The Japanese porn is the worst on Earth. Change my mind! (I doubt!)


Sexy Member
Sep 6, 2021
São Paulo (Brazil)
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Pixels, pixels, pixels... accursed pixels! Even the actor's face is censored in some videos! As if it were not enought, without men-to-men/boy-to-boy sex, only fucking straight porn in a "gay" site! You see the thumb with a super hot boy (like Hiroto) and think: "It's today that I see a wondrous gay porn between the hottest guys in Japan". Then you click and... "Surprise! You were deceived! Hahaha, bitch" (The site seems to say that). On top, usually, it's a so disgusting, p1gg1sh and nonsense girl that we all know: In real life, the boy of video would never have the hots for her. He only fucks her because is paid to do this!

The porn, we all know, is something essentially masculine and even being straight porn these videos, the public is gay. So, why to hire women to act in this movies?

Some people can say: "It's a strange fethish of some gay men seing his "crushes" fucking girls". Other people can think: "It's a certain moralism of the producer. They probabily think that the right sex is only between men and women and don't imagine what the public wants". In any case, even I being answered many times, I don't understand why the hell they do it!
i love japanese guys--ben with a couple of them over the years--and not sure about it being all of them or just the ones i been with their assholes tasted so damned good when i rimmed them--but when it comes to porn-their faces are digitally blocked out their cocks and their asses----not all are done this way but mostly the ones with the hottest japanese boys on the porn industry--

why blur it out if cant see the goods--they sayits the way japan deals with porn that no sex organ can be seen clearly so they blurr it out--so i dont rent or buy japanese porn for these reasons
Are there any amateur videos that aren't pixelated all the pro stuff seems to be and the guys act like they're trying to block out what's happening?
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I am straight and so cant speak to the gay flicks, but l have to disagree when it comes to their straight porn. I think apart from the censoring issue, which is prevalent but not universal; I do find some without pixelation, but even with the pixelation I find it to be among, if not the best stuff out there, and it is essentially all I watch. Why? Well, the fact that I am partial to non-caucasian women and particularly to asian women may play a big role, but it is so much more than that. The girls, again in the straight videos at least are lovely, demure and much more girl next door wholesome as opposed to the tired spray-tanned luridly whorish slattern junkies with blown out pussies and assholes that populate western porn so thoroughly. Nothing I have seen has ever led me to conclude them to be disgusting, piggish or nonsensical and nothing like the girls we all know here. Nor have I ever encountered any facial censorship whatsoever, not in a single solitary flick. Moreover they frequently devote substantially more time to plot development making the movies appear far more genuine and authentic than the unimaginative threadbare tropes littering western porn where little ever is fresh or original. And then there’s the lurid and hardcore coercive themes, like forced squirting, chikan and reverse chikan, public sex and degradation, gangbangs and bukkake, stuff shockingly disparate from other porn, and that are far more gripping and titillating than our domestic stuff, although I have noticed an uptick in thematic copycats here in the west of late. All in all, I find them so singularly gratifying that I hardly could believe what I was reading in your post, but, I guess to each their own. Maybe the gay stuff is remarkably more disappointing, but if so it is truly a shame for those of you watching it. I am so profoundly taken with the het stuff I hardly even notice or mind the genital blurring. It is of no moment to me. Cheers.
Is there homemade amateur Japanese/Chinese porn available anywhere?
However, it is Asian gay porn in general and not from Japan. even so thai gay porn especially the one accompanied by photoshoots is very hot.
What I agree with the op is that there are Japanese videos aimed at the gay public where men with the best ripped bodies appear in porn but in straight scenes... I mean, it's a fucking joke?

Curiously, on one of the websites that you included, there was a thumbnail with three guys in a gym and when they saw the scene, apart from the pixelation, they were attended by a woman.
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I agree with pixels thing, it's soo annoying.
But I like because you can scroll freely on japan gay porn and don't see very unpleasantly surprises, if you know I what I mean.
Pixels, pixels, pixels... accursed pixels! Even the actor's face is censored in some videos! As if it were not enought, without men-to-men/boy-to-boy sex, only fucking straight porn in a "gay" site! You see the thumb with a super hot boy (like Hiroto) and think: "It's today that I see a wondrous gay porn between the hottest guys in Japan". Then you click and... "Surprise! You were deceived! Hahaha, bitch" (The site seems to say that). On top, usually, it's a so disgusting, p1gg1sh and nonsense girl that we all know: In real life, the boy of video would never have the hots for her. He only fucks her because is paid to do this!

The porn, we all know, is something essentially masculine and even being straight porn these videos, the public is gay. So, why to hire women to act in this movies?

Some people can say: "It's a strange fethish of some gay men seing his "crushes" fucking girls". Other people can think: "It's a certain moralism of the producer. They probabily think that the right sex is only between men and women and don't imagine what the public wants". In any case, even I being answered many times, I don't understand why the hell they do it!
This entire thread is so weird, especially the person who started it. Like...why are you so mad? LMAO

There's a lot of non-pixelated man-to-man Japanese porn out there like there is literally a hundred studios in Japan. Maybe if you stopped watching from Men's Rush, COAT, STR8BOYS or Hunk-CH, you would think otherwise.

These videos that you complain about are popular to a specific audience and that's why they keep making them. I don't mind the pixelation, I don't mind the straight scenes...especially since I don't pay for any of the videos I watch. Do you?