He loving it a little too much, you can dead ass tell he ain’t straight cause straight guys don’t make that face when they put something in their asses… also can you message me please I need to ask you something important
some straight guys actually who know about there G spot actually dont mind having it pleased but its that small minded comment that keeps this narrative that. Anything pertaining to a dudes ass is gay. In 2023 kinda wild bro.
some straight guys actually who know about there G spot actually dont mind having it pleased but its that small minded comment that keeps this narrative that. Anything pertaining to a dudes ass is gay. In 2023 kinda wild bro.

Ok. But do you have to ride a fake dick though? Haha
He loving it a little too much, you can dead ass tell he ain’t straight cause straight guys don’t make that face when they put something in their asses… also can you message me please I need to ask you something important
He loving it a little too much, you can dead ass tell he ain’t straight cause straight guys don’t make that face when they put something in their asses… also can you message me please I need to ask you something important
Y’all see what I’m saying? He’s not straight! The lady on his TikTok isn’t his GIRLFRIEND! She’s nobody to him! He told TikTok live he’s single and doesn’t want anyone! He’s been single 3 yrs now and plus he has been in drama with all 3 of his kids mom…

By the way the dildo pic is him wearing a jock strap / thong!!

Those three kids will be so proud
It’s 9/2023 buddy look at it again on the post when they had xxx it’s recent ring cameras aren’t always accurate on date and time I have one and every time I fix the dates and time it goes back to the day you set it up
Nope. You can tell it isn't recent look at his hair and his size he's been wearing braids since early this year and he's bigger now.
Look at the post!!! It’s 9/23!! I’m not talking about the ring camera dork!
Dummy just because he posted the vid on 9/23 doesn't mean that's when the vid was taken.... The person literally started the page in 2021. I guess the messages that clearly say 2018 were really sent 9/23 because that's when he posted them.... ur a fuckin idiot :joy: :joy: :joy:
It’s not exposing it’s sad he’s lying to his supporters and lying about his sexual orientation and lying about being straight and lying to people who know him and it’s not exposing if he doesn’t see this post which that would be exposing no one on here better run and tell him! Some people will do “expose him”
I actually know him in real life