Theres No Gold Star Gay Men In Gay Porn Anymore. The Rise Of Sexual Fluidity.

For me, sucking cocks is a physical urge that has nothing to do with my overall sexuality as I really have no interest in men other than for the purely slutty and physical act of worshiping their cocks. I don't want a relationship and never have. I just enjoy having a man use my mouth for his release. I don't even want recip. Is this strange? So I'm very fluid with sex, but not with gender or overall attraction to one sex or the other.
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70s/ 80s dudes that went to do straight for Pay
Casey Donovan
John Holmes (loops)
Paul Barressi
Wade Nichols/ Dennis Parker
Rick Cassidy
Jack Wrangler (married a woman)
Peter North (Happy bottom)
Gay director Chuck Vincent did straight porn
70s/ 80s dudes that went to do straight for Pay
Casey Donovan
John Holmes (loops)
Paul Barressi
Wade Nichols/ Dennis Parker
Rick Cassidy
Jack Wrangler (married a woman)
Peter North (Happy bottom)
Gay director Chuck Vincent did straight porn
Peter North is not gay at all he was gay for pay.
And now we have proof from that YouTube video above that Viagra does not work if there is no sexual attraction.
And the thing about these guys saying things like “there’s such a thing as Viagra or Trimixx” of course that’s the case but you still have the option to say NO to the outreach of doing bi, str8 or trans porn. You can sit there with a hard dick for days but the act of actually sticking it inside the vagina along with the other acts involved in the sexual encounter has nothing to do with the ED enhancers. It has to do with you to some degree wanting to engage in vaginal sex which isn’t gay whatsoever.

Hell, if you’re diving down there and eating out the vagina, the tongue doesn’t use those enhancers. So when I hear those guys use that as a cop out, I roll my fucking eyes and block them instantly.
The whole gay men liking vaginas needs to be left behind. No more of it this year!

No hatred towards women or vaginas but that shouldn’t be in gay porn. Put it on a different site.

Majority of men are into women so if you want to see a guy fuck pussy, watch straight or bi porn.

No more
“I’m gay but I fuck women once a year” or “I like pussy but I’m only attracted to men” us gay men need to speak up!

We aren’t transphobic or misogynistic for not being attracted to women. We’ve went our whole lives being degraded and hated for not fucking pussy. I won’t allow it this year! No one else should either.

Do what you want in your personal life but if you claim to be gay and promote PIV sex, you will be ignored. Also people coming into gay spaces looking for straight sex should be left behind.

Our community is too small and we still have a lot that has to be done. We will not be silenced by bi men and forced to adapt to vaginas in gay porn!
awwwww someone seems a little fussy. Would you like me to warm up a bottle for you?👶🏻
Who cares....

Porn is just entertainment, just go and enjoy men having sex with each other. Regardless if they are not some ideal 100% gay or whatever.
I wish people knew that there is life to be lived outside of their porn addiction. It’s really not that deep. Watch it or don’t.
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Sharok admits to fucking women, and rants about the evil “Gay Purists”, like those in this thread:

Sharok Rant
He has never been on my porn radar, in fact his look just doesn't do it for me, but boy, a purse fell out when he started speaking.
To Sharok and other men, it’s ok to experiment and see what you like, but when you have sex with someone and you’re clearly into it, you can’t deny that.

I don’t care who any of these people sleep with but stop calling yourself gay.

We aren’t an elite group of gay men gatekeeping the term. Gay has always been viewed as strict homosexual encounters only.

There is never a point in time where a gay man craves sex with someone with a vagina.

If he experimented once that would be different. He clearly is into women since he’s ranting about it.

There’s nothing wrong with being bi, no matter how many men you slept with compared to women, you aren’t gay.

You can’t say you’re fasting when you just had a sandwich or two…
I don’t get why these men are so confused. You call yourself gay but promote straight sex?

Being gay is realizing you don’t have any attraction to the opposite sex.

I was in denial and told people I was bi because I didn’t want to be gay.

I learned to accept myself and proudly claim that label.

Doing what Sharok does is just a disservice to gay and bi men.

A straight man will tell another man he’s not straight when he talks about fucking dudes. Nothing wrong with it, lots of men like women.
Sharok admits to fucking women, and rants about the evil “Gay Purists”, like those in this thread:

Sharok Rant
It reeks of “I’ve got some str8 and bi porn that I want to release and I’m fearful of the backlash. So I’m spewing a rant to glaze over things.” It’s like a precursor to what’s to cum and like stated earlier from @thedudesterx69 it’s okay to experiment but the constant posting about wanting to film with vaginas and kissing girls and being attracted to girls means one thing and one thing only, YOU’RE NOT GAY, YOU’RE BI. It’s not rocket science.

