uncut and learning to be happy


Someone DMd me asking if I have full coverage when hard. It’s almost full coverage? But my head peaks out a little bit.
Hi, and welcome!

I can relate (sort of) to your situation, though in reverse. I am cut, though loosely, and when I was younger, everyone I ever saw naked was also cut, except for one guy. He had been born in Europe, and he was different. I never heard anyone mention it or anything, but it certainly was distinctive and made me very curious. At that time I thought uncut cocks looked somehow incomplete, as though something was missing at the end, because you couldn't see the head. I didn't appreciate it was actually cut cocks that had something missing.

Later on I came to appreciate the natural intact penis a lot more. I am now very grateful that I still have what I guess to be about half my foreskin, but I would really like to be intact and have the whole thing. I'm very curious what would it have been like? Would I have had overhang, even half of what you have?

I have come more and more to believe in the saying "you can never be too rich or have too much foreskin". It's natural and it's supposed to be there, so I hope you can embrace your gift more and more. It's a blessing in my opinion, and I hope you are coming to feel that way too.
The terms “uncut” suggest that something needs to be done to a penis. Of course something needs to be done…leave it alone unless a medical issue dictates otherwise. The majority of penises, in their natural state, are fine and function quite well without any alteration. Many, even in the medical field, do not understand how all parts of the penis functions. What an average male is circumcised he looses 10,000 to 50,000 nerve endings. At maturity this amounts to approximately an area of 3 X 5 inches or 15 square inches of highly sensitive tissue. Do not take my word for these figure, check out for yourself.