Would you ever consider a partner who is versatile or a switch?
Meh. I don't truly care for Switch/Vers because in MY experiences, they do not mesh well with me on any sexual or emotional level. We just end up clashing.

It's GOTTA definitely be a Sexually and emotionally Submissive Guy.
Just saying I totally get the straight but attracted to cock thung you were talking about, personally it's the best of both worlds. With that you said you were in the adult entertainment industry, what do you do and will you post some stuff to show off your beautiful self?
Post stuff HERE ? I have posted a picture (look in my profile) and if/when I add more, it will all be there for all to see.

As far as "What do you do?" My answer to that is simple" I do what I have always done.
How would you react to men who are "straight/masculine appearing" and "normally straight" sexually but still be into bottoming with a reasonably well-hung, dominant top trans woman. Plus, do you have a size requirement or preference? In other words, how would you react to a small, average or large penis? Would one size turn you on more?
Not many Transwomen are "reasonably well-hung" and Tops. If you are a 'Size Queen' then unless you got some major money to buy/pay/garner the affections of a Well Endowed Trans Porn Star, you will just have to do the best with whatever it is you can get

Many Transwomen are very particular about mens looks and endowments (property, monetarily and physically) so... Yeah.

My answers to your questions: "How would you react tomen who are 'straight/masculine appearing' and 'normally straight' sexually but still be into bottoming with a reasonably well-hung, dominant top trans woman". I say, Fine By Me. Your other Q: Do you have a size requirement or preference? Yes I do. But do I get what I want ???? No. Not really And your other: "How would you react to a small, average or large penis?" Small - depends very much on THEIR BODY SIZE to their dick size. Like, Lardo vs Normal vs Muscle Guy. Average - same answer. Large - I usually step back and REALLY observe the person bc I usually have seen men that have LARGE endowments (dick-wise) are generally NOT guys who stay long because they are 'too busy fucking everyone else' and they, true to the fact - are off n away never to be seen again. So, no. I generally *DISLIKE* guys with 'large dicks' and steer clear from them sexually and personally.

What I REALLY, REALLY LIKE are guys with very Big Balls and who are hopefully very Heavy Cummers. That's what I personally like more of Their dick size to me is less important overall.
Hi, first of all I want to thank you for sharing your life and bringing a point of view that is surely less common! It was a pleasure to read your posts.
I have a curiosity, it's about topping and being under hormone therapy.
me: I've had hormone therapy, hair removal, my nose, my breasts and teeth done and drew the line at my dick: Nope)

I've listened to a few transwomen talking about their transition. One of the things that many of them report is that, once they start the hormone replacement therapy, their sexuality becomes different. I've heard some say that their orgasms become longer and less related to erection, and others mentioned that this meant that they had to stop the hormone therapy if they were doing sex work, in order to be able to "perform" in the way clients/movie directors were expecting.

Does this resonate with you? Or is your experience different? Did your topping experience change throughout the transition?

And thanks again for answering!
Hi, first of all I want to thank you for sharing your life and bringing a point of view that is surely less common! It was a pleasure to read your posts.
I have a curiosity, it's about topping and being under hormone therapy.

I've listened to a few transwomen talking about their transition. One of the things that many of them report is that, once they start the hormone replacement therapy, their sexuality becomes different. I've heard some say that their orgasms become longer and less related to erection, and others mentioned that this meant that they had to stop the hormone therapy if they were doing sex work, in order to be able to "perform" in the way clients/movie directors were expecting.

Does this resonate with you? Or is your experience different? Did your topping experience change throughout the transition?

And thanks again for answering!
Why do you have an interest in "...topping and being under hormone therapy." ? Is it because you are wanting this for yourself ? (You have listened to many Transwomen speak on their experiences with hormone therapy for years.

Yes, hormone therapy is a process that can take 6months to start to set in and 6mo to fade out when it is stopped. It takes about 2 years to purge from the body's system and another half year to be thoroughly out and back to their previous state prior to Transitional hormone therapy.
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Why do you have an interest in "...topping and being under hormone therapy." ? Is it because you are wanting this for yourself ? (You have listened to many Transwomen speak on their experiences with hormone therapy for years.

