The text log (M/F)



Melissa and John had been married for 3 years. John was 42 and Mellissa was 38, but you wouldn't know it from looking at her. She was tall, 5'8 with a toned angular face and big blue eyes. Living in the suburbs of las Angeles. what really set her apart was her magnificent , giant natural breasts. No work done or needed, she was all natural, and just the site of unveiling her massive endowments had been enough to get John, a well paid executive to throw in the towel and buy here the biggest ring he could afford.

Melissa was stern and fierce, years of being the center of attention whenever she walked into a room had made her keenly aware that people were judging her on appearance, doubting that she could be a force in the business world with her almost cartoonishly curvy body. She kept in great shape, and John loved the contrast between her slender arms and tiny waist with her massive , almost basketball sized mellon tits. Her dark hair and tan body was perfect, to give you an idea, she looks kindof like this girl, only even more attractive:

The Amateur Zone

Their favorite position for sex was mellissa on top. Her fitness and strength made her great a riding up and down, all while her juggs bobbed and bounced all over Johns eager body.

A rising sales manager, Melissa had recently been put in charge of a small ad agency group of about ten people. She wasn't making money like John, but her 6 figure salary and fierce, no nonsense demeanor, not too mention how easy on the eyes she was to the higher up execs had made her a fast riser with the sky the limit.

Tonight Mellissa had invited John to come with her to have casual drinks and food with some of her coworkers. Mellissa gave him careful instructions that she needed to portray a very business casual demeanor, no joking around, she had to look the part of the boss, both in and outside work.

"No problem babe" came Johns easy reply. Driving in his newly bought mazeratti, these type of gatherings were small potatoes for him. He was used to dealing with big money clients, usually older men, out on the golf course or in expensive LA restaurants. TO him this would be fun to see watch his beautiful wife boss around her team of young sales workers.

Mellissa gave John a quick rundown of who would be coming. There's Jane, she my best employee, young 30s, red head, i think her husband is coming too. Theres Jack, he's been around the company a long time, he's older than me and you but only an average salesmen. To be honest, she told John, I think he's seething jealous that I got promoted so much faster then him… but tough luck, Melissa laughed. John laughed with her.

"Theres Jamie and Adam, they have been here two years, I think they might be bringing their girlfriends, or wives, Im not sure if they are married or not. Actually I think Jamie is gay , but I don't know, she laughed. Oh then theres Mark. He's the new guy, young, only a few years out of college. He's the biggest asshole ever, but he's good at sales, so just try to ignore him, she warned. No problem , thought John.

Also Jillian may come later, she's just average and boring, but she is a great suckup. I make her do all my dirty work.

"Sounds like you got a good team" nodded John.

They valeted the car, most of Melissa's coworkers were already seated at a table drinking beer and appetizers. With his finely tailored shirt, rolex, and expensive clothing, John felt a little overdressed for the occasion.

Everyone greeted Melissa and she introduced her husband John. "He's a partner at Stevens and Berry" she added.

"Woah big money" some one said, drawing a laugh. John just smiled and said politely "Nice to meet you all, I hear you are doing some good work for my talented wife" he was laughing in his head though. these people were not in his league.

Melissa sat next to the red head, Jane, and they began talking, introducing John to Jane's husband and exchanging small talk. Jane's husband worked in finance, so John was happy there was someone he could relate to.

Jane was very attractive, skinny and angular, she had a very nice body, john noticed, but still not in the same league as his wife , he thought happily.

Jane pointed to a young guy across the restaurant and rolled her eyes at Mellissa.
"Oh jeez" Mellissa groaned, "thats Mark", she said to me with disgust. He was talking to a very young, probably 18 or 19 year old blond girl at the bar.

"I think he's already had a few too" Jane said, also seemingly disgusted at their young male co worker

We discussed some politics, some tv and news. Mellissa was staying very business like as she had planned, but not stuffy enough to seem unrelatable. Things were going according to plan.

A few minutes later, Mark came back to sit at the table. "Who's the lucky man with my boss?" he asked with a smile looking in my direction.

"John" John said as he stood up to shake the slightly inebriated young man's hand. Mark was several inches taller than John.

"Let me by you a drink" Mark said to John, "it must be a handful" he said grinning slightly and nodding his head toward Melisa. Not sure whether he as making double entendre, John responded cooly, "Thats ok , I will get the next round." he reached back for his wallet, displaying his shiny rolex watch.

"No I insist" said Mark, gesturing to the waitress.

" I said I got it" John said, as the waitress looked on confused.

"Cindy get Melissa and her shorty a heiniken please" he said, laughing.

John did not like being called short. At 5'8" he was used to being shorter than some of the powerful men in his position and always advised Melissa, how was also 5'8" to not wear heels so that they would be the same height.

"Listen here kid," John said, raising his voice slightly. "That's my Mazzerati out front got it? " he said, his face red with anger. He had stood up, and the 22 year old Mark, tall and skinny was looking arrogantly down at him with the same slight shit eating grin.

"Oh you boys!" Jane interrupted, "You two can go measure your things some other time." She said, drawing laughs from the other ladies at the table. "This ones on me" she said.

