True story - dating my best friend and having a crush on his brother.

Now as if the whole situation with Henry wasn't complicated enough. Recently, afew months back, I developed a crush on Daniel. It isn't romantic kind (I've accepted that romance is not in the cards for me) but it's lust, pure carnal lust. It started ig back when I started working out again. I was struggling and I reached out to Daniel who was in shape and worked out frequently and he still is an active football play, which resulted in him having an amazing body, visible abs, athletic lean body, with cuts and everything. Plus he loves to show it off now. So I reached out to Daniel and asked him to train me for a few days so that once I get all the forms and angles right I'll workout at home by myself. He said 'sure, come to house by 10, when I workout and I'll train you' I did and when I got there, we went to the roof Henry came too, and Daniel removed his shirt, was only wearing shorts that too with no underwear (insert clown emoji). I have already seen Daniel shirtless a thousand times since 2016 when I moved back here, but idk this time, it was all slow-motion, light breeze hiting his hairs, droplets of sweat sliding through his abs, his low hanging shorts reveling his crack, his soft dick moving with each motion was hitting me in a new kind of way. I tried not to let my mind wander there, but it did, lots of dirty thoughts were talking place in my mind, on top of that when he tried to correct my positions, standing behind me or in front of me, or when I had to touch this upper body for support it was all too much.
At first I tried to ignore it, to stop my mind from having all these thoughts but the next day it was harder, so I decided not to train with Daniel and download a fitness app and took help from YouTube and Google, just to stop me. Things went smooth for a bit. But now Daniel wasn't the same Daniel. Everytime I looked at him, wild things ran through my head, even his dude banter like 'suck my dick bro' or 'I'll fuck you' was turning me on. One time I was waiting for Henry, he had gone somewhere, and Daniel was with me, keeping me company, I was sitting on the stairs, and Daniel was shirtless, in his trousers, straight in front of me, while waiting, Daniel asked to pola-pola him (those of you who do not know what pola-pola is, its like caressing your fingers on someone's skin lightly, that it kinda tickles) so Daniel was facing me, so I had to like wrapp my hands around him to pola-pola him, while caressing, I slid my hands in his trousers and caressed my fingers on his ass, his didn't react just said 'did I said to go there?' I didn't respond but looked him in the eyes, my head was blank as to what I was doing and the only thought I had was to slam him against the wall and suck him off, Daniel said 'but it feels nice' I swear in that moment I was about to act on my thoughts but their father's voice came from above asking for Henry, Daniel replied to him 'papa Henry isn't home' while my hands were still in his trousers massaging his ass, another voice came 'who's downstairs then?' Daniel replied 'Alex (let's call me alex)'s here) his father continued 'oh Alex beta (son) come up' I blurted 'ughh' to Daniel and I went up, his father asked me to fetch his medicines from the pharmacy across the street. I came down and Daniel was hiding his hard on, and as I went down he grabbed me to put his hands on my shoulders in friendly manner and said let's goo. Later when I got home this whole situation confused me, did Daniel wanted to do more stuff? What happened? Later on, it kinda became normal for us. For example one time, we were playing ludo on his roof Henry was sleeping downstairs, and before playing Daniel said whoever losses will get smacking on his ass, I was like sure, and for the first round Daniel loosed, and he got up, slid his trousers down reveling his ass, and I smacking his ass, 2nd round I lost, and I just got up and Daniel removed my shorts a bit and smacked mine, while we were playing 3rd round Henry came up, I lost and we started laughing and joking but Daniel didn't bring smacking up like we've been doing something bad behind Henry, but I brought up, told Henry while laughing 'we were betting that whoever loses will get a smacking on his ass' Daniel played it like he forgot and went like 'ohh yess' and came and smacked my ass without removing my shorts.
Daniel has now become more flirty with me, touching me, even his dude banter to me is more like 'sexual' sometimes he grabs my face to almost like kiss me but never actually does. Even when I try to initiate something he turns it into a friendly thing, from example the just a few days back it was raining and Daniel removed his shirt, we were on the street outside their home, and Henry went up to help his dad on the stairs, and Daniel came close to me grabbed my face and pulled it near his, I was vaping so I had smoke in my mouth, I leaned in to release smoke in his mouth, and our lips almost touched, and then he pushed a lil back, but stayed there looking in my eyes that I had to say 'let go' for him to let go.

