The Official Black/urban Onlyfans Thread

Just a heads up, 5 days ago I got Mike Mann's OnlyFans. Since then 2,000 dollars has been taken out of my account and used online at Sams Club, a fitness supplement website and for a thousand dollar wire transfer. I don't know how my card was compromised but it was linked to OnlyFans. I'm not saying Mike Mann is responsible because it could just as easilly be someone else, but I am saying be careful and check your transaction history after making an OnlyFans purchase.
I know I’m extremely late to this post, but around that time he was posting phishing ads, and questionable shit on his IG story (cash app scams, bitcoin scams etc.) I thought his account was hacked, but he would still occasionally post himself on his IG story along with that scamming bs. I had to unfollow. Thought it was weird. May or may not have been him, but sorry that happened to you.
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