nobody sees a watch. and that’s not even his bathroom.

yea i’m mad as FUCK. You pussy ass niggas stay posting shit that has nothing to do with the thread. People will stop watching and or sharing. Fuck nigga. Go play in traffic
says the one fucking up the thread even more by starting shit. Lord go jerk off u seem STRESSED

literally him he was baited I found it on Twitter also same thing he wears in his videos and same wa

literally him he was baited I found it on Twitter also same thing he wears in his videos and same watch
Let the girls try to down play my files when I blessed them lol the girls that know, know I don’t have to prove nothing lol
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says the one fucking up the thread even more by starting shit. Lord go jerk off u seem STRESSED
Ain’t nobody starting shit; you felt the need to respond to my question with a statement and not an answer. Wasting not only my time but yours as well. Why haven’t you played in traffic yet? Oh, forgot….u busy setting that alarm so u can wake up for that 9-5 amazon warehouse job.
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