Intereestingly, they used a proper actual large condom for the last episod insteaed of using the typical gold magnum which isn't that big. they showed the girl fining a Durex XXL Blue condom wrapper, which makes sence in comparison to the size of the protheteic they used for Theo's character.Makes me wonder if who picked out that knows just how much bigger the durex noticably bigger the durex is over the magnum condom.
It looks like a prosthetic. There's no reason why he would get a body double for the one scene where is cock is visible in The Time Travellers Wife if he was just going to whip it out for all to see in this.

My understanding is that the frontal scene in The Time Traveler's Wife is in two parts: one where he's falling down the stairs and a second cut where he's at the bottom of the stairs. I thought an interview said (will have to track it down) that it was his stunt double for the falling down the stairs (for the physical risk, not the nudity), but him at the bottom. Will try to find that.
It looks like a prosthetic. There's no reason why he would get a body double for the one scene where is cock is visible in The Time Travellers Wife if he was just going to whip it out for all to see in this.
He was on Jimmy Fallon last night and said it was a prosthetic. Disappointing. Hes a very hot looking guy
He talks about it being a prosthetic here:

Theo James Opened Up About His 'Ginormous' Prosthetic Penis in 'White Lotus' (

Which contains this unintentionally humorous line:

The thing is ginormous. And me and the director, Mike White, are sitting there going, ‘That’s...average, is it?’" James and White were reportedly so taken aback, that they called their wives to apologize for what would transpire.

This writer thinks Mike White has a wife??
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He said in an interview that it's him and originally showed more but they decided to "tone it down". So thanks to Hollywood and America's prudeness toward nudity, this is what we get. Imagine what we could have seen if it was a (lesser known) European studio
I don’t know about the prude-ness but having worked in this industry I can tell you that we review these things to ensure that we aren’t just showing things for the sake of the audience. It’s important not to objectify a performer just for the sake of it. It has everything to do with whether or not it’s essential. In this case I think we saw enough for the plot to move without it being gratuitous. It’s possible that we aren’t prudes and that you’re just thirsty and tired of porn. If you want performers there for the sake of nudity, I’d suggesting becoming a fan of adult film performers. Less likely to be so inappropriately disappointed.
I would never agree to a shot that made me look like a trans male with a piece. Where is the rest of my package?
Here's to hoping he has another nude scene (frontal)... and goes au natural without prosthetic.
He has been nude before in a few movies though but not very clear or long scenes it seems...
Long may his onscreen nudity continue :blush:
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