Yes, hormone therapy is a process that can take 6months to start to set in and 6mo to fade out when it is stopped. It takes about 2 years to purge from the body's system and another half year to be thoroughly out and back to their previous state prior to Transitional hormone therapy.
Thanks for your answer :)
Just a curiosity. I am a cis man, not planning to transition, but I often happened to listen to stories of transition. I talked with many transwomen during my time as an LGBTQ activist, and I often get videos suggested on my feed on social media.
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Which is why I said, "In order FOR ME to mesh well with a guy..." Simply put, within MY experience of guys who are attracted to TOP-DOM Ladies such as myself, they have to have an attraction to cock or it will not work. I need mine pleased and these men absolutely love being on the 100 percent Receiving End of it all. Sexually Speaking, with the type of men I speak of, the Sexual Roles are reversed (see cartoon pic)
This role reversal and sexual dynamic is exactly on point!
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This thread is so enlightening, thank you @JSS.JLk . I have a question that I can’t ask in public or on most social media because I’ve found it makes a lot of my fellow gays uncomfortable and/or argumentative. Am curious to get your feedback…

I’m a gay male who grew up in L.A. and has lived the last several years in West Hollywood. I came out early, too - so I feel like I know myself well along with having known lots of gay guys from all over, for years. And one conclusion I’ve come to, is that it seems like a large percentage of guys who identify as gay actually may be trans women.

I think this group is composed of a mix of people who either don’t realize they are trans, or maybe they sense it but haven’t put it together yet, or maybe they know they’re trans but feel safer identifying as gay male? But I notice these guys just seem to identify with females and female energy far more than I ever have - so it’s made me give lots of thought to the similarities and differences between gay men and trans women.

What do you think? Do you believe like I do - that there are way more trans women than we thought who are being lumped in with the larger gay male community? Or do you think our current estimation about the trans community being proportionally smaller is actually the more correct assessment?
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This thread is so enlightening, thank you @JSS.JLk . I have a question that I can’t ask in public or on most social media because I’ve found it makes a lot of my fellow gays uncomfortable and/or argumentative. Am curious to get your feedback…

I’m a gay male who grew up in L.A. and has lived the last several years in West Hollywood. I came out early, too - so I feel like I know myself well along with having known lots of gay guys from all over, for years. And one conclusion I’ve come to, is that it seems like a large percentage of guys who identify as gay actually may be trans women.

I think this group is composed of a mix of people who either don’t realize they are trans, or maybe they sense it but haven’t put it together yet, or maybe they know they’re trans but feel safer identifying as gay male? But I notice these guys just seem to identify with females and female energy far more than I ever have - so it’s made me give lots of thought to the similarities and differences between gay men and trans women.

What do you think? Do you believe like I do - that there are way more trans women than we thought who are being lumped in with the larger gay male community? Or do you think our current estimation about the trans community being proportionally smaller is actually the more correct assessment?
Definitely DO private message me and YES, as you already are very WELL aware, there is an extremely high percentage of the Gay Men population who have issue in things where they should not.
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My answer in private to you was SO GOOD that I had to share it here with everyone.

"What do you think? Do you believe like I do - that there are way more trans women than we thought who are being lumped in with the larger gay male community? Or do you think our current estimation about the trans community being proportionally smaller is actually the more correct assessment?"

Well Tomas26, This is what I feel/think about the above (stated by you)

These days, many (mainly the guys) who are on the fem side, tend to be overtly gay and overtly fem. So much to the point that there seems to be very little left of what is considered male.

You must also realize that the AREA/REGION that you speak of is a very large area of cities where many people gather en-mass and when that happens, small groups of like oeople gather to become much larger. When much larger groups gather they now start to gather in smaller groups: niche groups.

