You remind me so much of a guy in my college dorm. Despite a lesser endowment, he was perfectly comfortable with public nudity. Like stripping down to change clothes on a beach, or swimming nude in a canal.Yep - to echo what others have said, if your penis is small, so what? If you’re confident and own it, it will not have a negative impact on your love life (or life in general) at all. Here’s me, just out if the shower this evening. You can’t even see my cock! But doesn’t bother me
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I don't remember clearly enough to quote any specific conversation, but he explained his attitude when the topic came up in the dorm: he did wish he had a bigger dick, and he did want the freedom to undress. His attitude was that he wasn't capable of getting a bigger dick so he didn't really need to do anything about that, but he was perfectly capable of undressing so he just went ahead and did it.
He said something to the effect of If I let it inhibit me, then it would just make me nervous and resentful for letting it inhibit me. No point in that!