This all confuses me, I mean I do have hots for Daniel, and I do want to roll my tongue all over his well shaped peach, but Daniel's behaviour confuses me, does he want to do? Does he not want to do?
What do I do? Should I do? What if I do and this affects my friendship with Henry?
Now as if the whole situation with Henry wasn't complicated enough. Recently, afew months back, I developed a crush on Daniel. It isn't romantic kind (I've accepted that romance is not in the cards for me) but it's lust, pure carnal lust. It started ig back when I started working out again. I was struggling and I reached out to Daniel who was in shape and worked out frequently and he still is an active football play, which resulted in him having an amazing body, visible abs, athletic lean body, with cuts and everything. Plus he loves to show it off now. So I reached out to Daniel and asked him to train me for a few days so that once I get all the forms and angles right I'll workout at home by myself. He said 'sure, come to house by 10, when I workout and I'll train you' I did and when I got there, we went to the roof Henry came too, and Daniel removed his shirt, was only wearing shorts that too with no underwear (insert clown emoji). I have already seen Daniel shirtless a thousand times since 2016 when I moved back here, but idk this time, it was all slow-motion, light breeze hiting his hairs, droplets of sweat sliding through his abs, his low hanging shorts reveling his crack, his soft dick moving with each motion was hitting me in a new kind of way. I tried not to let my mind wander there, but it did, lots of dirty thoughts were talking place in my mind, on top of that when he tried to correct my positions, standing behind me or in front of me, or when I had to touch this upper body for support it was all too much.
At first I tried to ignore it, to stop my mind from having all these thoughts but the next day it was harder, so I decided not to train with Daniel and download a fitness app and took help from YouTube and Google, just to stop me. Things went smooth for a bit. But now Daniel wasn't the same Daniel. Everytime I looked at him, wild things ran through my head, even his dude banter like 'suck my dick bro' or 'I'll fuck you' was turning me on. One time I was waiting for Henry, he had gone somewhere, and Daniel was with me, keeping me company, I was sitting on the stairs, and Daniel was shirtless, in his trousers, straight in front of me, while waiting, Daniel asked to pola-pola him (those of you who do not know what pola-pola is, its like caressing your fingers on someone's skin lightly, that it kinda tickles) so Daniel was facing me, so I had to like wrapp my hands around him to pola-pola him, while caressing, I slid my hands in his trousers and caressed my fingers on his ass, his didn't react just said 'did I said to go there?' I didn't respond but looked him in the eyes, my head was blank as to what I was doing and the only thought I had was to slam him against the wall and suck him off, Daniel said 'but it feels nice' I swear in that moment I was about to act on my thoughts but their father's voice came from above asking for Henry, Daniel replied to him 'papa Henry isn't home' while my hands were still in his trousers massaging his ass, another voice came 'who's downstairs then?' Daniel replied 'Alex (let's call me alex)'s here) his father continued 'oh Alex beta (son) come up' I blurted 'ughh' to Daniel and I went up, his father asked me to fetch his medicines from the pharmacy across the street. I came down and Daniel was hiding his hard on, and as I went down he grabbed me to put his hands on my shoulders in friendly manner and said let's goo. Later when I got home this whole situation confused me, did Daniel wanted to do more stuff? What happened? Later on, it kinda became normal for us. For example one time, we were playing ludo on his roof Henry was sleeping downstairs, and before playing Daniel said whoever losses will get smacking on his ass, I was like sure, and for the first round Daniel loosed, and he got up, slid his trousers down reveling his ass, and I smacking his ass, 2nd round I lost, and I just got up and Daniel removed my shorts a bit and smacked mine, while we were playing 3rd round Henry came up, I lost and we started laughing and joking but Daniel didn't bring smacking up like we've been doing something bad behind Henry, but I brought up, told Henry while laughing 'we were betting that whoever loses will get a smacking on his ass' Daniel played it like he forgot and went like 'ohh yess' and came and smacked my ass without removing my shorts.
