Photo Urethras, Piss Slits & Cum Holes

Along with my foreskin fascination i love looking at guys piss slits as all different sizes. Many years ago i was playing with an uncut guy rolled his foreskin back and he had a large piss slit he loved sounding and wanted me to put my lubed pinky finger up there. Also fascinated by due to the size of the piss slit on the volume thickness and stream force when a guy pisses too.
I've sounded off-and-on over the years and in the course of a year of regular (every other day, for a 20 minute stretching, static session) sounding I was able to stretch my slit so that I could comfortably sound with a homemade 3/8" dia polished rod. Now several online vendors offer a very-short, stubby penis plug, designed to be quickly inserted & removed, for simply stretching/modifying the slit. I'm tempted to buy one of these slit-stretching plugs and start wearing often, to see if I can develop the locker room "I know that you sound" look. -Dale