The Wineholics- Jakub And Vitalii

Tja, warum tut Vitali alles um sich nicht zu zeigen? Die Abo zahlen würden durch die Decke schießen. Aber es deutet viel darauf hin dass er ein mickrigen hässlichen... hat
Ich vermute, weil er das Gefühl hat, dass er auch außerhalb der Kamera Geld verdienen kann. Er wird wahrscheinlich vor die Kamera treten, wenn das Geld zur Neige geht.
Well, I prefer Jakub through and through. But as for their relationship being apparently open, that doesn’t shock me
This is nonsense, I can't take anything Vitalii says seriously, he's such a drama queen. Their relationship has been nearly dead for a while, and now they've officially broken up. Meanwhile, Jakub is living his life and having fun, while Vitalii is still complaining on YouTube.
We knew the broke up think, but Yakub cheating? Idk, he doesn't give a cheater vibe to me, and I can't take Vitalii serious. Every good thing has an end, this "ideal" relationship ends then.
We knew the broke up think, but Yakub cheating? Idk, he doesn't give a cheater vibe to me, and I can't take Vitalii serious. Every good thing has an end, this "ideal" relationship ends then.
Go watch his new video on their main chanel, at first i also tought its a click bait.. But oh gosh poor vitalii, i feel really bad for him
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