Is there even such a thing as pan? What's so wrong with just the L, G and B?
Pansexuality isn’t the sexuality I feel we need to get rid of. There’s a bunch of weirdos that go by random sexualities they found online that they feel they identify with. Pansexual has at least been around & isn’t as attention seeking. I feel it’s just a less structured more open version of Bi. Liking female, men, transmen, trans women, & the populous that decided they don’t want a gender. If a person is human you have a possibility of liking them. It’s less structured on the basis of gender.

And while I have my own opinions about certain gender identities I do believe it’s nice to have an umbrella sexuality like it. Society technically created the term sexuality to categorize a humans romantic & sexual interests. But adding structure & adding definition to something very fluent & unique to each person sort of leads to this issue of people making their own sexualities up or identifying with random ones people never heard of.

It’s just because someone’s interest is simply unique to them & it can fluctuate as life progresses. I really wish society didn’t create sexuality. I feel like there’s just so much strife in the world because of it. People feeling like they can’t try things out & experiment because they are so worried about labels & being seen a certain way. But I digress. Just my thoughts I do apologize for writing so much. Did get ahead of myself.