Traditional celebrities then and now: Who's hung?

P.S. *
Justin Theroux, David Thewlis & Patrick Warburton
Patrick Warburton is HOT AF!!! I'd LOVE a few hours with him!
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Where can I find the movie? I only discovered "censored" or cropped version when he's showing only his butt
John Allen Nelson's full frontal shot is from the old VHS version of CRIMINAL PASSION, which probably won't be easy to come by -- well, unless you can find it ;)
Anyway, the complete full-screen film, plus video excerpts (from of the VHS version (with the full frontal) are linked in the blog entry:
These gifs were made from those video excerpts:
John Allen Nelson's full frontal shot is from the old VHS version of CRIMINAL PASSION, which probably won't be easy to come by -- well, unless you can find it ;)
Anyway, the complete full-screen film, plus video excerpts (from of the VHS version (with the full frontal) are linked in the blog entry:
These gifs were made from those video excerpts:
John had a great body overall but I think his best feature was his chest.
I was just thinking about when Colin Farrell did full frontal in "A Home at the End of the World" and test audiences were so distracted by how hung he was, they either cut (or cut back) the scene from the final film. A few years later, the sex tape of Farrell with the Playmate leaked and it was obvious that was NO rumor! NGL, that started my lifelong fetish for celebrity dick, lol.

So, here's my question: Taking porn and sites like OnlyFans out of the equation, and just considering traditional celebrities: actors (tv/film/stage), models, singers, athletes, etc., which are/were rumored to be decently, if not well, hung? And which ones are LEGITIMATELY confirmed (like they did a nude scene, posed nude, or got papped naked, had photos/video leak) to be hung? Not looking for OF "models" or porn stars, since those are easy to find, but legit actors, models, singers, and athletes.

Some I can think of who are 100% confirmed:

Colin Farrell, actor w/ a leaked sex tape
Tommy Lee, musician w/ a leaked sex tape (he did set up an OnlyFans, but long after he was already famous)
Steve Bond, actor who posed for Playgirl before he became famous
Jim Brown, NFL legend and actor who posed for Playgirl after he became famous

Who else we got? Take it back to the olden days if you want! Also, any up and coming celebs (who aren't OF/adult performers) who might not be on my radar yet?

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Farrell looks thick but just a little above average in length.
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Jim Kelly, former Buffalo Bills QB was rumored to be hung like a mule back in the day.
Word gets around when a guy has Buffalo sizemeat and I'm sure Jim does. By his own admission, he was a major cheater on his wife. They worked things out and are still together. He has battled oral cancer in recent years. Someone alluded his eating various pussies during his cheatin days may have been a factor. I don't know if there is any scientific proof of such a thing, unless it is a dormant STD in the mouth that flares up and is a factor. He was a ruggedly handsome guy. I'd like to find some shirtless pictures of him.

Word gets around when a guy has Buffalo sizemeat and I'm sure Jim does. By his own admission, he was a major cheater on his wife. They worked things out and are still together. He has battled oral cancer in recent years. Someone alluded his eating various pussies during his cheatin days may have been a factor. I don't know if there is any scientific proof of such a thing, unless it is a dormant STD in the mouth that flares up and is a factor. He was a ruggedly handsome guy. I'd like to find some shirtless pictures of him.

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I did a little research and the human papillomavirus virus (HPV) can be a contributing factor for the rare form of head and neck cancer that Kelly battled. It has been found in healthy younger people who were not smokers but were sexually active orally with a number of partners. It can be dormant for a number of years before it flares up. Here is a picture of young Jim in 1984 with his partner at the time for a Sports Illustrated article.


TBH....... im kinda digging his ass more lol
the way that cheek jiggles...ooooooo
sorry got the names mixed up i was referring to Brian Jordan Alvarez. But i didnt realize it was the same guy whos in that show The English Teacher... hmm imma have to follow his career more now!