Daniel has now become more flirty with me, touching me, even his dude banter to me is more like 'sexual' sometimes he grabs my face to almost like kiss me but never actually does. Even when I try to initiate something he turns it into a friendly thing, from example the just a few days back it was raining and Daniel removed his shirt, we were on the street outside their home, and Henry went up to help his dad on the stairs, and Daniel came close to me grabbed my face and pulled it near his, I was vaping so I had smoke in my mouth, I leaned in to release smoke in his mouth, and our lips almost touched, and then he pushed a lil back, but stayed there looking in my eyes that I had to say 'let go' for him to let go.

This all confuses me, I mean I do have hots for Daniel, and I do want to roll my tongue all over his well shaped peach, but Daniel's behaviour confuses me, does he want to do? Does he not want to do?
What do I do? Should I do? What if I do and this affects my friendship with Henry?
You should tease him tooo to see how far he will go
Umm, ig you people didn't like my last post, and it's removed, i won't post it again, and i'll ig skip this part. To add context to the story.

as time passed henry and i grew apart, we started having fights and arguments, and some time later i found out that henry was cheating on me all along, with his ex, he surely did break up at the start of our relationship, but he got back together with her shortly after, which I didn't knew and I had found out, things got ugly, we had huge fight, physical. I contemplated moving out, but I just couldn't, and I stayed. It was hard, even after we mended things, it wasn't smooth, I knew he was still with her, but I still stayed, ig I didn't wanted to loose my best friend between all this dating mess. We still had arguments and fights. Then covid hit and we moved back to our homes, it took me years to heal, like all of 2020 and 2021. The transition from dating and back to being friends was hard but we did it. And I was finally over him and accepted the reality that he's just my best friend. Later on his girlfriend actually broke up with Henry, which at first Henry didn't told me but later did.
Surely I loved Henry with all my heart, not just in platonic way but in every way, and the whole ugly mess still scares me to date anyone new. It is partly because in 2023 Henry and I started making out again, this time it wasn't in romantic way, but more like two friends blowing off steam. (Ik lol this is extremely complicated but ig it's life). And now thinking back ig this is the reason I haven't been able to date anyone new. Because I love Henry and is so comfortable with him in every way that meeting someone new and starting the whole cycle again just scares me and seems exhausted. Anyways, the romantic chapter with Henry is closed, I love him, and will always love him.
But what about Daniel? Didn't anything happen between you and him?
Umm, ig you people didn't like my last post, and it's removed, i won't post it again, and i'll ig skip this part. To add context to the story.

as time passed henry and i grew apart, we started having fights and arguments, and some time later i found out that henry was cheating on me all along, with his ex, he surely did break up at the start of our relationship, but he got back together with her shortly after, which I didn't knew and I had found out, things got ugly, we had huge fight, physical. I contemplated moving out, but I just couldn't, and I stayed. It was hard, even after we mended things, it wasn't smooth, I knew he was still with her, but I still stayed, ig I didn't wanted to loose my best friend between all this dating mess. We still had arguments and fights. Then covid hit and we moved back to our homes, it took me years to heal, like all of 2020 and 2021. The transition from dating and back to being friends was hard but we did it. And I was finally over him and accepted the reality that he's just my best friend. Later on his girlfriend actually broke up with Henry, which at first Henry didn't told me but later did.
Surely I loved Henry with all my heart, not just in platonic way but in every way, and the whole ugly mess still scares me to date anyone new. It is partly because in 2023 Henry and I started making out again, this time it wasn't in romantic way, but more like two friends blowing off steam. (Ik lol this is extremely complicated but ig it's life). And now thinking back ig this is the reason I haven't been able to date anyone new. Because I love Henry and is so comfortable with him in every way that meeting someone new and starting the whole cycle again just scares me and seems exhausted. Anyways, the romantic chapter with Henry is closed, I love him, and will always love him.
OMG I wanna hear about what happened with Daniel??

Can you tell me in private? Is there a love scene between the brothers?
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He has posted about Daniel, probably from a different account.
