Normally when people make those jokes, they dont mention deriving pleasure from it. Tubbo does all the time.
It's okay your favorite might be a bottom... its not the end of the world.
I have no problem with him being a bottom I just don't think you can be confident about that because he said a couple of jokes (and not all of them were about bottoming).
Both of y'all acting like verses aren't a thing. He's made jokes about deriving pleasure from bottoming and jokes about wanting to top others, like Tom Holland.
1) They're jokes. Yes, it's a view into his mindset and it's fun to theorize, but it's not impossible to simply assume he's acting more *queer* both for his audience and because he's getting more comfortable with himself, which is great either way.
2) He's not a virgin, but he's also not seeing anyone right now. I assume his lack of attention and affection with someone else is also a driving force to him acting out and saying certain things more frequently while live. Pretty sure last night on his alt he sat in bed and complained about not having anyone to share it with. He's definitely more open than before, at the very least.
3) Again, verse exists. Not everyone is focused 100% on bottoming or topping. He's shown an interest verbally in both. Both as jokes and others as more-so off comments while being tired.
Also yeah, this is a porn forum so there's no real reason to get into such an argument over whether or not our favorite minecraft youtuber likes taking dick up his ass or not. lol it's just silly, really.