I feel like they think calling themselves bisexual is going to be a curse. But like Sharok said in his rant, it’s all about money and the truth of the matter is that these men don’t want to admit that they like vaginas and are bi because of the hit in their income when the true gay following gives the backlash and starts unfollowing and unsubscribing. They loose those gay dollars and they are worried as fuck about that loss.

We’ve seen times and times again when these so called “gay” porn guys do some sort of str8, bi or trans porn and then they get hit with the backlash. They end up declining in their viewership and get no future projects because of their lack in popularity. Drew Dixon is one that comes to mind. He did this whole expose with HimerosTV (that buffoonery) about how gay he was and how he wasn’t accepted because of his flamboyant personality. How he would never touch a woman cause he is strictly dickly. Fast forward a few months later and he’s actively doing two str8 porn scenes and a bi orgy for a homophobic director.

He did what they all do, parade about their homosexuality, depict something that’s quite contrary and then go on a rant trying to defend their choices. They’re right, they have a choice as to what they do and we have a choice as well. If we want to voice our opinions in disgust they need to accept that. If we want to allocate our coins to honest creators than we can. Actions have consequences. If you were transparent form the get go, there would be no reason for the backlash. But one thing the gays hate, that’s being played for a fool and gaslighted in the process. There’s one thing these guys hate more and that’s people waking up to the nonsense.
It's the rants that are the most ridiculous part for me.

During June 2021/PRIDE Month, The Maverick Men said that PRIDE gave them the freedom to fuck pussy, even though they are gay (NO, they're not).

Mateo Tomas went on preemptive rants about "experimenting" and "freedom" and "Still being GAY GAY GAY!" before his reviled bisexual scene came out. Afterwards, he lied and said he was "tricked" into doing it, that he hated it, and that his is GAYER THAN EVER (a lie; he told me he loved doing the scene and wanted to do straight scenes as well - BEFORE the backlash, though).

Sharok is 100% trying to make the overly woke gays get on his side for fucking women in his no-doubt upcoming straight scenes (and his personal life - ongoing, not upcoming, I am positive). "How dare you attack Sharok for his sexual freedom?!?!!!"
Bi men have ruined gay porn along with the pick me gays!

It’s insane how straight sex is put on a pedestal in the gay community. I don’t think I’ve heard straight men speak so passionately about fucking pussy before!

They always say “it’s my personal life” “why do you care?”

You guys are sharing this content with gay men! They lied to their followers and decided to advertise things they find disgusting.

It’s like going to see a movie about a gay couple and one guy leaves for a woman.

I thought I was watching a gay movie? It’s a lie and tricked the viewers.

Gay men want to support gay content creators. The same way we support gay actors and musicians. I would support bi ones too. It’s the fact that they lied.

All these men have coming out stories about being gay and how their parents didn’t accept them. Now we’re finding out these men are liars and would rather be with women.

How are we supposed to pretend a man didn’t promote straight sex to us?

I hate when I talk to men and the being up straight sex. I don’t want to talk about women, you can be bi but you’re gay when you’re with me. That means no talking about women! If you want to discuss fucking pussy go find about bi guy and don’t pressure gay men to like it.

It reeks of “I’ve got some str8 and bi porn that I want to release and I’m fearful of the backlash. So I’m spewing a rant to glaze over things.” It’s like a precursor to what’s to cum and like stated earlier from @thedudesterx69 it’s okay to experiment but the constant posting about wanting to film with vaginas and kissing girls and being attracted to girls means one thing and one thing only, YOU’RE NOT GAY, YOU’RE BI. It’s not rocket science.

I feel like they think calling themselves bisexual is going to be a curse. But like Sharok said in his rant, it’s all about money and the truth of the matter is that these men don’t want to admit that they like vaginas and are bi because of the hit in their income when the true gay following gives the backlash and starts unfollowing and unsubscribing. They loose those gay dollars and they are worried as fuck about that loss.

We’ve seen times and times again when these so called “gay” porn guys do some sort of str8, bi or trans porn and then they get hit with the backlash. They end up declining in their viewership and get no future projects because of their lack in popularity. Drew Dixon is one that comes to mind. He did this whole expose with HimerosTV (that buffoonery) about how gay he was and how he wasn’t accepted because of his flamboyant personality. How he would never touch a woman cause he is strictly dickly. Fast forward a few months later and he’s actively doing two str8 porn scenes and a bi orgy for a homophobic director.

He did what they all do, parade about their homosexuality, depict something that’s quite contrary and then go on a rant trying to defend their choices. They’re right, they have a choice as to what they do and we have a choice as well. If we want to voice our opinions in disgust they need to accept that. If we want to allocate our coins to honest creators than we can. Actions have consequences. If you were transparent form the get go, there would be no reason for the backlash. But one thing the gays hate, that’s being played for a fool and gaslighted in the process. There’s one thing these guys hate more and that’s people waking up to the nonsense.