Trying Not To Jerk Off In The Mornings

I'm amazed you know they say productivity has actually increased during the pandemic with people wfh. How can that be, with millions of guys jerking off all over the place? Like you, my mind constantly wanders to my dick and I need to take it out and play with it. It's a constant distraction from what I'm supposed to be doing. I haven't the discipline to leave it alone.
DISCIPLINE! WTH! Your dick is the only toy a man gets that no one can take off him so play with it. When my little man is hard that means its play time no matter what time it is
Hey guys, curious if anyone has any thoughts on this. I am working from home (like a lot of us right now). I find that when I wake up and start my day I end up jerking off pretty much every morning. It is fun, and fine. But it kind of puts a cap on my day. Takes some of the 'edge' away. And stops me from building up a nice all-day-load for the night.

Obviously I know I can just stop Jerking in the morning. Problem solved!
But wondering if other guys have any thoughts on jerking first thing.

What's your habit/routine?
Do you do it every day?
Do you specifically abstain from Morning wanks?

Olha! Não vejo problema algum em continuar se masturbando pelas manhãs, todos os dias e etc. Muito pelo contrário, é benéfico! A masturbação é um "ansiolítico natural", ajuda muito em alguns quadros de ansiedade, ajuda à previnir à depressão, também! O problema é se você faz dá masturbação, algo que irá determinar o seu dia, exemplo: " Só me sinto bem, se me masturbo.". Ou, se você começa à olhar tudo e todos com malícia, sem limite algum para os pensamentos promíscuos, buscando sempre oportunidade para masturbar-se.
Eu não me abstenho de me masturbar pelas manhãs, se estou com vontade.
[QUOTE = "S_Dick, post: 63650681, member: 666717"] Olá pessoal, gostaria de saber se alguém tem alguma opinião sobre isso. Estou trabalhando em casa (como muitos de nós agora). Acho que, quando acordo e começo o dia, acabo me masturbando quase todas as manhãs. É divertido e ótimo. Mas isso coloca um limite no meu dia. Tira um pouco da 'vantagem'. E me impedir de construir uma boa carga durante todo o dia para uma noite.

Obviamente, eu sei que posso simplesmente parar de empurrar de manhã. Problema resolvido!
Mas me perguntando se outros caras têm alguma ideia sobre empurrar a primeira coisa.

Qual é o seu hábito / rotina?
Você faz isso todos os dias?
Você se abstém especificamente de punhetas mat
I jack off in the morning to give me the boost to start my day. After my morning orgasm, I find I have more patience to deal with the people and/or matters for the day.

Since I work from home these days, sometimes I crank one out in the late afternoon as well. However, I am single and I do not need to service another person at night, so I have that luxury of freedom to whack, or not whack off another in the late afternoon.
Eu ri muito!
DISCIPLINE! WTH! Your dick is the only toy a man gets that no one can take off him so play with it. When my little man is hard that means its play time no matter what time it is

Thanks bud. With your endorsement I'm gonna be wanking it morning, noon and night!
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Hey guys, curious if anyone has any thoughts on this. I am working from home (like a lot of us right now). I find that when I wake up and start my day I end up jerking off pretty much every morning. It is fun, and fine. But it kind of puts a cap on my day. Takes some of the 'edge' away. And stops me from building up a nice all-day-load for the night.

Obviously I know I can just stop Jerking in the morning. Problem solved!
But wondering if other guys have any thoughts on jerking first thing.

What's your habit/routine?
Do you do it every day?
Do you specifically abstain from Morning wanks?
Simple answer: It is not possible xD
I need to jack my cock every morning,theres no way around it,ive been doing it since i was 12-13 every morning and nite its a ritual i got into and cant stop and have no intention on doing so. Gotta love it guys, make those cocks shoot!
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I edge my cock every morning. Sometimes for up to 2 hours. I'm an early riser (no pun intended) and usually have 2-3 hours to myself before my wife crawls out of bed. I'll get a nice bead or two of precum and enjoy licking it off my finger. I'll usually cum a couple of times a week in the mornings and find that it provides a nice, mellow mood for the first half of the day.
I do playing with myself in the morning hours, which I can't avoid due to the morning wood that I'll get nearly everyday. I believed it's due to the rise of male hormone in the morning hours. I often would edge as much as I could. I'd rather cum when I've sex with my wife.
I wake every morning, like a lot of guys, with a great boner, and if I have the time I like to edge, but rarely cum. If I do I find it leaves me tired and slightly down. My motivation drops. I stay much sharper, mentally and physically, if I don't have an orgasm until night time. If I'm hitting the gym at some point in the day I also find any work out is easier and more satisfying if I've only edged and not cum.
My exception to this is if I have sex with someone during the day. Cumming from a good fuck doesn't seem to phase me..... morning, noon or night. I know the orgasm itself is the same biological function, but cumming from masturbation and cumming from sex seem to have totally different effects.
Exactly, This is exactly what I am talking about
I have to admit, over the last year I’ve just got into the habit of knocking one out every morning in the shower. It’s almost become part of the routine, its always a relative quickie, but nice. It doesn’t tend to affect me having a long edging one some nights or if I’m gonna have sex.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I basically have the routine over the last year of working from home: wake up with a strong morning wood, jerk in bed, and start my day. Think I might need to break the routine a bit.
I tend to jack off in the morning when I feel the need to do so. I get off work at Midnight and by the time I drive home and get cleaned up I'm usually too tired to do much of anything but go to bed. Some days I do it a bit later in the day before work, but most of the time in the morning when I first wake up.
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If I know I'm not having sex anytime soon, I usually bust a little after I wake up in the morning, which is one of the luxuries of working from home. I don't find being horny throughout the rest of the day to help me be any more productive or gives me any energy, so I usually jack off my morning wood. The only exception to this is if I'm scheduling time to masturbate or have sex and I want to edge myself to build up a bigger, more satisfying load for later.
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I do playing with myself in the morning hours, which I can't avoid due to the morning wood that I'll get nearly everyday. I believed it's due to the rise of male hormone in the morning hours. I often would edge as much as I could. I'd rather cum when I've sex with my wife.

I can’t focus properly on work when my cock is hot! I have to relieve myself first!
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Cumming in the morning ruins my desire to seek out something fun to do [with my dick] later in the day. Work from home has given me far more time with my cock than ever before - and I dig this, but..... yeah, when I unload before I log in for work, the rest of my day is all about work. And look, I'm way more productive working from home but I do miss that 'all day desire'.

The one exception I tend to make is on gym days. I do way better at the gym, want to stay there longer, work harder, and then let the jizz out after gym time.
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