The New Collection : Brandon’s Shame (CFNM ENM Novel, trial)


Sexy Member
Oct 9, 2024
“To every man who's ever felt powerless in the face of temptation. To every woman who knows exactly how to wield that power. And to the forbidden moments we secretly crave, when shame becomes pleasure, and surrender feels like freedom—this story is for you”

Warning: This novel contains explicit sexual content, graphic scenes, and themes of power dynamics, humiliation, and submission. It is intended for mature audiences only (18+). All characters depicted in this work of fiction are over the age of 18, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The settings, scenarios, and events in this story are entirely fictional and created for the purpose of adult entertainment. Reader discretion is advised.

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Brandon stepped out of the taxi, a mix of excitement and anxiety coursing through him. He smoothed down his crisp, white button-up shirt, which clung to his slender frame, and glanced up at the towering glass building. The sunlight glinted off the windows, creating a shimmering effect that made him squint slightly. Today was supposed to be a big day—he had been hired as a model for a promotional shoot—but little did he know how this day would unfold.

As he entered the lobby, the scent of expensive cologne lingered in the air, blending with the distant hum of the city outside. His sneakers padded softly against the polished marble floor. *Focus, Brandon*, he reminded himself, forcing a confident smile as he pressed the elevator button to the studio floor.

The elevator doors slid shut with a gentle ding, and nerves surged within him. *What if I mess this up?* He had worked hard to get this opportunity, and the pressure was mounting. The agency had given him details about the shoot: three creative girls, each with a unique vision, would be running the show.

When the elevator doors opened, Brandon was greeted by a vibrant studio, filled with colorful backdrops and professional equipment. The atmosphere buzzed with energy, and the three girls were busy setting up. Cindy, with striking red hair and a commanding presence, was the first to catch his eye. She moved with authority as she organized props, her confident stance making him feel both intrigued and slightly intimidated.

“Hey, you must be Brandon!” Cindy called out, her voice bright and welcoming. “We’ve been waiting for you!”

“Y-Yeah, that’s me,” he stammered, running a hand through his tousled hair.

Sarah, a bubbly brunette with sparkling eyes, approached him next. “We’re going to have so much fun today! Just trust us, okay?”

Brandon nodded, still feeling out of place. “Sure, I’ll do my best.”

As they discussed the shoot, Clara, the photographer, stood back, observing with a mischievous glint in her eye. There was a lightheartedness in the room, but Brandon couldn’t shake the underlying tension—an anticipation that made his stomach tighten.

“Alright, Brandon,” Cindy said, snapping him back to attention. “Let’s get you into costume! We want you to feel sexy and confident.”

“Costume?” he echoed, his heart pounding as he wondered what they had in mind.

“Just something fun! Nothing too crazy,” Cindy assured him with a playful wink. “Let’s start by getting rid of those pants—they’re a bit too plain for what we’re going for.”

Brandon’s cheeks burned at the suggestion. “Wait, you mean... here?”

“Don’t worry! We’ll be professional about it,” Sarah chimed in, her grin hinting at her enjoyment of the moment. “It’s all part of the shoot!”

Before he could fully process what was happening, the girls approached, their intentions unmistakable. “C’mon, Brandon, it’s all in good fun. You’ll be fine,” Cindy coaxed, her voice smooth and reassuring.

A knot formed in his stomach as they began tugging at his pants. Instinctively, he grabbed the hem of his shirt, trying to shield himself. “Uh, can’t I just... keep the pants on?”

“Nope!” Clara giggled, her camera already in hand. “This is going to be the shot of the day!”

With playful determination, the girls worked together, stripping him down until he was left in nothing but his shirt and underwear. Brandon’s pulse raced, his breath quickening as the cool air brushed against his exposed skin. The fabric hung low, offering little coverage, and a shiver ran down his spine.

“Let’s see if we can make you a bit more... *revealing*,” Cindy suggested, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Before he could react, she and Sarah exchanged glances, and in one swift motion, they tugged his underwear down.

Brandon gasped, his face flushing with embarrassment. “Wait! No!”

But it was too late. The girls giggled as they successfully stripped him of his last layer, leaving him utterly exposed. A wave of humiliation washed over him, and in a panicked reflex, he clutched the hem of his shirt, desperately trying to cover himself.

