Toddy smith (viner/youtuber)

He posted a ppv on his vip saying it was him playing with his hole for $33 but he took it down before me and some guys I split prices with sometimes could discuss if we wanted to try splitting it it was maybe up for 10 minutes before he took it down makes me wonder if was another mess up and he actually showed something by accident( tho I doubt it as he doesn't show shit) still makes me wonder tho


He posted a ppv on his vip saying it was him playing with his hole for $33 but he took it down before me and some guys I split prices with sometimes could discuss if we wanted to try splitting it it was maybe up for 10 minutes before he took it down makes me wonder if was another mess up and he actually showed something by accident( tho I doubt it as he doesn't show shit) still makes me wonder tho
Save your money. It's never worth it.
He's been a scammer for a long time. You blew your money way to long.
He knows that the gays will sling money at him if they think there's a chance he will go full nude. He is just another grifter that will continue to take, give you nothing and evidently disappear when he finds his next scam
He knows that the gays will sling money at him if they think there's a chance he will go full nude. He is just another grifter that will continue to take, give you nothing and evidently disappear when he finds his next scam
I think it's both hoping he'll go full nude one day but also the fact that some people are really into giving straight guys money for basically nothing in return. Especially when they act the way Toddy does. There's so many accounts on Twitter that make 100s to even thousands of $ just by being "straight" that'll send you just the average shirtless pic. People even spend money on getting porn censored. So I think it's both fans trying to hold out to see if they get anything worth while and also just fans that are into that fantasy of dropping upwards of 50$+ to possibly get a dick Pic just to get cucked and get a bulge Pic instead.
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