky cum on it too. With his dark features they stood out like pearls against dark silk.

I walked to his head, the researcher scribbling furiously on the pad. "This was amazing," he exclaimed, "He appears to be continuously producing cum with no refractory period. The treatment worked better than I had hoped!" I looked at Calvin's tortured face. He closed his eyes and tried to turn his head, but with the metal loops tight against his forehead anchored in the table he couldn't. His eyes just slammed shut, he wouldn't or couldn't face the man who had just racked him with tortured pleasure. I wondered how his brain was doing...all that chemically fueled ecstasy and vibrant and electric reactivity had to have rewired the boy.

I turned to the researcher, "I think a brain scan may be warranted, let's get more data on his condition." He nodded and made a call. I surveyed the young body, his still juiced cock continued the entire time to flow with cum, though a little less than before. The large member hung over his tortured physique swawing up and down with each pulsing gush. His dark bush was covered in sticky white mess. Some even flowed down between his legs to his ass, trying to rise in futility from its cushioned prison I moved my face inches from the boy's face, I could smell the salt on him from the perspiration.

"Calvin, I don't think I've seen the last of you..." He winced and continues to refuse to open his eyes to meet mine. I moved closer and breathed on his ear, his cock twitched, and I gave in a nibbled a little. "Oh you my boy are an asset!" I strode to the door, leaving the gorgeous dark skinned beauty a mess behind me with his eager attendant. "I want a full report and follow up on him." I called back without turning, as I left through the lab door. Yes, I would be following this one...closely...
Trigger warning: the following story contains elements of medical manipulation, fictional nonconsensual elements, and a man in distress. Do not read if this is not to your taste please.

(This is a story I posted on gaydemon, I have a series going. Feel free to let me know if you like it, or share guys you think would be good in the place of Calvin. Hope you enjoy here on LPSG!)


Today I decided to check out what my team in the Pleasure department were up to. They always used the men with which they were provided very well. I was proud of all my teams, but they had some special experimental work. There were ongoing projects: the cum cow creameries, the sex slave conditioning, pupping, various miscellaneous experiments, and whole team just working on anal sex reactions in unwilling straight subjects. I loved reading through their reports, and looking at the images attached.

Recently one subject caught my eye and I wanted to see how he was being used. Calvin Jones, an African American straight college student from California. He was 21, 6'5, an athlete formerly on the football team until he was snatched, low body fat, gorgeous features that had landed him a side gig modeling sportswear for ads in middle America's consumers. He was dark skinned and smooth all over except for a large bush he didn't seem to care to keep trim. From his other stats there had been no need to pad the boy's athleisure wear, his circumcised penis was 10 inches hard and thick even flaccid. I imagined that he didn't trim his dark curlies because they did nothing to finish asset. He had been a naughty boy, sexually active with three women at his college at the time he was acquired. Unfortunately for him his method was using dating and hook up apps, and we had locations all over the world with trained women to snare men for our work. He had done his thinking with his cock and that got him processed, packaged, and shipped to us here at the Institute. With his amorous and horny urges, young fit body, and his recorded history of sexual prowess he was easily placed with the talented men here in the Pleasure department.

The researcher working on him was a thin little geeky man, rather pasty, and a little twitchy. I could tell chatting with him he really...enjoyed his work. He was also clearly a fan of Calvin, or at least Calvin's body. He went on about the "interesting reactions" before the treatment and how he had enjoyed working on the poor college stud to get baseline information on his vitals, sexual performance, and stamina. The different departments attracted different types. You hear "Pleasure department" and might think the gifted at sex and romantic conquest might be the type there. With that assumption you would be wrong. Most of them were sick depraved warped and pervy without much in the way of looks. You got sexually deprived man children, fat horny old men, and the occasional pederast. Calvin's researcher was the type that likely had we not found and taken him in would have worked days in a chem lab and lived in his mother's basement. Those types however, the ones deprived of natural healthy relationships, came up with the most devious and sexually interesting things to work with on our straight subjects. They'd had years of fantasy that I paid them lots of money to bring to life. This twitchy fellow was earning his salary.

He led me to Calvin, he was receiving his last "treatment" as the twitchy fellow told me. Apparently his work was to pump a chemical mix into the food, air, and veins of the subject. The concoction he devised would "enhance his sensitivity to stimuli and increase the receptivity and area of effect of his erogenous zones." Translation: our already sexually driven young straight man was so sensitive air moving rapidly anywhere that turned him on before, would make him insanely tortuously horny now. I was filled in as we entered a lab room where the magnificent young man lay on a table padded with white cushioning in the form of an x to provide easy access to every inch of the former student.

