To people that have actually gotten PMMA fillers or fat injection

is their any loss of feeling after? Like does it affect pleasure and the nerves in your cock??
I haven’t noticed any. There is always a risk with surgery of desensitization (cut a nerve and it doesn’t grow back) But it is rare. In some cases also rare that there is a lose of sensation for a short while but then it comes back. But I experience none of this. It would be a similar risk with breast implants and they are done all the time.
I recommend Jiva Med Spa in Columbus, Ohio. The lady that performs the procedure is the best in the game. She genuinely cares about your results. Hell she cared more than I did. I’ve also gone to 3 different doctors for pmma injections.
Why 3 if I may ask? Any before and after pics?
Why 3 if I may ask? Any before and after pics?
Well Dr C in Tijuana was the doctor that came up with the pmma procedure and for the longest time it was only him and I believe a Dr he trained that did anything like it in the western Hemisphere. The procedure, the pmma product they could legally use was not legal in the states. So many Doctors, Dentists live in SanDiego and have clinics in Tijuana. These are nice, clean, and much more common than people would think.
Now Linneasafe is the pmma product used legally around the world but it’s illegal here and that’s not because it’s bad, but because the drug company that makes it, is not a US based company and thus they couldn’t do it in states.
I’m not sure how it works but I’m guessing the patent was up and US drug Companies came up with Bellafil. Same shit just a different carrier matrix but now US owned, and all of a sudden word about pmma and clinics performing procedure blew up. Amazing how propoganda or media outright ignoring the procedure works to the advantage of the ruling class. I’ve been in the know of pmma for probably 20yrs or close to it.
So I live in Indiana and I hit Avanti up 3 times and the. Rupeka and Jiva were two that first started offering it here in states, and remember….bellafil is all of a sudden some miracle new product and linneasafe never existed before. Lol
So both those clinics are in US and I didn’t have to spend money on hotels, plane tickets, and battle the boarder and ride in some crazy ass taxis so Rupeka it was. He was cool but I knew he stayed clear of my circa scar and that was something we discussed really needed attention. So I gave Jiva a try next and that’s where I’ll go if and when I ever go again.
I should have before and after on Jivas site, but I have so many pics that, i can’t say for sure exactly when pic was taken in relationship to procedures. I’ve had 7 procedures done now. The ones I posted here before was most recent procedure and before any procedure.
I’m going to try and go through a bunch of photos and plane ticket dates and work vacation day histories and put a detailed one together
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I should have before and after on Jivas site, but I have so many pics that, i can’t say for sure exactly when pic was taken in relationship to procedures. I’ve had 7 procedures done now. The ones I posted here before was most recent procedure and before any procedure.
I’m going to try and go through a bunch of photos and plane ticket dates and work vacation day histories and put a detailed one together
I looked for before and after pics of clients they did the procedures on, and did not find that section. Can you provide a link?

Can you also share the price and volume they inject per session? Also, what was your pre- and post-care plan like?

Also what were your starting length and girth?
I think you have to get Jiva to allow you access to it. I’ll get ahold of them and find out for sure. There prices are comparable to Rupeka but they always have specials and deals, and like I said they will give you discount if you tell them where you heard about them or ask if they will work with you. He’ll give them my name…they may give us both discount. You can get 1,2, 3,4, or 20 vials if you want. Thats one reason I like them because they will work with whatever and sometimes money is limited. They also have financing options and vials are 1.2ml each and cost varies but they will work with you. For the quality of work they are my favorite.
My starting measurements were 7” length and 5.25” at base and right under 5 under glands. Now length isn’t going to change except your flacid hang. Now I’m like 7.25” length and pushing 8” midshaft in girth.
I have 5.75 erect girth behind my glans and would like 6.25. My glans is about the same diameter and I don't want it to be smaller than my shaft. Can the glans be enlarged at the same time?
I have 5.75 erect girth behind my glans and would like 6.25. My glans is about the same diameter and I don't want it to be smaller than my shaft. Can the glans be enlarged at the same time?
No. There are some that claim they can enlarge the glans, but they’ can’t. Different tissue, and it’s impossible, or almost impossible to perform. In some cases it’s very difficult to get product above even the circa scar, if the skin is too tight, some Doctors wont go above the circa scar. Thats one reason I went to 3 different Doctors , until I found one that would try it and be successful.
No. There are some that claim they can enlarge the glans, but they’ can’t. Different tissue, and it’s impossible, or almost impossible to perform. In some cases it’s very difficult to get product above even the circa scar, if the skin is too tight, some Doctors wont go above the circa scar. Thats one reason I went to 3 different Doctors , until I found one that would try it and be successful.
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