bita bs mebeee ha
dislike intellectuyak wannabes say such and such
a few molloon years ago,or predicy our future
Technology can advance society.
It can also cause chaos.
The freedoms and liberties of a democracy rely on communication. Technological breakthroughs however can actually accorrode the merits of a democracy. The world is currently having such a peril.
The invention of the printing press, for example, was a milestone in the progression of communication. Throughout the middle ages, people had notions of witches; however, it wasn't until the printing press was invented that witches became a hot topic. Books with carnal and titillating imagery became popular. It correlates with the beginning of the inquisitions, killing thousands in fear of someone being different - witches.
Today we have another advancement with the usage of the internet and social media. People are inundated with data, truth drowning in the sea of rumors and conspiracies. It corroded trust in our government and our neighbors. People rise up in anger, believing this lie or that lie. Laws are broke which jeopardize the freedom and liberty of others. In fear, people seek a populist leader that believes their conspiracies. Until our society is capable of sorting through the rubbish, we should insist that social media doesn't use logarithms that exploit our attention and resources while sacrificing respect, dignity, and truth.
As we watch countries around the world struggling to defeat efforts to break democracy, we watch billionaires exploit these logarithms to benefits their wallets while demising social order.