Tim Kruger has passed.

R.I.P Marcel

I had a pleasure to meet "Tim" first time almost 13 years ago and couple times afterwards and we stayed in brief contact throughout the years.
He was very sweet, nice and smart and intelligent person.
Complete opposite of what people would stereotypical expected from a "porn star"

May he rest in peace <3
Very sad news indeed may he rest in peace.
Let he RIP... The Timtales empire seems very cozy but successful business. It will be interesting to see if it will be continued or not. The Friday episode was not released... Even the last scene with Tim (by chance) was almost a month ago which was not typical...
Still cannot believe it.:scream:😢😢Life is so fragile, it can go like fingersnap.
Hope in the coming days we'll know what/how it happened. Rest in peace stud. :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:
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