The Japanese porn is the worst on Earth. Change my mind! (I doubt!)

I am straight and so cant speak to the gay flicks, but l have to disagree when it comes to their straight porn. I think apart from the censoring issue, which is prevalent but not universal; I do find some without pixelation, but even with the pixelation I find it to be among, if not the best stuff out there, and it is essentially all I watch. Why? Well, the fact that I am partial to non-caucasian women and particularly to asian women may play a big role, but it is so much more than that. The girls, again in the straight videos at least are lovely, demure and much more girl next door wholesome as opposed to the tired spray-tanned luridly whorish slattern junkies with blown out pussies and assholes that populate western porn so thoroughly. Nothing I have seen has ever led me to conclude them to be disgusting, piggish or nonsensical and nothing like the girls we all know here. Nor have I ever encountered any facial censorship whatsoever, not in a single solitary flick. Moreover they frequently devote substantially more time to plot development making the movies appear far more genuine and authentic than the unimaginative threadbare tropes littering western porn where little ever is fresh or original. And then there’s the lurid and hardcore coercive themes, like forced squirting, chikan and reverse chikan, public sex and degradation, gangbangs and bukkake, stuff shockingly disparate from other porn, and that are far more gripping and titillating than our domestic stuff, although I have noticed an uptick in thematic copycats here in the west of late. All in all, I find them so singularly gratifying that I hardly could believe what I was reading in your post, but, I guess to each their own. Maybe the gay stuff is remarkably more disappointing, but if so it is truly a shame for those of you watching it. I am so profoundly taken with the het stuff I hardly even notice or mind the genital blurring. It is of no moment to me. Cheers.
Ive watched a few Japanese AVs and I get what you're saying. Some of them can get very...cinematic/aesthetic in comparison to Western porn. They're very situational in a sense that they have specific storylines.

For Japanese gay porn however, the popular ones aren't like that at all. They get very generic and usually stick to the same location, same lighting, etc. especially if it's from a big studio. I don't think I've watched any where they were father-son or brother-brother like those usual straight porn tropes.
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A few of those links set off my malware blocker.
use brave browser, it literally changed my browsing no ads on youtube and none on spotify web player tooo...
Japanese do crazy things in porn but the screams and pixels are really a sex-killer.
I love that they are open to anything (from "cowmilking" to medical fetish)
Japanese do crazy things in porn but the screams and pixels are really a sex-killer.
I love that they are open to anything (from "cowmilking" to medical fetish)
Some pixels are very low, so the dicks are more visible. But others... (damn be) are very strong and we can't see almost nothing!
I hear that they have Lovely Pubic Hair. Would like to run both my Fingers and Tongue through a HOT Male Japanese BUSH. Pardon me I'm sure.
there are a few gay japanese porns out there thats not masked--i seen a few of them i would love to rim their sweet holes as they look soinviting--and people always made jokes that japanese have small cocks isnt true---i seen a few of them i would love to swallow every inch of--and the smaller guys look so inviting as well
I'd enjoy seeing some unmasked Japanese Daddy scenes.
It depends. Almost all Japanese porn is masked, but very occasionally it isn't. In particular, you can usually find Glossmen videos uncensored. Although those are older videos, they're usually hotter anyway. Also, I don't think most companies censor the asshole. In general, a lot of these videos feature actual straight guys or will pretend like a gay or closeted gay guy is straight, but sometimes they are clearly at least somewhat into it. I think the appeal of these amateur "straight" guy videos is because they are relatively unproduced compared to the pro stuff, so it feels more real (I think a lot of them are gay/bi or curious, but the interviewer asks them about their current/last "girlfriend" to set them up a straight and only once or twice have I seen a guy bother to correct them).

As for the sex itself, it's often one guy is trying to fuck like a bunny rabbit when he's clearly not good at it while the other guy is bracing himself and trying to pretend he's somewhere else, yelping obnoxiously (most COAT videos), but sometimes there are models who I like, and I'll watch multiple of them. Don't know or can't remember all of their names, but here are a few:

Hiroki, Yukiya, and Ryuji at Men's Rush (this company in general has a lot of sensual videos from clearly gay/bi men).
Tokiya at Capybara Works, though sometimes he phones it in.
Osamu/Naoya at various companies (really like the one with Asuka at the hot springs).
Iori and Asuka (different Asuka from above) at COAT.
Atsumu at KO EAST.

