This is the true story of the events that transpired in my 3 years at college. I was told by a friend to post my college experience on here as he said it would do well on here and people would like it.
This happened 3 years ago in 2021, when I was 19.
My names Adam and I have lived in New York for the most of my life moving here when I was just 3, so I really liked growing up and living in a city, I’ve been to california, Alaska, Texas, and multiple other states but I just never liked them as much as New York City, which is why I was really nervous about going to college in Florida, at Florida state university.
All my friends were going to different universities all around the country so this was the first time I would be away from anyone I knew for that long in my whole life.
Before college I had a long term girlfriend who I had been going out with for about 3 years, we decided it was best that we ended things a couple months before college started as she had a scholarship for a university in England and we realised a long distance relationship really wouldn’t work across the other side of the world. I loved this girl so much so it was really hard to end things with her. We broke up in May before college and decided we shouldn’t hang out as much to make it easier before we went off but that was really hard for us and we actually ended up spending pretty much everyday with each other that summer, we must of had sex atleast 100 times in those few months before college started, we knew we didn’t have much time with each other so we did it everywhere, my house, her house, parks, movie theatres, changing rooms, the beach, we were fucking each other like crazy. Which in a sence made it even harder for when we left for college.
On my first day of college my parents dropped me off to my dorm and helped me move in, when I got their my roommates bed was empty so I knew he hadn’t moved in yet which was a good thing as I had an hour or two to settle in and say by to my parents before he came.
After my parents said their good byes, i unpacked all my stuff and awaited the arrival of my new room mate, I was quite nervous at this point as I knew I’d have to share my room for the next year with this boy. After about an hour had passed I was just scrolling through Instagram when I heard some voices in the corridor then some one open the door.
Two older people came through first a man and a woman, “hello, you must be Jacks room mate”, they said as they walked in with boxes full of stuff, “hey yes I guess I am” I replied, “jacks just brining in the rest of his stuff” , I nodded and smiled politely trying not to come off as nervous but I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest.
Then I saw him walking up to the door, carrying a big box of his belongings, Jack was a very tall guy, must be atleast 6 foot 4” , I always thought I was quite tall at 6ft but he was quite a bit taller than me having to duck as he came in through the door way, he put the box down and greeted me with a big smile straight away, “so nice to meet you man I’m Jack” he said smiling, “I’m Adam nice to meet you aswell” I replied. Jack was clearly a very good looking guy, was my first thought. I’ve been complimented on my looks a few times but Jack definitely much more good looking then I was, he could be a model was one of my first thoughts, I was completely straight and always had been with girls my whole life but I could not deny he was a very good looking guy, Jack was quite muscular obviously plays a lot of sports.
Jacks parents hugged him good bye and said they will let us settle in, after they left we started off with basic small talk such as where we’re from etc and a bit about our selves, “so where you from Jack” I asked whilst unpacking my clothes, “New Jersey. What about you?” He replied “oh no way I’m from New York” , “oh shit not far from me at all then” he replied with a big smile, “you play any sports?” He asked , “Yh I play football and do running can’t wait for try outs” I said back, “same bro yeah I play soccer, baseball and football, let’s go to football try outs next week , what position are you”?
“Normally I play wide receiver just cos of my speed I normally do quite well” I said back to jack, “oo a fast boy are we, I’m a quarter back” he said to me, “I knew you were gonna be a quarter back” I said to him, jack laughs “how did u know what?”. “Just because you’re quite muscular and tall so you had to be”. Jack laughed “u got me” he said laughing holding his hands up, me and Jack ended up talking for the next couple hours about anything and everything, he was really talkative and engaged in all the conversations back and forth, we spoke about , sports , high school , girls . “U got a girlfriend?” He asked, “had one bro but we decided to break up before college” I said to him , “no way that’s the exact same with me and my girlfriend, I broke up with her 2 weeks ago because I didn’t want to come to college in a relationship felt like I’d be tied down and I feel like the whole college experience is just fucking as many girls as possible” Jack said back , this made me laugh, “how long were u together” i said, “only 6 months so not too long, what abt you?” , “was about 3 years “ I replied, “damn well atleast we can get back on it together” he said patting me on the back, “you thought abt joining a frat” I asked him, I already knew what the answer was in my head as he looked exactly like a frat boy. “Most definitely, and you ?” he replied, “Yh I’m still debating it “ I said to him , “come on man you have to, let’s try join the same frat” he said smiling. “Okay deal” I felt swayed already, plus it would be good joining with someone you already sorta know, even thought I’ve only known him for a few hours our friendship had already begun.
“Let’s aim for Alpha Delta Phi, I’ve heard good things from my older brother” he said to me, “sounds good to me “ i said, “we need to be heavily involved if we want to get in so let’s go down and check it out”.
Rush week is basically a week long series of events where u can meet your fraternity members and get a feel for the frat and by the sounds of it Jack was very keen on getting in to Alpha delta Phi.
We agreeed to go down and get a feel for it, “I just need to quickly change I feel sweaty in these clothes” I said to Jack, “same with me” he replied, I took my top off and tried to find some deodorant in one of my bags, “jeeez ur quite ripped” he said to me looking at my abs , I laughed “yh I do a shit load of running so kind of need to be fit for it” I replied. I put on some deodorant and put a new t shirt on, behind me I heard the rustling of a belt comming off, I turned around and Jack was now in just his boxers rustling around for some clothes, he turned around “I cant find my shorts” he said standing their in his white boxers, Jack clesrly had a very muscular body, with big arms and a defined 6 pack, “Jack your way more ripped than me wtf” I said, Jack smirked , “thanks dude Yh I go gym like everyday need to maintain the body for football” he said back to me as he pulled some shirts on and a t shirt.
As we left the halls and walked down to the event at the alpha delta phi house we saw multiple freshman just like us walking to the frat house, for the event, when ever we walked past a group of girls they would always smile at Jack and some even giggle, Jack smiled every time this happened as he new they thought he was good looking, Jack was atleast a 9.5/10 in the looks and body department or even a 10 and I I’d say I was about and 8/10. Judging from the past girls I’ve hooked up with. “I think those girls like the look of you bro” I said to Jack, “nah their clearly looking at you aswell, we could make a good team here” he said to me messing up my hair with his hand.
We walked untill we arrived at the frat house, and this it where it all began…