
I wish he was nude
This is hot! I enjoyed every minute of this video. Not only is he handsome, but he is also correct in how he explains washing the body from the top down. There are definitely certain parts of the body that you should wash before others in order to minimize the amount of germs left behind after washing.

It is kind of crazy, but watching this video puts me in the mindset of a guy that I came across in the past who would go around telling lies on any guy that rejected him sexually. He would say things like, they don't wash well, they smell or they are not clean in order to purposely get people to stay away from them and not have anything to do with them. His exact words were "I am going to see to it that no one ever fucks with them." I think it was due to him hating the fact of being sexually rejected, but, all in all, the way he attacked others was very selfish and unfair. Honestly, I think he does it to prevent that person from being able to disclose to others that they rejected him.

In all honesty, I really think tpindell did an amazing job of creating a great body washing video and he looked amazing while doing it. One thing about me is that I am one of the cleanest people you will ever meet, but I also like watching and learning from other people such as tpindell. So the moral of the story is that you should always get to know someone for yourself because some of the things you hear could be lies that came from the mouth of a hater. Because in the end, it has been known that "Hurt people will hurt people." So get to know people for yourselves. This is a great vid! I love it! :heart:
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Yes, most definitely! He looks amazing! Age is merely just a number when you do what it takes to take care of your body, your mind and your soul!
he could easily pass as 29 if I say him walking down the street.