“Don’t worry” Cindy teased, her laughter echoing through the studio

“I... this is so embarrassing,” he whispered, barely able to meet their eyes, his face burning with shame.

“Embarrassing? Nah, it’s exciting!” Sarah leaned in with a grin. “Think of it as a new experience. Besides, you wouldn’t want to upset your sponsors, would you?”

The reality hit him—if he didn’t comply, they could easily call the agency and end his career. “No, I wouldn’t want that,” he muttered, his voice shaky, the blush deepening across his cheeks.

“Exactly! So relax and let us do our magic,” Cindy said, her tone firm yet playful.

Brandon swallowed hard, adjusting his shirt to cover himself as best he could. *What have I gotten myself into?*

“Now, let’s get some great shots!” Clara said excitedly, readying her camera. “I want you to think of something really sexy. Look right at me and just… be confident.”

Brandon took a deep breath, trying to summon some semblance of confidence. “Okay,” he replied, though the heat of embarrassment clung to him like a second skin. He could feel the girls’ eyes on him, evaluating him, and he struggled to maintain his composure as the fabric of his shirt shifted, threatening to reveal more than he intended.

“Perfect! Just like that,” Clara encouraged, snapping photos.

Brandon stood there, nervously tugging at the hem of his shirt, still reeling from the humiliation of being stripped down. His heart pounded in his chest, the weight of his vulnerability pressing down on him as he realized just how much control the girls had over the situation. The air in the studio felt heavier now, thick with tension, and the playful giggles from Cindy, Sarah, and Clara only heightened his discomfort.

“Okay, Brandon,” Cindy announced, a sly smile on her lips as she picked up a large, brightly colored flower from the prop table. “We need to add a little something to these shots. How about you hold this flower for us? It’ll really make the scene pop.”

Brandon eyed the flower suspiciously, unsure of their plan. Reluctantly, he reached for it with one hand, the other still clutching his shirt, trying to maintain as much cover as possible. "Uh, sure, but... what exactly do you want me to do with it?"

Sarah clapped her hands together, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “We want you to hold it above your head. It’ll give the shoot a nice artsy vibe—don’t you think, Clara?”

Clara, adjusting her camera for the next set of shots, grinned. “Oh yeah, definitely. It’ll be perfect! Go on, Brandon, lift your arms up high.”

Brandon swallowed hard, his throat dry. “Above my head?” he asked hesitantly, already knowing the answer. The moment he raised his arms, his shirt would lift, and with nothing underneath, he knew he’d be dangerously close to full exposure. His stomach tightened with dread.

“Yup!” Cindy chirped, her eyes twinkling as she enjoyed his discomfort. “Come on, Brandon, just trust us. It’ll look great.”

Brandon shifted awkwardly, his hand trembling slightly as he lifted the flower with one hand, still trying to keep his shirt tugged down. He managed to keep himself mostly covered—barely.

"Uh, like this?" Brandon asked, raising the flower above his head with one hand, while the other desperately clutched the hem of his shirt. The fabric was already riding up dangerously close to revealing more than he could bear.

Sarah tilted her head, pretending to scrutinize his pose. “Hmm, no. Not quite. You need to use both hands. Hold the flower properly—above your head, with both hands.” She mimicked the pose, clearly nudging him toward the inevitable.

Brandon’s face flushed a deep red. “B-Both hands?” His heart thudded in his chest, and he could feel the tension building. If he raised both arms, there would be nothing stopping his shirt from riding up completely. He could already feel the fabric lifting with just one hand raised.

“Yes, both hands,” Cindy repeated with mock patience, her smile never faltering. “Don’t worry about the shirt. Just focus on holding the flower the right way. We’ll get the best shot that way.”

He glanced at the girls, searching for an escape, but the pressure of the situation weighed heavily on him. *If I don’t do this, they’ll call the agency… I’ll lose everything.* The thought paralyzed him. With a shaky breath, he finally gave in.

“Okay…” he whispered, lifting his other hand to grasp the flower, his fingers trembling as he raised both arms above his head.

As his arms went up, he immediately felt the cool air hit his exposed skin. His shirt, no longer held down, slid up his torso inch by inch until the fabric rose completely above his groin. There was nothing left to conceal him.