Now as if the whole situation with Henry wasn't complicated enough. Recently, afew months back, I developed a crush on Daniel. It isn't romantic kind (I've accepted that romance is not in the cards for me) but it's lust, pure carnal lust. It started ig back when I started working out again. I was struggling and I reached out to Daniel who was in shape and worked out frequently and he still is an active football play, which resulted in him having an amazing body, visible abs, athletic lean body, with cuts and everything. Plus he loves to show it off now. So I reached out to Daniel and asked him to train me for a few days so that once I get all the forms and angles right I'll workout at home by myself. He said 'sure, come to house by 10, when I workout and I'll train you' I did and when I got there, we went to the roof Henry came too, and Daniel removed his shirt, was only wearing shorts that too with no underwear (insert clown emoji). I have already seen Daniel shirtless a thousand times since 2016 when I moved back here, but idk this time, it was all slow-motion, light breeze hiting his hairs, droplets of sweat sliding through his abs, his low hanging shorts reveling his crack, his soft dick moving with each motion was hitting me in a new kind of way. I tried not to let my mind wander there, but it did, lots of dirty thoughts were talking place in my mind, on top of that when he tried to correct my positions, standing behind me or in front of me, or when I had to touch this upper body for support it was all too much.
At first I tried to ignore it, to stop my mind from having all these thoughts but the next day it was harder, so I decided not to train with Daniel and download a fitness app and took help from YouTube and Google, just to stop me. Things went smooth for a bit. But now Daniel wasn't the same Daniel. Everytime I looked at him, wild things ran through my head, even his dude banter like 'suck my dick bro' or 'I'll fuck you' was turning me on. One time I was waiting for Henry, he had gone somewhere, and Daniel was with me, keeping me company, I was sitting on the stairs, and Daniel was shirtless, in his trousers, straight in front of me, while waiting, Daniel asked to pola-pola him (those of you who do not know what pola-pola is, its like caressing your fingers on someone's skin lightly, that it kinda tickles) so Daniel was facing me, so I had to like wrapp my hands around him to pola-pola him, while caressing, I slid my hands in his trousers and caressed my fingers on his ass, his didn't react just said 'did I said to go there?' I didn't respond but looked him in the eyes, my head was blank as to what I was doing and the only thought I had was to slam him against the wall and suck him off, Daniel said 'but it feels nice' I swear in that moment I was about to act on my thoughts but their father's voice came from above asking for Henry, Daniel replied to him 'papa Henry isn't home' while my hands were still in his trousers massaging his ass, another voice came 'who's downstairs then?' Daniel replied 'Alex (let's call me alex)'s here) his father continued 'oh Alex beta (son) come up' I blurted 'ughh' to Daniel and I went up, his father asked me to fetch his medicines from the pharmacy across the street. I came down and Daniel was hiding his hard on, and as I went down he grabbed me to put his hands on my shoulders in friendly manner and said let's goo. Later when I got home this whole situation confused me, did Daniel wanted to do more stuff? What happened? Later on, it kinda became normal for us. For example one time, we were playing ludo on his roof Henry was sleeping downstairs, and before playing Daniel said whoever losses will get smacking on his ass, I was like sure, and for the first round Daniel loosed, and he got up, slid his trousers down reveling his ass, and I smacking his ass, 2nd round I lost, and I just got up and Daniel removed my shorts a bit and smacked mine, while we were playing 3rd round Henry came up, I lost and we started laughing and joking but Daniel didn't bring smacking up like we've been doing something bad behind Henry, but I brought up, told Henry while laughing 'we were betting that whoever loses will get a smacking on his ass' Daniel played it like he forgot and went like 'ohh yess' and came and smacked my ass without removing my shorts.
Daniel has now become more flirty with me, touching me, even his dude banter to me is more like 'sexual' sometimes he grabs my face to almost like kiss me but never actually does. Even when I try to initiate something he turns it into a friendly thing, from example the just a few days back it was raining and Daniel removed his shirt, we were on the street outside their home, and Henry went up to help his dad on the stairs, and Daniel came close to me grabbed my face and pulled it near his, I was vaping so I had smoke in my mouth, I leaned in to release smoke in his mouth, and our lips almost touched, and then he pushed a lil back, but stayed there looking in my eyes that I had to say 'let go' for him to let go.

This all confuses me, I mean I do have hots for Daniel, and I do want to roll my tongue all over his well shaped peach, but Daniel's behaviour confuses me, does he want to do? Does he not want to do?
What do I do? Should I do? What if I do and this affects my friendship with Henry?