"Sounds good Jane, you always know how to close the deal. I gotta take a piss anyway.. John, let me know if you wanna come measure" he said, drawing more suppressed laughs from the table.

John was now fuming mad, he didn't like being disrespected by some 22 year old who thought he was hot shit for having a entry level sales job in LA.

He looked at Melissa and saw that she was also mad. She was glaring angrily back at John. They had another drink, John calming himself down by talking to Cindy's husband about the latest financial news. Mark went back to the bar to hit on the young blond girl.

Melissa was very quiet and John could tell she was angry. A few minutes later Mark waved goodbye to everyone , he was leaving with the blond.

"Oh my god don't do it!" joked one of Melissa employees, to the young girl. The young blond,clearly drunk and not knowing who these people were just laughed and put her arm around Mark. "Guess she doesn't need a mazerrati" laughed Mark, looking directly at John.

Soon after , other people started to leave. Melissa said her goodbyes, and left with John also saying goo bye and exchanging business cards with Jane's husband.

When they got to the valet Melissa nearly exploded.

"What is wrong with you?" she said

"What do you mean? That kid is an asshole!"

"I know he is I told you that. Why did you let him get to you? Bragging about your car? You made yourself, and me look bad!"

"Look he called me short, and I didn't want to just take that from him. I wanted to put him in his place."

"Well you didn't he just made fun of you. He's already an asshole, now I have to deal with him making jokes about my husband. Look he's taller than you,you should be able to take that and just ignore it. "

John didn't like the way the conversation was going. He and Melisa did what they normally did during a fight, and kept silent the entire drive home.

Later in the night, John decided he would try to score some makeup sex. Melisa had slipt into her sleep clothes, a thin tshirt and yoga pants and was laying in bed.

John nuzzled against her, pushing his 6 inch erection against her body.

"John stop it! Get away from me with that thing" she said. Both of them went to sleep angry.
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The next few days were torture. No matter what John said or did, Melissa couldn't seem to get over what had happened at the restaurant. She told him that Mark had become even more insufferable at work, but that she couldn't fire him because he had the best sales numbers of the group.

It had been more than 4 days since John had had sex, and he was getting frustrated. He decided to make it up to her with some good old wine and dinning. He took her to a fancy restaurant, and when the got home, he had an expensive bottle of her favorite wine waiting for them.

Melissa loosened up, and they began playfully making out on the couch. John had been waiting for this, he unbuttoned her blouse, causing her massive jugs to spill out. Even after all this time, their site was mesmerizing, and he instantly stiffened to his full 6.3 inches.

Wasting little time, he slid off Melissa pants and panties, before going down on her. He had rarely done this, but he felt like he needed to to turn her back on his side. After a few minutes of gentle moaning, John moved back up Melisas body, and inserted his stiff cock into her wet pussy.

It had been more than 4 days since he had gotten off, and the sight of Melisa's massive jugs, and the feel of her tight pussy around his cock was just too much for him. Only 3 pumps in and he let out a deep sigh and began cuming inside of her. His legs clenched and eyes closed, it was a powerful orgasm for John, getting out several days of frustration . His head started to clear and he opened his eyes, he thought be might have seen Melissa laughing, but he quickly dismissed that thought.

They cleaned themselves up and proceeded to watch tv while drinking the rest of the wine. During the show, Melissa got a text message that made her laugh loudly, something rare for her usually stern personality.

"What is it?" asked John

"Oh… nothing" Melissa said, clearly not wanting to share it with him.

They went to sleep , but John was troubled. He felt like something was different. He didn't like they way the mysterious text message had seemed to be the best moment of her night. especially after all the work he had put into it. Melissa was sound asleep, but he was still tossing and turning.

He went to the bathroom to try to clear his head. He saw Melisa's cell phone on the counter. ALthough he knew Melisa would not approve, his curiosity got the best of him and decided to look through her text history.

the last two lines were enough to turn him red with anger. It was a text from "Mark"

Mark: Hows shorty?

Melissa: hahaha…. small.
John scrolled all the way to the top of Melisa's text history with Mark. The first text from Mark had come about 4 days ago, the same night they had all gone out for drinks.

Mark: Sorry to be so rude to your husband. I just wanted to let you know you were the hottest girl at the bar tonight.

Melisa: Mark stop it! I am your boss and I expect you to act like a professional. Please don't speak to my husband that way and keep your little boy fantasies to yourself.

Mark: Aww… well its not little.. just saying.

Melissa: Mark stop it, I don't care what you think you have, I am not impressed. Get back to what you do best and make some sales tomorrow.

Mark: You got it… had some great sex so I feel on top of the world, tomorrow's going to be a great day.

Melissa had not responded to this text. John could not believe this had happened all during that same night, when he and Melisa had been arguing.

The next text came from Mark the following day.

Mark: How do you like those sales numbers?

Melissa didn't answer

Mark: Well??

Melissa: Mark you did very good work today. Keep it up.

Mark: That's it? I told you I would have a good day.

Melisa: Well what do you want? I told you your sales have been great and I really appreciate the work you have done

Mark: Well you know what I want… I have been thinking about you.