Brandon’s face burned as he realized his penis and pubic hair were fully exposed to the room. The girls, however, acted as if they hadn’t noticed, though their sly grins betrayed them.

“There, that’s perfect,” Sarah said, her voice steady as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. “Just hold still like that.”

Clara, who had been snapping photos the whole time, zoomed in, focusing on Brandon’s exposed body. The camera captured every humiliating detail, yet the girls carried on as if his nudity were completely normal, ignoring the fact that his uncut penis was now fully visible, hanging helplessly in front of them.

Brandon’s skin burned with embarrassment. He instinctively tried to lower one arm to pull his shirt back down, but Cindy was quick to stop him. “Ah, ah, ah! Both hands, remember?” she teased, her voice dripping with amusement.

“B-But...” Brandon stammered, his voice breaking as he struggled to keep a shred of dignity. “My shirt...”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Cindy waved dismissively, feigning indifference. “It’s not a big deal. Just focus on the pose—we need this shot to be perfect.”

Brandon bit his lip, feeling utterly powerless. With both hands holding the flower above his head, his shirt had ridden up far too high to cover anything. His penis, soft and swaying with his movements, was fully exposed, as were his pubic hairs, left completely vulnerable to both the camera and the girls. He could feel the heat of their gazes, even if they pretended not to be looking directly.

Clara continued snapping photos, her face impassive. “Great job, Brandon. Just hold it there a bit longer—I need a few more angles.”

Brandon shifted uncomfortably, the weight of the flower making his arms ache. Every inch of him felt tense, his humiliation deepening with each second. He had never been this exposed in his life, standing naked in front of three women, pretending nothing was wrong. His legs felt weak, but he knew he had no choice but to comply.

“Hold it steady, Brandon,” Sarah encouraged, her voice light and breezy, as if this was the most normal thing in the world. “You’re doing great.”

Brandon swallowed hard, his mouth dry. His body was fully on display now, and the girls were clearly enjoying every second, even if they didn’t say it aloud. The subtle glances, the stifled giggles—it was unbearable. They were pretending not to notice his nudity, but he could feel their eyes on him, and it only made the moment more excruciating.

“Okay, now tilt your head slightly,” Cindy instructed, her voice smooth as silk. “Just like that—perfect. And don’t worry about your shirt; it’s fine where it is.”

*Fine where it is?* Brandon thought bitterly. His shirt was doing nothing to protect his modesty. His penis hung freely, completely exposed, and there was nothing he could do about it. He squeezed the flower tighter, his arms trembling slightly as he tried to maintain the pose, wishing desperately for this to end.

Clara continued capturing every moment, her camera clicking rhythmically. “You’re doing fantastic,” she said, her tone professional, though a hint of amusement lingered. “Just a few more angles.”


As the photoshoot dragged on, the girls exchanged mischievous glances, their giggles betraying the “professional” façade they were putting on. Cindy held the camera with deliberate care, pretending to focus on product shots, but her lens gradually shifted downward, zeroing in on Brandon’s exposed body.

Brandon stood there, awkwardly clutching the flower prop above his head, his biceps straining. The thin shirt, once a fragile barrier, had ridden up too far. The hem hovered dangerously at the base of his abdomen, barely concealing him. With his hands occupied, there was nothing left to keep him covered. Slowly, teasingly, his thick penis, partially sheathed by foreskin, peeked out from beneath the fabric.

Brandon’s face flushed as he felt the cool air against his most intimate parts. His exposed skin tingled, and his stomach twisted with humiliation. He swallowed hard, desperately wanting to pull the shirt down, but the girls had him trapped.

“Hold it up higher,” Cindy suggested, her tone sweet yet commanding. She acted as though nothing was amiss, as though this were perfectly normal, but she was clearly reveling in his discomfort.

Brandon shifted slightly, attempting to use the limited movement he had to conceal himself. He glanced down, horrified to see just how much of his penis was on display. The foreskin barely covered the tip of his glans, the faint ridge visible beneath. He grimaced, trying to discreetly lower the shirt with one hand, but Cindy’s playful voice stopped him.

“Both hands, Brandon. We need the perfect shot. Don’t ruin it.”

