Hi. I'm confused. I thought Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlyn and "fully transitioned" involved removal of penis and testes.
I don't understand. Please clarify if you wish. Thank You.
Yes, I will help and assist here.
Caitlyn Jenner is IMO a 'special' case because even though she transitioned LATE in life (like myself, who transitioned in my very late 30's - am 50 now) she had lived her life as a man in every which way, shape and form possible. Got married several times, had n raised n Fathered many children and became a FAMOUS Athlete then Multimillionaire Celebrity. Then she Transitioned.
Transitioning is all a very PERSONAL thing - even though it definitely affects all others in ones life.
Sexually, Caitlyn states that she is 'more attracted' to the female form. Which still is a very PERSONAL thing.
Surgeries ? Still personal. If one does not WANT to alter their body, they don't HAVE TO. Though it does have an affect on ones life. Having THE MEANS (money) to do so most definitely makes things easier vs NOT having the ability (money wise) to. As far as getting 'everything' (feminin facial surgery, adams apple shave, voice surgery, breast augmentation, body contouring and vagina plasty, hair removal and hormone treatment) done, that too is all very personal.
They can Draw The Line (where/when to stop the surgeries and procedures) at any point (me: I've had hormone therapy, hair removal, my nose, my breasts and teeth done and drew the line at my dick: Nope) for various reasons. It may be sexual, financial, emotional or health (body can not take any more) or other reasons. Whatever the case, every Transwoman will be different from any other. What, when, why and how they got to 'here' is all their personal journey.
They may be looked up or down upon for their changes and even compared to each other and even to natural born females but THEY ALL have taken the path to living, identifying and (respectfully) being recognized as WOMEN.
Now, I will talk about everything else: Changing the name, Gender Marker, feminine mannerisms, voice, diction and persona. That too is personal as well as in SOME States - names and Gender Markers are NOT equally or easily changed...some States even DENY the Gender Marker change. Financial and emotional (family, friends, therapy) support is seriously important here as well as the ability and DESIRE to adapt, change or blend into society. Some women may choose (or be 'forced' ) to stop here while others continue to go even further. Some, become 'unclockable' either dressed or undressed...OR BOTH ! (Me? I say dressed I am very unlockable - but that is just MY opinion of myself - especially more even now, a year later after my nose and boob job whereas all the years prior, I hadn't had the surgeries because I could not afford it AT ALL even though I was Fully Transitioned)
Guys as guys do not have much understanding of all of what it truly takes...so, saying, "THEY aren't women" because of...X, Y, Z is completely dismissive.
In closing, it doesn't truly matter what ANYONE ELSE may think or feel about it because truly, it isn't any business of 'yours'. No one HAS to agree, like, understand (or even care) about what others do with their life. Sure, we CAN all get along just fine. Don't take it PERSONAL. It is THEIR journey.