Those are people who find things in common and BOND over them and start to make a 'life-style' of it. Even a lingo. Hence, the attitude of EXCLUSIVITY and in that they EXCLUDE (mostly rudlely) all the others: The Heathers.

The grouping of The Heathers garner want and desire from those excluded. In order to get into elite groups like The Heathers, you have to have/posess/attain whatever ENDOWMENT that they do to even be considered. They then come to you - you don't go to them. They will offer you entrence.

So, with all that being said, these Fem Boys that you speak of have procedures done: ass, lips, nose. And have/wear/do gender bending things: excessive makeup, hair/wigs, nails and the like. Then they are so CLOSE to being female in look and manner BUT they are holding on to what ever little SHRED of maleness that there is and many may even Transition BECAUSE THEY FEEL IT IS THE NATURAL PROGRESSION of things - but they are incorrect. You are right about THE PARTICULAR ONES who Transition because it is 'the next step'. Yup. Those make the mistake and figure it out later. It was all seeming to 'fit' at the time. Though they are NOT truly Women on the inside their entire lives, they don't FEEL with their soul that they are female/women. These IDIOTS just did it because they were caught-up in the speed of things: Looking Beautiful and what it garners from others.

So no. The large part of Fem Gay Boys that you refer to are just that: Fem. They know it and are 'caught-up' in the Life-Style and Glamour of it all.

They are NOT Transgender.
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Yes, I will help and assist here.

Caitlyn Jenner is IMO a 'special' case because even though she transitioned LATE in life (like myself, who transitioned in my very late 30's - am 50 now) she had lived her life as a man in every which way, shape and form possible. Got married several times, had n raised n Fathered many children and became a FAMOUS Athlete then Multimillionaire Celebrity. Then she Transitioned.

Transitioning is all a very PERSONAL thing - even though it definitely affects all others in ones life.

Sexually, Caitlyn states that she is 'more attracted' to the female form. Which still is a very PERSONAL thing.

Surgeries ? Still personal. If one does not WANT to alter their body, they don't HAVE TO. Though it does have an affect on ones life. Having THE MEANS (money) to do so most definitely makes things easier vs NOT having the ability (money wise) to. As far as getting 'everything' (feminin facial surgery, adams apple shave, voice surgery, breast augmentation, body contouring and vagina plasty, hair removal and hormone treatment) done, that too is all very personal.

They can Draw The Line (where/when to stop the surgeries and procedures) at any point (me: I've had hormone therapy, hair removal, my nose, my breasts and teeth done and drew the line at my dick: Nope) for various reasons. It may be sexual, financial, emotional or health (body can not take any more) or other reasons. Whatever the case, every Transwoman will be different from any other. What, when, why and how they got to 'here' is all their personal journey.

They may be looked up or down upon for their changes and even compared to each other and even to natural born females but THEY ALL have taken the path to living, identifying and (respectfully) being recognized as WOMEN.

Now, I will talk about everything else: Changing the name, Gender Marker, feminine mannerisms, voice, diction and persona. That too is personal as well as in SOME States - names and Gender Markers are NOT equally or easily changed...some States even DENY the Gender Marker change. Financial and emotional (family, friends, therapy) support is seriously important here as well as the ability and DESIRE to adapt, change or blend into society. Some women may choose (or be 'forced' ) to stop here while others continue to go even further. Some, become 'unclockable' either dressed or undressed...OR BOTH ! (Me? I say dressed I am very unlockable - but that is just MY opinion of myself - especially more even now, a year later after my nose and boob job whereas all the years prior, I hadn't had the surgeries because I could not afford it AT ALL even though I was Fully Transitioned)

Guys as guys do not have much understanding of all of what it truly takes...so, saying, "THEY aren't women" because of...X, Y, Z is completely dismissive.

In closing, it doesn't truly matter what ANYONE ELSE may think or feel about it because truly, it isn't any business of 'yours'. No one HAS to agree, like, understand (or even care) about what others do with their life. Sure, we CAN all get along just fine. Don't take it PERSONAL. It is THEIR journey.
Thank you for your detailed, considered and honest reply