Now as if the whole situation with Henry wasn't complicated enough. Recently, afew months back, I developed a crush on Daniel. It isn't romantic kind (I've accepted that romance is not in the cards for me) but it's lust, pure carnal lust. It started ig back when I started working out again. I was struggling and I reached out to Daniel who was in shape and worked out frequently and he still is an active football play, which resulted in him having an amazing body, visible abs, athletic lean body, with cuts and everything. Plus he loves to show it off now. So I reached out to Daniel and asked him to train me for a few days so that once I get all the forms and angles right I'll workout at home by myself. He said 'sure, come to house by 10, when I workout and I'll train you' I did and when I got there, we went to the roof Henry came too, and Daniel removed his shirt, was only wearing shorts that too with no underwear (insert clown emoji). I have already seen Daniel shirtless a thousand times since 2016 when I moved back here, but idk this time, it was all slow-motion, light breeze hiting his hairs, droplets of sweat sliding through his abs, his low hanging shorts reveling his crack, his soft dick moving with each motion was hitting me in a new kind of way. I tried not to let my mind wander there, but it did, lots of dirty thoughts were talking place in my mind, on top of that when he tried to correct my positions, standing behind me or in front of me, or when I had to touch this upper body for support it was all too much.
At first I tried to ignore it, to stop my mind from having all these thoughts but the next day it was harder, so I decided not to train with Daniel and download a fitness app and took help from YouTube and Google, just to stop me. Things went smooth for a bit. But now Daniel wasn't the same Daniel. Everytime I looked at him, wild things ran through my head, even his dude banter like 'suck my dick bro' or 'I'll fuck you' was turning me on. One time I was waiting for Henry, he had gone somewhere, and Daniel was with me, keeping me company, I was sitting on the stairs, and Daniel was shirtless, in his trousers, straight in front of me, while waiting, Daniel asked to pola-pola him (those of you who do not know what pola-pola is, its like caressing your fingers on someone's skin lightly, that it kinda tickles) so Daniel was facing me, so I had to like wrapp my hands around him to pola-pola him, while caressing, I slid my hands in his trousers and caressed my fingers on his ass, his didn't react just said 'did I said to go there?' I didn't respond but looked him in the eyes, my head was blank as to what I was doing and the only thought I had was to slam him against the wall and suck him off, Daniel said 'but it feels nice' I swear in that moment I was about to act on my thoughts but their father's voice came from above asking for Henry, Daniel replied to him 'papa Henry isn't home' while my hands were still in his trousers massaging his ass, another voice came 'who's downstairs then?' Daniel replied 'Alex (let's call me alex)'s here) his father continued 'oh Alex beta (son) come up' I blurted 'ughh' to Daniel and I went up, his father asked me to fetch his medicines from the pharmacy across the street. I came down and Daniel was hiding his hard on, and as I went down he grabbed me to put his hands on my shoulders in friendly manner and said let's goo. Later when I got home this whole situation confused me, did Daniel wanted to do more stuff? What happened? Later on, it kinda became normal for us. For example one time, we were playing ludo on his roof Henry was sleeping downstairs, and before playing Daniel said whoever losses will get smacking on his ass, I was like sure, and for the first round Daniel loosed, and he got up, slid his trousers down reveling his ass, and I smacking his ass, 2nd round I lost, and I just got up and Daniel removed my shorts a bit and smacked mine, while we were playing 3rd round Henry came up, I lost and we started laughing and joking but Daniel didn't bring smacking up like we've been doing something bad behind Henry, but I brought up, told Henry while laughing 'we were betting that whoever loses will get a smacking on his ass' Daniel played it like he forgot and went like 'ohh yess' and came and smacked my ass without removing my shorts.
Daniel has now become more flirty with me, touching me, even his dude banter to me is more like 'sexual' sometimes he grabs my face to almost like kiss me but never actually does. Even when I try to initiate something he turns it into a friendly thing, from example the just a few days back it was raining and Daniel removed his shirt, we were on the street outside their home, and Henry went up to help his dad on the stairs, and Daniel came close to me grabbed my face and pulled it near his, I was vaping so I had smoke in my mouth, I leaned in to release smoke in his mouth, and our lips almost touched, and then he pushed a lil back, but stayed there looking in my eyes that I had to say 'let go' for him to let go.

This all confuses me, I mean I do have hots for Daniel, and I do want to roll my tongue all over his well shaped peach, but Daniel's behaviour confuses me, does he want to do? Does he not want to do?
What do I do? Should I do? What if I do and this affects my friendship with Henry?
please continue your story