Tom Blyth (actor)

What is it about Tom Blyth?

He’s tall. I like a tall guy. He’s also the perfect combo of pretty boy and masculinity. I also like that he embraces his sex appeal and pretty boy factor. A lot of more successful new generation actors like to pretend as if their looks have nothing to do with their success. And they avoid “sexy” photo shoots or thirst trapping. While he has yet to be “problematic” or come off insecure or gay-panic-y or gay-bait-y (even though we have no clue what dimensions of his “sexuality” or lifestyle are or where he is in the gender, sexual, affection, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum).

There’s still a bunch of guys I pay attention to more. But he’s the first actor in a while I actively lust after.
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He's been getting quite a lot offers since the new HG movie came out and honestly good for him. He seems like a really sweet person and a very good actor.

On a side note I hope he shows some skin in his upcoming projects :rolleyes:

Plainclothes might be the most likely one for that tbh.
You will be waiting a very long time since there was no leak just a scammer trying to catch a quike bit of cash. Lol
Just let people be horny for God's sake :joy: We get it, you don’t think the leaks are real. No need to repeat the same thing every time someone mentions the alleged nudes