The Invisible Tiktok Filter

Boomer... lol it’s a short video sharing platform. That’s tends to have videos that go viral due to its short, catchy/easily consumable content because we as a society have a need to be continually stimulated but lack the attention span for most things that don’t offer that instant gratification sensation. Google #Cardicoronaviruschallege for a myriad of funny examples.
what's his tiktok?
Boomer... lol it’s a short video sharing platform. That’s tends to have videos that go viral due to its short, catchy/easily consumable content because we as a society have a need to be continually stimulated but lack the attention span for most things that don’t offer that instant gratification sensation. Google #Cardicoronaviruschallege for a myriad of funny examples.
I think he asked what that guy's tiktok username is rather than what tiktok is.
The irony.....Lmaoooo I definitely read "what's his tiktok?" as "WHAT’S THIS TIKTOK?" Much like the phrase “what’s this (insert noun/verb) that you speak of” the admittedly misread sentence structure was one literally only my professors have ever actually employed in everyday language,hence my boomer comment. Lololol I’m running a fever, I’m going to pop some more cold medicine and go back to sleep carry on.
I think he asked what that guy's tiktok username is rather than what tiktok is.
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