Thick dick guys, did she adapt to it or never a problem ?

Unicorn question for straight guys with a big dick, especially huge girth. If your GF or wife can take your dick with no problem, did she adapt to your size or was it never a problem?

My wife had previously been with only 3 guys and all were average size. The first time we had sex, I was concerned about my girth. To my amazement, she barely had problem with it. Plus we are actually able to have quickies. She's a size queen now.
No wife or girlfriend…but while many women…married or single want to “see” if they can do so completely discreetly..,they almost always then decide they want to touch and hold and play with me..,but almost always they are so freaked out they balk and absolutely do not want to try any penetration sex. Rarely is a woman willing to try…and most of those, with lots of foreplay, repeated sessions , and lube and other gases beforehand, can not take more than a portion of my cocks head,..

But now and then….a truly special and unique woman tries…and gets to try out her new “record holder”
They adapt pretty quickly unless it's an anatomy issue, i.e. physical incompatibility. I'm by no means huge in terms of girth but I often encounter partners who have previously never had one as girthy. Some are eager, others are concerned. I've had some back out completely but the ones that do try adapt pretty quickly to it.
They will adapt, or they walk. My wife has a medium to large sized frame, and is about 155 lb, and muscular. There doesn't seem to be any real corollary between a woman's size and her vagaina. I have had petite, skinny woman who could take all of me, and larger women who simply could not.

My wife loves my big cock and orgasms hard every time we have sex unless there is some serious hormonal or emotional issues at hand.

I am over 7 1/2" in girth, (8" long) so we use varieties of Pjur silicone based lubes. We average about 2 1/2 to 3 days between sex, and only have vaginal sex now.

Before sex, I have my wife "fluff" for at least 15 minutes with her favorite porn, then I rub, gently slap and tease her clit with my glans until she is fully dilated.

After over 5 years, it still takes some time to move the lube throughput her vaginal canal, and get myself fully inside her.

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If this is a picture of you and your wife, she has one of the most impressive clits that I have ever seen!!!