Major heads up for a Canadian film I caught at Sundance called Violation that's being released by streaming service Shudder on March 25th. One of the leads Jesse LaVercombe truly goes all out in one of the most graphic (though thematically purposeful, I suppose) displays of male nudity I've seen in a "mainstream" film (compared to most of the ones talked about here). There's a chance some of it will be cut down or out, but Shudder has added films like Stranger by the Lake before, so hopefully not.
Not gonna go into detail because it'll definitely be posted here straight away, but expect a brightly lit masturbation scene with closeups, other clear erect shots, many flaccid shots, and some ass shots as he's fully nude in several scenes that take place during the same time frame. Some of the scenes he's nude in are disturbing and bloody as it's a very violent film (you can get a gist of the plot if you read reviews) — the film deals with sexual violence, but thankfully, his nudity doesn't involve that (visually at least).
Basically, it's gonna be posted about constantly if the scenes stay in tact. And I guess if it's relevant (personally, I don't care much), yeah, it's pretty big. Not good at eyeballing, but 7 inches possibly. I was drinking though and this is just my memory.