The Plants Around Us

Carolina jessamine vine by my bird feeder. The blooms are yellow but come out late winter going into spring.

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That's fantastic! I bet it is quite the sight in early spring.
I tried growing one, unsuccessfully. The winter temperatures just get too low here. With such an early bloom period, I couldn't figure out an effective way to protect it with mulch.
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Eastern Redbud / Cercis canadensis

In early spring some trees look as if they are gracefully covered in pinkish-purple lace. These are redbuds. In nature it's often an understory tree and pretty common in forest edges. While quite shade tolerant, in cultivation they're often planted in full sun.

Once fully established redbuds are quite drought tolerant; nevertheless, they do better when well watered. Being a legume, fertilizing is generally unneeded.

After flowering, elegant heart-shaped leaves emerge. Some varieties are highly showy. Here are a few of my favorites:


Forest Pansy has dark burgundy foliage.


Black Pearl is similar but has even darker foliage.


Carolina Sweetheart has variegated foliage.


Flamethrower is multi colored. New leaves emerge bright red, fading to orange then yellow as it matures. Older leaves are green, creating quite a spectacle.


Heart of Gold have bright yellow new foliage.


Ruby Falls has dark cascading foliage.

There are several other species, including Chinese, Western, and European. Though rare here, some varieties have white flowers.

They'll all add yard appeal.

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." Chinese Proverb
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Who wouldn't like more passion in their life?

Maypop is one of the hardiest of the passion fruits. While most are tropical, this one can survive even quite harsh winters. The vines, however, freeze down to the roots.

New growth will quickly appear once hot weather returns. For many areas that's May, hence the name. Spring often hits the snooze button in my area, so they emerge especially late.

The vines grow very quickly. By midsummer, the exotic looking flowers start to bloom. In warmer areas, blooms are followed by edible fruit. With a late spring and early autumn, fruiting seldom happens here. The eye-catching flowers, however, is reason enough to grow it.

An established plant can send up multiple vines. My tries to invade the nearby flower garden, sending up new growth throughout the summer.

It's easy to grow. If growing in an area with cold winters, like mine, protect the roots with an ample amount of mulch. Once established, adding winter insulation wasn't necessary.

May you have all the passion you desire!
Honeysuckle Major Wheeler

There are many types of honeysuckle. While some are shrubs, The best flowering one are vines. Perhaps the most floriforous of all is Major Wheeler.

It's a non-stop bloomer with flowers from spring to fall. It's a magnet for pollinators, especially hummingbirds. Pruning won't effect flowering, as it blooms from both new and old wood.

It's rather undemanding. It's easy to grow! It just needs to be positioned in full sun. Of course, a well-draining rich soil is preferred. They will also do best if the soil isn't allowed to dry completely. No soggy feet though!

Though deciduous here, in warmer areas it can be evergreen.

I love to walk under the arbor filled with these red and orange blooms!
Moonflower (vine)

Here's a flower for night owls.

This relative to morning glories opens its blooms in the evening, instead of the A.M. The stunning large white flowers offer a sweet fragrance through the night long.

It grows quickly, even from seed, rambling up arbors and trellises. (In tropical regions, it's perennial; here we have to replant each spring.) Unfortunately it often doesn't bloom until late summer.

Grow them in full sun with average soil. Rich soils can deter flowering. Fertilize only with "Bloom Booster" formulation that are low in nitrogen.

It's great for a nighttime extravaganza and to help satiate your nocturnal green thumb needs.
Moonflower (Datura)

When called a moonflower, it's easily confused with proceding vine. Datura isn't a vine. The plant produces vertically held long trumpet shaped flowers, affectionately earning it the name "Devil's Trumpet".

Like the vine, the flowers open at night and are quite aromatic. Though most commonly white, the flowers can be purple or yellow.

Give them plenty of sun but keep the soil on the drier side. In cold regions, roots can be stored through the winter like dahlias; however, they commonly will reseed, especially in ideal conditions.

It's a bold, exotic looking plant that will attract a lot of attention.
Angel's Trumpet / Brugmansia

When using common names, things can get confusing. People often confuse angel's trumpets with devil's trumpets. Devils, living in hell, must point their instrument upwards; however, being heavenly, angels point in the opposite direction. Brugmansia, therefore, has flowers that all point downward.

In tropical areas, they can grow to become small trees. Here they are used as shrubby annuals, though they can be overwintered in dormancy.

Give them plenty of sun and offer fertilizer regularly to support the formation of masses of big bloom. We're talking really big with trumpets sometimes reaching a foot in length.

Here they're usually grown in containers, becoming a focal point of the patio.


Seven Sons / Hepticodium

Trees that bloom at the end of summer are rare. Seven Sons is one such rarity. Mine starts flowering at the end of August. After the white blooms fade, the sepals swell and flush red. Though this flush aren't flowers, it looks like a second wave of blooms.

Besides the late flowering, the bark sheds paper like filaments, which adds interest to the garden. This is an especially useful element throughout the winter, when the garden tends to get rather bland.

Seven sons is native to China where is quite rare and it didn't enter cultivation until 1980. Often they are only available as small saplings. Fear not, this plant grows fast.


Why plant the usual when you can be distinct?