I never thought I would post something like this, but hopefully someone can get something out of it.
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You said, said, said and forgot the main point: the public opinion. Sites like hunk-ch, ns-ch and other (shit) usually make straight porn scenes like a religion [They think: "We never can forgive the straight sex"], but we don't know what the public (of course, gay) thinks about it: if they like seing sexy boys with chubby girls, if they don't like it and prefer ONLY gay scenes. Somebody here criticized me for hate these sites, but until now I didn't see any subscribers who said "I like very much straight scenes in "gay" JAV". And I also didn't see any explanation of these sites why they do it. Ask for anybody who watch these videos what do they prefer and they will surely answer "gay scenes".
To be honest, I had a hard time figuring out what your main point was since complained about a number of things.

As for why they have hot guys fuck unattractive girls:

1. They do it because it sells, which I presume is because the guys are still hot (and it fulfills that straight guy fantasy).

2. A lot of the times when they get a super hot guy, he is actually straight. It's easier to convince them (with money) to have sex in front of a camera if it's with a woman, and sometimes they use these woman sex scenes as a stepping stone to get hot guys comfortable with more videos in the future.

3. A lot of the guys you might think are gay are actually bisexual. Hiroto I'm pretty sure is. He seemed pretty established in a believable way to be interested in women in his original interview, as much as he also seemed to love getting fucked in the ass. I also know Naoya/Osamu is bisexual, and I'm relatively sure Yukiya from Men's Rush is, among others.

In Japan, I think there is still a strong drive to act and appear straight-like and not to stand out.

IMO, you're best bet is just to use a site that gives you thumbnail links or a videa preview and just skip the ones you're not interested in because honestly the opinions of a bunch of foreign people speaking in English about porn they watched for free is not an important demographic for JGV companies.
To be honest, I had a hard time figuring out what your main point was since complained about a number of things.

As for why they have hot guys fuck unattractive girls:

1. They do it because it sells, which I presume is because the guys are still hot (and it fulfills that straight guy fantasy).

2. A lot of the times when they get a super hot guy, he is actually straight. It's easier to convince them (with money) to have sex in front of a camera if it's with a woman, and sometimes they use these woman sex scenes as a stepping stone to get hot guys comfortable with more videos in the future.

3. A lot of the guys you might think are gay are actually bisexual. Hiroto I'm pretty sure is. He seemed pretty established in a believable way to be interested in women in his original interview, as much as he also seemed to love getting fucked in the ass. I also know Naoya/Osamu is bisexual, and I'm relatively sure Yukiya from Men's Rush is, among others.

In Japan, I think there is still a strong drive to act and appear straight-like and not to stand out.

IMO, you're best bet is just to use a site that gives you thumbnail links or a videa preview and just skip the ones you're not interested in because honestly the opinions of a bunch of foreign people speaking in English about porn they watched for free is not an important demographic for JGV companies.
1 But to be straight doesn't mean simply like woman, there are kinds who are attractive for them and aren't attractive. And many of these women they probably don't fuck for free in real life

2 It's a sexual work, not a "hobby". Thus, they can't complain if they have to do gay scenes. It's for their public, not for them!

3 Sexuality doesn't matter. If some of them like both, doesn't mean that they have to do sex with both. I repeat: Work is work, not a hobby! And why begin with straight instead of just doing only, exclusively gay sex scenes. In really straight porn sites, the girls have a especial paper, in those sites, the girls are masked, ugly and useless, have practically no life. So, why to do straight, if it's so bad?

Finally: What is this "straight guy fantasy"? Who are the supporters? Do you have "straight guy fantasy"?
To be honest, I had a hard time figuring out what your main point was since complained about a number of things.

As for why they have hot guys fuck unattractive girls:

1. They do it because it sells, which I presume is because the guys are still hot (and it fulfills that straight guy fantasy).

2. A lot of the times when they get a super hot guy, he is actually straight. It's easier to convince them (with money) to have sex in front of a camera if it's with a woman, and sometimes they use these woman sex scenes as a stepping stone to get hot guys comfortable with more videos in the future.