He had no choice. Reluctantly, he raised both arms again, leaving his uncut cock fully exposed, hanging freely in front of them. It was large—impressively so—and Cindy couldn’t resist zooming in, slowly closing the distance between the camera and his naked body. She focused the lens on his groin, capturing every detail of his partially exposed foreskin, the way it clung to his glans, and the vulnerability radiating from his trembling posture.

“Perfect,” Cindy murmured, snapping the shutter. Sarah nodded approvingly, though her eyes gleamed with excitement.

“You look great,” she added, her voice laced with barely concealed amusement.

Clara, pretending to adjust the lighting, couldn’t help sneaking glances at his exposed member, her lips twitching with suppressed laughter.

They continued as though Brandon’s nudity was just another part of the job, but every giggle, every playful whisper, hinted at the truth—they were enjoying this far more than they let on. Cindy took her time, zooming in on his penis, ensuring that every detail was captured—the foreskin barely covering the head, the subtle veins tracing along its length, and the undeniable size of it, masculine and exposed.

Brandon squirmed, his muscles tense as he futilely tried to hide himself.

“Please, can we finish this quickly?” he muttered under his breath, his voice trembling.

But Cindy only smiled sweetly, pretending not to hear.

“Just a few more shots.”

Brandon’s face burned redder than ever, his humiliation complete. He raised the flower, fully aware that the girls were purposefully ignoring his embarrassment. His cock swayed slightly as he adjusted, and though he tried not to focus on it, he knew the camera was zoomed in, capturing every moment of his exposure. Each photo felt more humiliating than the last, and the girls were perfectly aware of the torment they were inflicting.

Yet they never mentioned his nudity—not once. The girls acted as though everything was completely normal, pretending to be professional while giggling and snapping pictures of Brandon’s exposed body. The entire time, he held the flower aloft, his face a portrait of shame as his large, uncut penis hung freely for the camera, captured forever in an ad campaign that would haunt him.

Brandon stood tall and lean, his athletic physique evident even in this vulnerable position. His body was a striking blend of toned muscle and youthful exuberance, the kind that suggested hours in the gym. His broad shoulders tapered down to a trim waist, accentuating the V-shape that made him look particularly striking. His smooth, lightly tanned skin gave him a healthy glow, which contrasted with the deep crimson flush of his cheeks.

At this moment, the shirt he wore was long enough to cover most of his lower body, but it offered only a fleeting sense of modesty. As he raised his arms to hold the flower, the fabric shifted, revealing more of his body with every movement. His flat stomach, subtly defined with the ridges of his abdominal muscles, became increasingly visible, and his modesty was all but stripped away.

The most intimate part of him, however, was now on full display. Brandon’s penis was undeniably impressive in size—thick and substantial, it hung down heavily, slightly curved. His foreskin clung to the head of his cock, partially covering it but leaving the glans teasingly exposed at the tip. The sheen on his foreskin caught the light, highlighting the natural contours of his body.

As he held the flower above his head, the hem of his shirt barely concealed the base of his shaft. The tip of his glans peeked out from beneath the fabric, making him acutely aware of how much he was revealing. His heart raced, both from the physical exposure and the thrill of the moment, a combination that left him torn between embarrassment and a strange exhilaration.

With every passing second, he could feel their eyes on him. His large, uncut penis swayed gently, betraying the mix of humiliation and excitement that filled the room.

As the girls’ giggles echoed in the studio, Brandon felt a strange mix of relief and lingering embarrassment. Finally, they allowed him to lower his arms, and a surge of freedom washed over him. “You can relax now, Brandon,” Cindy said, her voice laced with teasing. “We’re just getting started.”

Brandon’s heart raced as he let his hands fall to his sides, quickly using his shirt to cover himself. The long hem provided some semblance of modesty, but it did little to calm the fluttering in his chest. The air in the room was charged with tension, leaving him feeling both exposed and oddly excited.

Cindy smiled brightly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Alright, time for the next outfit! We’re going for the sporty look now.”

CONTINUE THE HOTNESS and support my work on the full book (30,000 words) on Amazon (scan qr) or type Written Museum on Amazon, the book cover is like the pic i attached or DM me if you cant find it.
