Hi, and welcome!
I can relate (sort of) to your situation, though in reverse. I am cut, though loosely, and when I was younger, everyone I ever saw naked was also cut, except for one guy. He had been born in Europe, and he was different. I never heard anyone mention it or anything, but it certainly was distinctive and made me very curious. At that time I thought uncut cocks looked somehow incomplete, as though something was missing at the end, because you couldn't see the head. I didn't appreciate it was actually cut cocks that had something missing.
Later on I came to appreciate the natural intact penis a lot more. I am now very grateful that I still have what I guess to be about half my foreskin, but I would really like to be intact and have the whole thing. I'm very curious what would it have been like? Would I have had overhang, even half of what you have?
I have come more and more to believe in the saying "you can never be too rich or have too much foreskin". It's natural and it's supposed to be there, so I hope you can embrace your gift more and more. It's a blessing in my opinion, and I hope you are coming to feel that way too.