Uncut Issues - Getting Circumcised at 38?

Hey there - sorry you are experiencing such difficulties! Early in your note you say that you are 'small' - I assume the 5" is referring to you erect. If so, you are very slightly under what is now accepted as the average, with proper controlled measuring techniques.
As a Brit (and now living in Aus), uncut has always been the norm, so GPs are never quick to suggest a circumcision. Does the sensitivity you talk about also comes with some blotchy redness on your glans? That, plus the regular smegma build up, could be an indication of balanitis. I had a few bouts of this in my 30's and 40's and it's no fun - very sensitive, and jerking off regularly was kind of like scratching the itch, but possibly added to the irritation! Perhaps the black tea method mentioned by @freeballerlondon may help with that. In my case I tried antifungals (clotrimazole), which kind of helped, but on the advice of my local sexual health clinic I ended up sorting it out by just doubling my washing (so twice a day minimum, always after any sexual activity and any sweating from exercise), just with warm water, and use of sorbolene cream. Over a period of time it settled down and I don't seem to have had a recurrence for quite some time now.
I wish you well!
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Get it done, I had mine done at age 35, no regrets. I didn't know I could have asked to be cut high and tight. I have a loose cut, which allows the shaft skin to roll over onto the corona when my dick is soft. I don't like that. A higher cut would have prevented that.
Mine is very similar however I don’t mind as it has kept sensitivity to my helmet
I just had it done at the ripe age of 53. I suffered from Phimosis. My foreskin would tear when I would pull it back over the gland. Surgury was easy, the recovery was painful at first. After a couple days once the bandages fell off use a lot of ointment and kept it clean. A month later it’s super sensitive as I could never really expose the head. The Dr. gave me a loose cut. I have tried masterbating but it not the same. Hopefully it will get better with time.
Hey guys, so I’m uncut and don’t know what to do. I’ve got a pretty small penis (2.5” / 5” see attached), full foreskin coverage flaccid and some erect, and a whole range of issues with it. I’ve been rejected in some sexual encounters because of the appearance, and have had some hygiene and performance issues tied to it too.

First, my penis being small looks like more foreskin than anything. This has been not so well received by some partners as it’s kind of ugly according to them. Also because there is so much skin and wrinkles, there is often a smegma build up after a day and if nothing else it smells musky. When my penis is touched by a partner there is lots of precum and it’s very sensitive. I rarely last more than a few minutes as the glans is just crazy sensitive. The glans itself has an increasing amount of PPP that seem to have multiplied over the last year too.

So basically I’m wondering if I should just get circumcised to relieve these issues. I don’t have anything against being uncut - but it’s just these issues keep getting worse and I don’t know what to do. Feel free to look in my profile to see my penis, I appreciate any thoughts…
A low and tight circumcision will make you last longer as it reduces sensation. Will also fix hygiene issues and will look a lot better. Losing weight would be a good idea too.
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I got cut right before college, and never regretted it. Made open showers more fun, skinny dipping, urinal fun, and the occasional zulu. I didn't want to be the different one. Sure, it was a bit painful, but not bearable, i was bandaged for a few weeks, stitches dissolved nicely. Then done. I was afraid to jerk off for a while, took it slow, and then no issues at all. I'm still very sensitive to this day. But I really enjoy playing without being self conscience about it. I'd say go for it. The process has advanced since 1991. :) To each his own I guess. I still love an uncut Latio man.
I think my instructions were to remove the bandage the next day after the operation.
Honestly, what you describe don't seem like problems with your penis. They sound like self-esteem issues.

Like someone suggested, take care of yourself. Find nice people to be with who don't put you down for your perfectly normal penis. And pay attention to basic hygiene.

I promise you, despite those here who fetishize circumcision, it won't solve your problems and could result in more problems.
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Honestly, what you describe don't seem like problems with your penis. They sound like self-esteem issues.

Like someone suggested, take care of yourself. Find nice people to be with who don't put you down for your perfectly normal penis. And pay attention to basic hygiene.

I promise you, despite those here who fetishize circumcision, it won't solve your problems and could result in more problems.
Well-put! And like you said, those acucullophiles are the most insidious lot there is. One of the few truly harmful fetishes.
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It has been more than 3 months since you send an SOS, you have received several notices and it is time to make a decision: waiting any longer won't solve anything.
Either you try the advice given to keep your foreskin, if it works: no more problem.
Either you choose circumcision: you have received enough opinions to form an idea.
Make up your mind, no one can choose for you. The most important thing is to be happy!
It has been more than 3 months since you send an SOS, you have received several notices and it is time to make a decision: waiting any longer won't solve anything.
Either you try the advice given to keep your foreskin, if it works: no more problem.
Either you choose circumcision: you have received enough opinions to form an idea.
Make up your mind, no one can choose for you. The most important thing is to be happy!
Why don't you leave the poor man alone? Get your rocks off with someone less vulnerable.
Was cut in my 20's because of tight foreskin and short fren. I'm a similar size to you OP.

It fixed the pain I had so that was good. There isn't much sensation now on the penis head though. But I rather this than dealing with pain when playing with others. If you don't have an phimosis or short fren pain, then you might see less benefit. My head was hyper sensitive before, now feels little, so have to really work it. Putting a condom on seriously dulls it.

It does look smaller soft because like you I had quite a bit of foreskin before. Now when soft it doesn't look like it "hangs" any more, it looks like it is pointing straight out forwards, so it does look smaller. I think it looks a lot nicer erect though than being trapped in skin.

Its basically a lot of swings and roundabouts!