He was secured with thin yet extremely strong metal loops over his ankles, thighs, belly, elbows, wrists, neck, and forehead. I recalled the bill, which I was happy to pay, we had so much funding donations from the wealthy gay men we networked with had gone from necessary to surplus. The magnificent specimen 's arms were at his sides. He was quivering, a sheen of sweat gave his already beautiful body a lumanicent quality in the bright fixed lights of the lab. It was just him in the center and notes and tables of equipment on the sides of the small room. He had a medical gas mask on, an IV in his forearm, and his brown eyes darted to us. He was completely naked, and had been for a week since he was acquired. His cock was large and erect, my guide approached his eyes fixed on the boy's penis with little regard for the captive boy's gaze. It angled up towards his belly, which gleamed. He was breathing heavily and deeply, inhaling whatever gas formulated for the experiment. He was just a body, a toy at best, to this twitchy researcher just staring at his cock. Which was perfect.

"Notice how even untouched he remains erect, his treatment is likely done." As he spoke the member twitched and quivered in the air. He removed the IV needle and flipped a switch. A whooshing sound ceased, and the formula he was inhaling stopped. The mask was removed and I could see his whole desperate face. "Please...just lemme go man." My researcher didn't even look at him, he got something from a desk and came to stand over Calvin. "Open." The straight slut just stares up, his face had a pathetic look, this was not the first time he had been handled by the guy. "Dude, please..." The researched looked at him coldly. "Open." He said again in the same indifferent voice, almost bored. The black man just obeyed this time, his pretty lips parting. I noted how pretty and pink his tongue was, very healthy. The lips, full and gorgeous, were dark with the slight pink of his mouth near the inside edges. The teeth...also perfect, I remembered he modeled. The researcher revealed a metal ball with a short thin metal handle by which he held it. He placed the ball into the lad's mouth and pulled back on the handle, as he did so the ball expanded to completely fill the pretty mouth. The stud just muffled a groan. The man then pulled the handle a little further, forcing the powerful jaws open wide. When his lips quivered I saw his white teeth clamped over the shiny metal surface of the gag, without the rod to make it small for removal, it would never come out.

"We can't even use straps on a gag, if we did it might overstimulate if it touched the ears of the tender place beneath them, an erogenous area. Observe." He took the boy's earlobes in between his fingers, I noted they'd left a diamond stud in the left ear. He gripped and rubbed. The boy moaned and his cock, already erect, bounced and the cock head swelled almost instantly. He removed his fingers, but the boy kept moaning and shifted and his breath increased in depth. A little precum oozed from the dark cock head and the pelvis shifted as much as it could.

"We even had to use the thin extra strong titanium straps rather than the typical thick leather straps, as any contact can arouse him now." I nodded, "Are there health risks?" He gave a pensive frown and looked upward, "Well, it is an early trial. We lost some subjects getting the formula right and it would be a problem for older men, or anyone with a heart condition. Young healthy subjects, especially peak ones like this, almost none. There might be problems with the mind, as the feelings are intense and sustained for longer than normal arousal." The young healthy "subject" did not appear to enjoy the conversation, lips twitching over his metal ball and a thin stream of saliva trailing slightly down his right cheek.

"What if we touched and played with him more aggressively? Has that been done, or could it be dangerous to him?" The man smiled, "Well, we are pretty sure it's still the same. With this young healthy buck, I'm pretty sure though it would give his heart a workout, it wouldn't be fatal." I approached Calvin, strapped down and helpless with his gorgeous sweating body forced in place but quivering. I couldn't tell if it was me or if he was radiating heat literally. I did notice the room was kept warmer than labs usually were, I assumed to stimulate the subject more. I really really wanted to play...then I remembered, I can, I fucking own this place.

"Well I'm going to test that now, so take notes," I flashed him a sinister smile which he matched and fumbled for a notepad. I moved right in and looked over the pretty test subject. I ran a finger down his arm, his lips worked over the odd metal gag and he shifted, letting out a soft moan. He was so smooth, and my finger picked up some sweat as it caressed his bicep and forearm. Not extremely sexual areas, but I could tell even that had an effect. Fuck, I wanted to be able to just touch him all over all at once, the more I looked at the boy the more I just wanted to go wild over him...but I was going to take my time. For science.

I looked him over again, using his predicament to savor the fear mixed with unavoidable horniness that was his new normal. To think a week ago he was swaggering around campus in total control, and now he was just my lab rat with a cock I could make painfully hard with just a touch...I reached over to his nipples, dark and round they were situated closer to the outer side of his well formed pecs. I took my fire finger and, just very lightly, caressed the velvety discs. Immediately they perked up, getting hard as I played with them. Calvin went wild, he went from growling to yelling and grunting violently. His cock waved about as he gyrated his pelvis and the precum oozed forcefully, I thought maybe it was a slow ozzing ejaculation. "Is that him cumming?" The researcher shook his head, "Oh no, the process increases the size of the seminiferous tubules and the seminal vesicles quite a bit. So this is just his precum. You'll know when he ejaculates." He grinned.

