Because there really is no definitive screen adaptation as yet.
Barely anyone under 60 has seen the Mario Bava/Kirk Douglas film, it was hardly a "Jason and the Argonauts" or "Clash of the Titans" style home video hit for Gen X'rs.
"O Brother" was 25 years ago and basically a prison blues movie with only the barest bones of story.
"The Return" is an Indie film take on a small section of it (arguably the least interesting section of the whole work). It's an arthouse film pure and simple that barely anyone will see.
The closest to 'definitive' we have is a 30-year-old NBC mini-series, which has its fans but is pretty obscure these days.
There's a market here. Hot young things in togas with beautiful vistas combined with Chris 'I'll always do it for real' Nolan trying to do Greek monsters.
I mean, the original "Clash of the Titans" made Harry Hamlin's nipples so prominent they could almost have been nominated for supporting actor. If Tom's delicious nipples and prominent pec line get even a fraction of that treatment, and this time in IMAX, ho boy - his best wanking fuel since "Uncharted".
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