Tom holland

In romeo and Juliet? Doubt it. Maybe with whoever is directing it, depends on what his past work was like if anyone knows
I saw his production of Little Dog Laughed a long time ago, which had Harry Lloyd getting his ass out, but that was a show about a rent boy, and not Shakespeare, so I don't think you can guess based on that.
In romeo and Juliet? Doubt it. Maybe with whoever is directing it, depends on what his past work was like if anyone knows
Well in the film that Zefferelli did, Leonard Whiting showed his full ass. So it's not out of the realm of possibility.
In romeo and Juliet? Doubt it. Maybe with whoever is directing it, depends on what his past work was like if anyone knows
I have seen a couple of productions where Romeo is shirtless following the bedroom scene. Both productions the actor had their costume trousers on, could have been underwear at the minimum.
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I want him to smash the role and get some great reaction to a performance in something Shakespearan, boost his acting accolades.

Also maybe so us what that tongue do