I'm just stumbling onto this thread now but have like many here, was infatuated with him for a bit when these photos/videos were circulating a few years ago.
Like some recent members have said, his body is insanely edited in Photoshop using what is called the 'Liquify' effect. Using this, you can basically 'paint' (move) different parts of your body to be bigger, smaller, etc. If you look at nearly all of his photos, his shoulder width is dramatically widened and the pixels arounds his shoulders are also distorted and bulging outward. You can see it in the walls, ceiling, etc. that are behind him.
That said...
He does look authentically hung! He also looks like he has a great lean, medium-build, so the fact that he felt he even had to edit so heavily was/is dumb. I think you can see his natural body shape in some of his clothed photos...which is so attractive! I'm sure he's a beautiful guy naturally.
He's also clearly not a jock like he's presenting and am guessing that's performative fetish for the photos. I honestly think these photos of him 'twirling' the basketball is even edited. If he was really spinning or balancing a basketball on his finger, there would be motion blur on the ball. He probably cut out the ball and superimposed it on his fingertip, LOL.