Thiago Andries (@thiago_lazzarato)

I think Lazaratto blocked me for tweeting about how their relationship is just about greed and money. Needless to say I won't be supporting their OnlyFans.

I find it ridiculous that he would constantly profess his love for Josh, then he had a meltdown publicly on Twitter condemning Josh for lying and then now it looks like they're back together. It comes across as super fake and disingenuous. I cannot support content creators like that.
I unfollowed Thiago but noticed he blocked me bc I pointed out that he referred to Sharok as an #oldqueen when Sharok is 37 and Thiago is 36. Plus I said their first video was kinda boring, which it really was.
I don’t find them appealing at all anymore, I find them laughable and a huge joke.
Thiago I know you will read this but what goes up very quickly may also go down in a blink of an eye. Followers do not equal love.
I unfollowed Thiago but noticed he blocked me bc I pointed out that he referred to Sharok as an #oldqueen when Sharok is 37 and Thiago is 36. Plus I said their first video was kinda boring, which it really was.
I don’t find them appealing at all anymore, I find them laughable and a huge joke.
Thiago I know you will read this but what goes up very quickly may also go down in a blink of an eye. Followers do not equal love.
Thiago is going to be 38 this year.
I unfollowed Thiago but noticed he blocked me bc I pointed out that he referred to Sharok as an #oldqueen when Sharok is 37 and Thiago is 36. Plus I said their first video was kinda boring, which it really was.
I don’t find them appealing at all anymore, I find them laughable and a huge joke.
Thiago I know you will read this but what goes up very quickly may also go down in a blink of an eye. Followers do not equal love.
just an average sissy looking guy..
With everything happening in the world right now, people need to be humble and very gracious about their situation. Flaunting how much you make because of fans does not make you humble or gracious, just showing off which is not how you gain more followers and patrons. I un-followed both of them from Instagram and Twitter because that attitude is not what i am looking for.

Be happy with what you got but don't rub it in peoples face. Some can barely make ends meet and you showing off will not make things better. And both of them need to understand if you are posting your life on line, people will comment and have opinions. If you can't take the comments and opinions then stop posting you life on line.
Com tudo o que está acontecendo no mundo agora, as pessoas precisam ser humildes e muito gentis com sua situação. Ostentar o quanto você ganha por causa dos fãs não o torna humilde ou gracioso, apenas exibindo o que não é como você ganha mais seguidores e clientes. Eu deixei de seguir os dois no Instagram e no Twitter porque essa atitude não é o que eu estou procurando.

Seja feliz com o que você tem, mas não esfregue isso na cara das pessoas. Alguns mal conseguem sobreviver e você se exibindo não vai melhorar as coisas. E ambos precisam entender que se você está postando sua vida online, as pessoas vão comentar e ter opiniões. Se você não pode aceitar os comentários e opiniões, então pare de postar sua vida online.
Há milhões que ainda estão no armário. Isso não significa que as pessoas não podem e não devem se orgulhar de mostrar isso. E as pessoas também não deveriam se envergonhar por mostrar seu sucesso. Ganhar dinheiro é ótimo e a pobreza não vai acabar Só porque as pessoas pararam de postar no twitter sua felicidade ao conseguir. Mas você está certo sobre Thiago reclamar de opiniões sobre sua vida
You've all had your rant about what you think about them. Now, I feel, you are all just piling on and it's enough. It is borderline bullying now. Please stop. If you have anything negative to say save it. Enough has been said.

Anyone who disregards this may receive a warning and be blocked from the thread. I'm getting a lot of complaints about how negative and attacking this thread is. Please stop. It is not necessary.
I unfollowed Thiago but noticed he blocked me bc I pointed out that he referred to Sharok as an #oldqueen when Sharok is 37 and Thiago is 36. Plus I said their first video was kinda boring, which it really was.
I don’t find them appealing at all anymore, I find them laughable and a huge joke.
Thiago I know you will read this but what goes up very quickly may also go down in a blink of an eye. Followers do not equal love.
No way Sharok is 37...
Sharok tweeted that it's tacky sharing your numbers and slagging off your ex, which Thiago did. Thiago started calling him an old queen and trying to act all hard, he wishes he was half as hot as Sharok :joy:
Yea right......who asked for sharok's opinion? Not that I'm supporting Thiago but y'all being surprised that he's a drama queen is completely funny to me, it's like most of y'all are new here and didn't see the explosion of his relationship with his ex (I'm glad that one got away) I literally didn't care because I'm here for nudes. No one called Sharok and he butted in and y'all said he's trying to give advice when no one asked..... really? It's the typical seek for attention strategy. Thiago is a drama queen but please, let's not pretend Sharok isn't one too.
That's why I prefer Rhyheim over these content creators, despite rumors from his harem,he never cares or even answer any or even talk about his personal life or politics or anything about nothing,he just post,makes his bag and get the fuck out