Links Unexpected happenings in gay porn

Well since my last post some years back, let’s update my shocks.

Austin Wolf, Blu Kennedy and Trent Olson going down.

Devin Franco being a follower and lover of the withered peach man and the red hat brigade. He joins the likes of Ricky Larkin, Ricky Decker, Big C Men and Jaxton Wheeler.

The copious amount of “gay” men in porn celebrating and sharing their joy of loosing their gold stars.

The murder of the owner of The Guy Site and the immediate deletion of the site.

The unexpected and sudden passing of Tyler Roberts and Randy of Sean Cody.

Future ramifications of the new government and their policies on pornography.
Well since my last post some years back, let’s update my shocks.

Austin Wolf, Blu Kennedy and Trent Olson going down.

Devin Franco being a follower and lover of the withered peach man and the red hat brigade. He joins the likes of Ricky Larkin, Ricky Decker, Big C Men and Jaxton Wheeler.

The copious amount of “gay” men in porn celebrating and sharing their joy of loosing their gold stars.

The murder of the owner of The Guy Site and the immediate deletion of the site.

The unexpected and sudden passing of Tyler Roberts and Randy of Sean Cody.

Future ramifications of the new government and their policies on pornography.
@PeachyDistance I would say the greater shock is that Blu has or had a bf who's an adolescent psychiatrist and went down with him.
@PeachyDistance I would say the greater shock is that Blu has or had a bf who's an adolescent psychiatrist and went down with him.
Thanks for reminding me. You’re so right and Trent got caught messing with his little 8yo brother and selling the vids. It was that creepy troll thing Daniel Hausser who found the vid on his phone and called police. They both are ick to the extreme.
the dethroning of Austin Wolff and others to follow: Legrand Wolf and Papi Kocic
I am aware of what happened with Austin, what what about Legrand? Are you able to provide context or direct me to any info, I'm new on this forum so if there is a thread that discusses this type of drama/news would be appreciated
I am aware of what happened with Austin, what what about Legrand? Are you able to provide context or direct me to any info, I'm new on this forum so if there is a thread that discusses this type of drama/news would be appreciated
I don't think anything has happened... yet. The author was saying he's a very likely next target if the division is on a roll to snag "celebrity" content creators for maximum PR value. Austin's crimes appear egregiously deliberate. Legrand makes a point of filming with partners who look the part. For his sake I really hope they actually aren't but even the appearance is cringe.

What's worrisome for all of us is that bad sh#t could find its way into a forum we like which is otherwise very adult, and even though you'd scroll right past it and not engage would its mere presence in a place you frequent constitute possession if you unwittingly get snagged in a trap.


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The concept of "gold star" is so cringe and outdated tbh
I disagree. I find nothing wrong with gay men saying that they’re gold or platinum stars. It’s a way of gays/homosexual men to celebrate their strict homosexuality. Especially with such a push for fluidity or straying away from their sexuality. Not everyone believes in the fluid push. I’m proud to call myself a platinum stars gay.
I disagree. I find nothing wrong with gay men saying that they’re gold or platinum stars. It’s a way of gays/homosexual men to celebrate their strict homosexuality. Especially with such a push for fluidity or straying away from their sexuality. Not everyone believes in the fluid push. I’m proud to call myself a platinum stars gay.
I mean, there's not just one way to be gay. Saying stuff like "I'm a platinum star gay" doesn't make you better or stand out amongst other gays. "Oooh, look at me, i've never touched a vagina in my life", guess what, no one cares.
What is this "Gold Star" thing you speak of? I'm very much out of the loop :neutral:
A gold star gay is a man who has never had sex with a women. At 62 I fit the definition as I have never had any desire to have sex with women. It all seems silly to me that anyone takes this seriously.

I should get a gold star for how good I am at deep throating.🌟
I mean, there's not just one way to be gay. Saying stuff like "I'm a platinum star gay" doesn't make you better or stand out amongst other gays. "Oooh, look at me, i've never touched a vagina in my life", guess what, no one cares.
I’m curious as to why it offends you so much. It’s just a term that many gays use. It’s not an elevation tactic, it’s just a recognition for us gay men who haven’t strayed away from our homosexuality. Do you get upset if someone calls themselves upper class due to their income status? Do you get upset if someone has a greater job title than you? It doesn’t mean that they’re better than you, it’s their classification that is used mainstream.

The only reason I could see someone getting irritated with the term is if that person themself has had some attraction to the opposite sex or has strayed away from completely being with the same sex. Therefore they feel some awkwardness about the term being used. If anything that’s a personal matter for them to solve themselves. Projecting that anger on the term or the people using the term is unnecessary.

It’s not really that deep to believe that saying gold/platinum gay is making a gay better. Taking it so seriously is absolutely ridiculous to me. Matter of fact when guys use this term towards one another, we do it in a playful and jovial manner.
I’m curious as to why it offends you so much. It’s just a term that many gays use. It’s not an elevation tactic, it’s just a recognition for us gay men who haven’t strayed away from our homosexuality. Do you get upset if someone calls themselves upper class due to their income status? Do you get upset if someone has a greater job title than you? It doesn’t mean that they’re better than you, it’s their classification that is used mainstream.

The only reason I could see someone getting irritated with the term is if that person themself has had some attraction to the opposite sex or has strayed away from completely being with the same sex. Therefore they feel some awkwardness about the term being used. If anything that’s a personal matter for them to solve themselves. Projecting that anger on the term or the people using the term is unnecessary.

It’s not really that deep to believe that saying gold/platinum gay is making a gay better. Taking it so seriously is absolutely ridiculous to me. Matter of fact when guys use this term towards one another, we do it in a playful and jovial manner.
"gays/homosexual men to celebrate their strict homosexuality", "gay men who haven’t strayed away from our homosexuality."
You make it sound like being gay is some kind of cult that pushes you away if you believe in the concept of fluidity. Again, there's no one way to be gay and there's nothing wrong with exploring your sexuality.
"gays/homosexual men to celebrate their strict homosexuality", "gay men who haven’t strayed away from our homosexuality."
You make it sound like being gay is some kind of cult that pushes you away if you believe in the concept of fluidity. Again, there's no one way to be gay and there's nothing wrong with exploring your sexuality.
No one made that claim or anything remotely close to that. :emoji_unamused:
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No one made that claim or anything remotely close to that. :emoji_unamused:
Sounds like some self projecting from his end but it’s cool. Can’t win them all. I’m for one am not gonna go back and forth with them.
I was referring to his "You make it sound like being gay is some kind of cult that pushes you away if you believe in the concept of fluidity."
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When women started frequently appearing in gay porn, like all the crap MEN/Bromo etc. create now, I don't know who finds this "guys gets fucked behind his wifes back" stuff exciting, bisexuals I guess ?
But then we wouldn't have her... right-in-front-of-my-salad.gif