I moved between his legs and felt and fondled his balls. His scrotum was very dark, as he was a darker skinned black man. His dark curlies dusted the sack and his pelvis was a bush of thick dark pubes from which his throbbing cock rose like a tree above underbrush. A throbbing, dark, fleshy tree undergoing some intense scientifically modified feelings, that is. I felt around his balls and the jock moaned, groaned, and shifted from side to side as much as he could. The thin metal strips looped over him juuuust hugged his gorgeous dark skin. They had his sweat on them as he was increasingly slick with it, but even as the little movements and jerking of his muscled body increased they held firm. He wasn't going anywhere.

I could feel how the process had changed what his scrotum carried. The entire area was heavy, and I could feel thicker chords and there was a pulsing there. His balls were big and full, but they had been when he came to us. The whole package in his dark soft tender bits gave off a definite heat. I enjoyed molesting his balls and even gave a caress to his cock, which twitched wildly as the man beneath it shuddered and groaned. I decided to go full in and without thinking bent over his impressive cock, massive head wet with precum and just placed my tongue at the bottom of the shaft, and licked slowly up. He jerked and let out a full screaming whine. The massive painfully throbbing cock gave up a rope of cum that flew over and landed on his chest. He whined and whimpered, I was delighted. The researcher just beamed at his work.

Then I couldn't help it, I dripped his hot shaft in my hand and worked it with my left, and engaged in some post ejaculation torture. I swirled my palm over the hot cum covered head, slick with it, allowing for a smooth lubed glide to manipulate the head...which grew thick and fat again and erupted almost instantly. Another ejaculate so fast? I realized his cock was erupting, on fire with pleasure and sensitive stimulus. I realized that the experiment WAS to increase sensitivity, so the pathetic muscled boy was feeling wave after wave. I couldn't imagine what his already sensitive cock head must feel like. Must be like a white hot iron rod of nerves, torturing him with every little change in touch. Since I was going at it and rubbing and playing with it, it must be unbearable. The guy was now drenched and he full in screamed a deep throated desperate scream. His chest and belly heaved as he just had to take all he was getting and feeling, all that I was giving him. I played and even after several ropes of cum shot over his chest, belly, and even one on his face...the cock remained rigid and the head full and thick. It was like he couldn't go soft if he wanted to. Cum stopped shooting, but kept coming from his piss slit like waves of magma from a volcano. The semen oozed in a continuous thick white eruption, over my fingers, his dark shaft, and ending in his dark pubes. When I wiped my hand on a thick muscular thigh, muscles rigid and tense, I got a towel to clean the thick cum from my digits.

Calvin...well, what had been Calvin, was a gorgeous shining mess, dark skin shaking over every inch dotted and decorated with thick white gooey strips of his new supercharged cum. Sweat dripped under him into the x shaped table, leaving dark stains of sweat on the cushioned top on which our sexual experiment lay. His brown eyes were bloodshot and wild looking, I realized I hadn't even looked at his face since I began. His brow was, like the rest of him, drenched. His lips worked over the gag and his jaw clenched in tension on the metal gag so hard I worried he may chip a tooth. Saliva has escaped down both sides of his mouth with all the voracious yelling, grunting, groaning, and bellowing. The one cum shot that hit his face had landed under his left eye on his cheek. I noticed the ear with the earring had just one errant drop of milky cum on it too. With his dark features they stood out like pearls against dark silk.

I walked to his head, the researcher scribbling furiously on the pad. "This was amazing," he exclaimed, "He appears to be continuously producing cum with no refractory period. The treatment worked better than I had hoped!" I looked at Calvin's tortured face. He closed his eyes and tried to turn his head, but with the metal loops tight against his forehead anchored in the table he couldn't. His eyes just slammed shut, he wouldn't or couldn't face the man who had just racked him with tortured pleasure. I wondered how his brain was doing...all that chemically fueled ecstasy and vibrant and electric reactivity had to have rewired the boy.

I turned to the researcher, "I think a brain scan may be warranted, let's get more data on his condition." He nodded and made a call. I surveyed the young body, his still juiced cock continued the entire time to flow with cum, though a little less than before. The large member hung over his tortured physique swawing up and down with each pulsing gush. His dark bush was covered in sticky white mess. Some even flowed down between his legs to his ass, trying to rise in futility from its cushioned prison I moved my face inches from the boy's face, I could smell the salt on him from the perspiration.

"Calvin, I don't think I've seen the last of you..." He winced and continues to refuse to open his eyes to meet mine. I moved closer and breathed on his ear, his cock twitched, and I gave in a nibbled a little. "Oh you my boy are an asset!" I strode to the door, leaving the gorgeous dark skinned beauty a mess behind me with his eager attendant. "I want a full report and follow up on him." I called back without turning, as I left through the lab door. Yes, I would be following this one...closely...
I could cum by reading this hehe is there a chance u wrote something similar but with them using his thick ass? I’d love to read that
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