3. A lot of the guys you might think are gay are actually bisexual. Hiroto I'm pretty sure is. He seemed pretty established in a believable way to be interested in women in his original interview, as much as he also seemed to love getting fucked in the ass. I also know Naoya/Osamu is bisexual, and I'm relatively sure Yukiya from Men's Rush is, among others.

In Japan, I think there is still a strong drive to act and appear straight-like and not to stand out.

IMO, you're best bet is just to use a site that gives you thumbnail links or a videa preview and just skip the ones you're not interested in because honestly the opinions of a bunch of foreign people speaking in English about porn they watched for free is not an important demographic for JGV companies.

"In Japan, I think there is still a strong drive to act and appear straight-like and not to stand out."

What did you want to say?

Are there any daddy types on that site?
"but until now I didn't see any subscribers who said "I like very much straight scenes in "gay" JAV"."

This is ridiculous because you don't know this haha you're never gonna find actual JAV subscribers on LPSG because people here want free porn. Also, this thread only has 37 replies and suddenly you think nobody wants straight scenes? Because only 37 people replied to this? THINK man

There are obviously A LOT of subscribers who buy their straight videos because if there weren't any, they wouldn't be making any money and they would stop. Literally, just THINK.

You said, said, said and forgot the main point: the public opinion. Sites like hunk-ch, ns-ch and other (shit) usually make straight porn scenes like a religion [They think: "We never can forgive the straight sex"], but we don't know what the public (of course, gay) thinks about it: if they like seing sexy boys with chubby girls, if they don't like it and prefer ONLY gay scenes. Somebody here criticized me for hate these sites, but until now I didn't see any subscribers who said "I like very much straight scenes in "gay" JAV". And I also didn't see any explanation of these sites why they do it. Ask for anybody who watch these videos what do they prefer and they will surely answer "gay scenes".
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For some people, seeing a straight man fuck a girl is much hotter and appealing because they obviously look like the actors are enjoying it more. It's like seeing a real man in his element. That's what the straight fantasy is; some gays will imagine themselves as the woman being fucked by a straight man.

Like I said before in my first reply which you chose to ignore, there are PLENTY of JAVS that do not have women or censoring and it's up to you if you want to find them AND pay for them.
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"but until now I didn't see any subscribers who said "I like very much straight scenes in "gay" JAV"."

This is ridiculous because you don't know this haha you're never gonna find actual JAV subscribers on LPSG because people here want free porn. Also, this thread only has 37 replies and suddenly you think nobody wants straight scenes? Because only 37 people replied to this? THINK man

There are obviously A LOT of subscribers who buy their straight videos because if there weren't any, they wouldn't be making any money and they would stop. Literally, just THINK.
"you don't know this" - I didn't say exactly that doesn't have these mad people who buy, I just said that UNTIL NOW didn't see yet. If there are millions and millions of coments on LPSG or other network with "I like very much these straight scenes", please, show me here some and I say "I'm really very wrong!"

"only has 37 replies" - Again you understood wrong. I'm not just referring to this thread, but all the LPSG, all Twitter, Facebook, etc. posts.

"A lot of subscribers who buy their straight videos" - But have you thinked if they buy because the "straightness" or just because the hunk boys?
For some people, seeing a straight man fuck a girl is much hotter and appealing because they obviously look like the actors are enjoying it more. It's like seeing a real man in his element. That's what the straight fantasy is; some gays will imagine themselves as the woman being fucked by a straight man.

Like I said before in my first reply which you chose to ignore, there are PLENTY of JAVS that do not have women or censoring and it's up to you if you want to find them AND pay for them.
"the actors are enyoing it more" - And why do you think that a porn actor who have sex with other boy enjoys it less? For you, there are only straight boys in porn world? It's impossible to find some who likes boys?

"seeing a real man in his element" - What madness! So, do you think that being a real man necessarily means to be straight? And I am the ridiculous?

"imagine themselves as the woman" - I think that it's trans, not gay. And why in case of Hiroto (@Heros_0320a/ CR-0436), he changed from straight to gay porn? If the public liked seeing him as straight, his last videos would be also straight, not gay!
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