Melisa: Mark I warned you, I am not interested, you are way too young for me and Im taken.

Mark: Are you sure? I bet you've never been with a stud like me before.

Melisa: Mark, no , you are not a stud, your just a cocky kid and I am not interested in little kids.

Mark: Hey… I already told you Im not little.

Melisa: All talk, I know you are a salesman but so am I and I know bullshit when I hear it.

Mark: Oh yeah, I bet Im the biggest you've ever seen.

melissa didn't answer this text for several hours, uncharacteristically, she had replied much later at night, after 2 am, when John must have been sleeping.

Melisa : Prove it or its all just talk

Mark replies with a photo,when John looked at it he couldn't believe his eyes, there was a flaccid cock hanging ridiculously low , with two giant balls hanging impressively. Bullshit, John thought to himself, thats just some picture from a porn site or something.

Melisa: That's fake, thats not you.

Thank god, thought John, at least my wife isn't a moron.

Mark: Oh really?

He sent a second picture, this one was zoomed out so that you could see mark's full body. He was tall and skinny but his cock was hanging almost down to his knees. John, felt a sharp tinge of insecurity at the site of such a well hung male. In the photo Mark was grinning at the camera, proudly displaying his massive hanging meat. It was the biggest dick John had ever seen. He couldn't believe it. He quickly turned back to the conversation to see what melisa's response was.

Melisa had not responded for over 5 minutes

Mark: "What do you think?"

Melissa: "Mark… wow.. its huge. OMG its so big. Im in shock.

Mark: " I told you."

Melissa: Mark I had NO idea! you are fucking huge! God damn you are so big, Ive been sitting here looking at your pciture with my mouth and eyes wide open! I can't believe you have.... that ... its big mark. I want you to know that.

Melisa: Mark , I am just in shock, I can't stop looking at the photo. It's just the biggest cock I've ever seen.

Mark: Is it bigger than your husband?

Melisa: um….. yeah its like not even a contest…. you got him beat by a longshot STUD. No need to measure up... haha you win, by so much its almost funny. You really are a stud.

Mark: Ive been wanting to show you so bad Melissa. My cock had been aching for you. Ive been trying to prove myself to you.

Melisa: Oh Mark… Honey.. you have rocked my world. I can barely stop looking at your dick. Its just so fucking big! No wonder you are so cocky you STUD. You are the biggest Ive ever seen. You fucking put my husband to shame, he is not in your league, he doesnt deserve to cary your fucking jockstrap.

Mark: Its been here the whole time babe. Ive been here wanting to show it too you for so long,

Melisa: I see it now mark. I didnt know you were the real deal. You just fucking proved it to me. Thats what impresses me mark, not sales or money, your fucking size impresses me. Your fucking bigger size than any other men. I need to suck it Mark. Fuck I am just so HORNY for your cock, i can't believe you have that swining between your legs!

Mark: I want to lay it between your huge tits, you have the best body Ive ever seen. You deserve you have a stud with a big dick

Melisa: You are the biggest Mark, Im just saying, i know you have a big head and everything, but non eof the men Ive been with can even touch you. You can have me, and I want to worship that dick. Im sneaking out and coming over right now you STUD.

Mark: Ok hurry up.

The text messages stopped for a few hrs. Then at 4 am

Mark : I had a great time babe

Melisa: Me too. I don't want to admit it but… Im in love with your cock Mark.. You showed me who the real man is, and I will worship your cock from now on. Tonight was the greatest night of my life .

Mark: Sounds great. Comming all over your perfect tits was the greatest feeling I've ever had.

Melisa : Mine too.. You fucking stud Ive never seen so much cum. And those huge balls, god honey I am just so horny just thinking about it and it was only an hour ago. You are even bigger than the picture. When I pulled down your boxers and it just flopped out, I thought i was going to pass out

Mark: You should have seen the look on your face. I liked that look Melissa

Melisa: that was awe Mark. You put me in complete awe.

Mark: When are we going to do it again. I want to fuck you.

Melisa: Oh my god Im getting goosebumps just thinking about it. Listen I have to let me little dick husband down easy, he's not going to like how you completely embarrass his manhood. But you are my man now, I am going to drop him and take half his money. I am going to come suck and fuck your giant cock like i need.. You STUD!!

Mark: Oh I can't wait.

later the next day… this was now the same day John had taken Melisa for diner

Melisa: Come to my office, I need to discuss business with you

Mark: Closing out a sale, be there in 5 min

Melisa: Hurry. I need you to whip out that giant dick and suck you dry.. THats an order you stud.


Mark: That felt so good. the way you fucked me down your throat.

Melisa: I couldn't even get a quarter of it in my throat Mark, and i was taking you DEEP. Using both hands while I sucked on you. Oh my god that was just amazing. Your soooo big! You are the big swining dick, the alpha male, and I am just being honest.

Mark: Thanks. You are the hottest women, and the hottest women get to select the alpha male

Melisa: I have chosen Mark, its you. You are the one to dick me from now on. I will never let another man near me after being with you, after you proved it to me, proved your worth to me with your cock size.

later in the day

Mark: Hows shorty

Melisa: hahahah….. small.

this was the end of text history between the two.
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