The kilted coaches -- youtube

In the new planking video on youtube you can see stephens junk through the waistband of his kilt. More of an outline but still revealing lol. Stephen is deffo more my type too. So hot.
not true they obviously deleted it out, very lame channel!!
so what’s the point of us following them? we can get fitness advice anywhere
Well they never promised anything more than fitness that I can recall. Just because they’re hot doesn’t mean they have to get naked for their fans.
They're hot but it's too bad they won't go frontal, I understand why and everything but damn, I would pay to see more risque content. Can't justify joining for what they offer right now.
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yeah but they could have left the flashes in and a few accidents, that would have been enough for a £5 a month.. otherwise it’s just pointless then wearing the kilts, they might as well just wear regular clothes, don’t get the point of them wearing kilts if they edit out the accidents just seems pointless to wear them
It's definitely gotten more tame. Plus their patreon dropped to like 2 random bullshit posts a month. I gave up and cancelled this month... :(