The tim k thread (RIP)

OMG why, he was so handsome, I'm shocked to learn just today that he's been dead for over 2 years, I'm super sad.... but what did he die of??? do we know??? my god I'm sad....
Been posted in this thread many times.
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Yes I went through the thread, I didn't know this post, so yes it was a bit long, so stop your sarcasm .. ty :)
You put yourself in the place as the butt of a joke. You should be humble. You got treated nice. You're welcome. :joy:
Tony a/k/a Tim K had scleroderma which was a hardening of the skin caused by excess collagen.
His mother reported that he wore caps to cover up an area of his forehead that had this condition.
Scleroderma may lead to the formation of an aneurysm, and the abnormal growth of collagen may protect it from early rupture, allowing it to reach a large size.
Whether Tony knew he had a large sized aneurysm in advance is unknown but it is suspected that his Scleroderma was the cause of it.
It was reported that an aneurysm rupture in his brain was his cause of death.
TONY/TIM always tried to cover the scleroderma on his forehead by wearing Caps or combing his hair to cover his forehead. He was very conscious of it.
Tony a/k/a Tim K had scleroderma which was a hardening of the skin caused by excess collagen.
His mother reported that he wore caps to cover up an area of his forehead that had this condition.
Scleroderma may lead to the formation of an aneurysm, and the abnormal growth of collagen may protect it from early rupture, allowing it to reach a large size.

Whether Tony knew he had a large sized aneurysm in advance is unknown but it is suspected that his Scleroderma was the cause of it.
It was reported that an aneurysm rupture in his brain was his cause of death.
TONY/TIM always tried to cover the scleroderma on his forehead by wearing Caps or combing his hair to cover his forehead. He was very conscious of it.
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a paragraph of medical info really didnt need the .gif
no one is forcing you to be here
For God's sake. Just post his stuff it y'all wanna, no need to bring in his death, his illness or what have you. This is a porn board, not a memorial page.