Dude, I had mine done last Friday 29th - easiest thing ever.
I went with the No-Scalpel method. I was in and out in less than an hour. Healing has been straight forward, no pain at all, more a dull ache. Nothing that needed anything more than a couple of ibuprofen. I've been following the doctor's recommendations to the letter, spent 2 days doing fuck all - on the third day I showered and went back to work - again, it was tender but nothing major and now (Day 5) that dull ache is all but gone.
The keyhole is healing well, still sore to the touch (so don't touch it). My Dr told me it would be about 2 - 3 weeks before the ache was gone completely and the keyhole pretty much completely healed.
No sex or masturbation for 7 days and I've got to ejaculate 30 times at least over the next 16 weeks to ensure the pipes are completely cleared of seamen. The Dr made a point of telling me not to try and do 30 times in one day.
anyway fella - let me know if you have any questions - but it's really straight forward.