i’m so sorry but i’m getting so tired of the pearl clutching from him tbh, like I get the whole boundaries in sex work thing but is it really THAT surprising to him that the Gay dudes that pay him to show hole … would wanna see him take dick up it ??
Wake that tea :sob: he's so tiring atp


No, why does he need a new thread?

You don't make a new thread on the same topic because one is dead??? He's pretty irrelevant now
You do. And you can??? Why are you bitchin and moaning??? I already unwatched the thread so you stop replying with your unhelpful opinions now, thanks :blush:
You do. And you can??? Why are you bitchin and moaning??? I already unwatched the thread so you stop replying with your unhelpful opinions now, thanks :blush:
That's not how it works but go ahead and make a new thread
who told him we want to see him in lingerie and acting femme? is he queer? i assumed straight - i would almost prefer overly machismo then this act
He's very openly pansexual. And anyone can experiment and express their gender however they wish to