Photos & Videos Trey Wood (My "Twitter" Boo)

I have his onlyfans but honestly scared to buy anything in dms cause i feel like hes a scammer
Does he sent out preview videos, or is it just that white/gray box? If it's just the white/gray box, ask him to send you a preview of a video you think you might want, and see what he says.
I went through and screenshot anything that looked interesting, showed his fake bulge, or showed his actual dick. He has more super partial shots of his dick, but i didn’t care to screenshot them. I have 3 super short vids of him shoeing his dick, but no cum. Seems like he showed his dick a lit more and seemed a bit more legit before hanging with that guy that’s notorious for doing the dildo-in-underwear thing.

i’ll post the videos next

*edit* only letting me post 5 at a time so sorry for the spam. Pt. 1
